Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1098: Mickey Mouse Borrowing a Knife to Kill

In Disney’s ceo office, Robert Iger lost his iconic smile. He is about to turn 65 years old. He has gone through various Disney changes and solved countless troubles personally. It seems that it is difficult to see emotional fluctuations from him. The whole person is as gentle as jade, and whenever he smiles, he is like the Mickey Mouse in the children's hearts, so friendly and cute, people can't help being close. 35xs

But at this moment, Robert Iger put on a rare serious expression, looking at the director Michael Froman, who was sitting on the opposite side, silent.

"Hey, Robert, don't do that, what can't you say?" Michael Froman didn't calm down, and said with a sneer.

Robert Iger was still staring at him, as if trying to see through his mind through his eyes, trying to figure out what was in this man's head, was it a mass of shit?

Finally, when the atmosphere was extremely suppressed, Robert spoke, "Michael, how long have you been on the Disney board?"

Michael Froman breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person returned to a relaxed state, as long as he spoke.

"How long? I don't remember, 7 years? Or 8 years?"

Robert shook his head, "Anyway, you are also an old man of Disney. You have also witnessed Disney step by step to this day. Have you forgotten that all of this is the result of our hard work, not sitting at home. , God smashed all this on your head."

"Of course I remember, Robert, what did you want to say when you called me?" Michael Froman is not pretending to be a fool. He has been rushing parties and receptions these days. He has no time to pay attention to the company's situation, let alone know that the company is about to come. The film that was released was sniped, and the cause was still his will.

Robert was extremely disappointed. The Disney he had built by himself hadn't become famous yet, and there were already people lying on the books of merit and doing their best.

"Forget it, I don't want to talk about the extra nonsense. I called you here to inform you that the digging operations against the new era media will stop immediately. Now, immediately, immediately, you understand?" Robert Iger has forgotten, himself How many years have you not spoken to colleagues in this tone?

Sure enough, Michael Froman looked blank, even a little stunned, looking at Robert Iger in a daze, as if he knew this person for the first time.

"Why?" murmured.

Robert Iger frowned and was extremely disappointed with the man in front of him. There is no cure for such a person who has made a mistake without knowing it.

"Why? You still have the face to ask why? Did you ask why when you made this decision?"

Robert Iger smashed a fist on the table, stood up and opened his mouth to Michael Froman, spitting stars frantically.

For a moment, Michael Froman suddenly saw the shadow of the former Disney tyrant-Michael Eisner.

However, since he has achieved the position of director of Disney, he is no ordinary person after all. Although he is suppressed by Robert Iger's momentum, he is not without the power to counterattack. He calmed down quickly and asked coldly, "Robert, what are you going crazy?" At that time, the decision on New Era Media was passed by the board of directors."

"Bullshit, that is not a formal board resolution at all, it is just your private agreement."

Michael Froman spread his palms and said, "Ok, even if it’s a private decision, what about it? We are Disney. A young man who just entered the Hollywood market doesn’t understand the rules to rush to eat with us, so we must do it well. Prepare for revenge."

Robert Iger was instantly angry. Is this the overall thinking of Disney now? Do not allow others to stand up and compete?

Sit back on the boss’s chair, change his face in a second, and regain his former gentle image, “So, if you can avenge others, others can avenge you. It’s fair, isn’t it?”

Michael Froman looked incomprehensible when he curled his eyebrows. "That **** Chinese kid dares to avenge us? What's the situation?"

Robert Iger suddenly became very patient, or nasty. Anyway, he added more energy and jealousy to tell the story again, and then he held his shoulders with a playful smile, waiting for the director to say something irritating.

"Damn, he dared to attack our movie? To fight back, we must fight back immediately, no matter if I did it wrong or not, as long as I'm still at Disney for a day, we must stand on the same front and deal with dare to challenge The dignified person of Disney must give the bloodiest blow.” Michael Forroman waved his arms, like the chief who mobilized the soldiers before the war began, inciting people's hearts with very seductive words, making everyone want to wait. Immediately put the gun on the horse for a desperate fight with the enemy.

Robert Iger also had to admit that Foreman’s words were correct to some extent. As long as he is still at the helm of Disney, he must safeguard Disney’s interests, even if he did it Outsiders come to punish.

From this perspective, Robert Egger also has a domineering heart under his seemingly friendly appearance.

However, his thoughts are more than this. From this incident, Robert Iger discovered a problem that made him tremble. The atmosphere of Disney is not right now. If it is allowed to develop, it will be sooner or later that it will fall apart. The person who put Disney on the throne again, he must not let the situation go out of control, he must stop the loss in time, even if he needs to cut a piece of meat for this.

It's just that I'm sorry for the kid in New York for this matter, and Iger was thinking a little guilty in his heart.

That's right, he was going to kill someone with a knife, and with Yang Cheng, this peerless sword, cut off the source of the bacteria first. As for whether Yang Cheng would be injured by this, Robert Egger said God bless.

"So, what do you want to do?" Iger teased Forroman's fighting nerves inadvertently.

Michael Froman is really not a vegetarian, and he asks a little thoughtfully, "Since he dared to attack our movie, why don't we retaliate back with the same means? I don't know much about it. Is there any new movie in New Era Pictures recently? In theaters?"

Robert Iger had read the report before and was quite clear about the recent trends of major Hollywood companies, but he deliberately checked it on the computer before he said, “Don’t say it, it’s true. The sequel to the big-bang R-rated film-"Fifty Shades of Darkness"."

Froman raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Oh, I know, let alone, this film is really hot. It's lucky to be able to make s~ so profitable, but their luck ends here."

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