Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1103: Bronx

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   "Did the company call?"

   Old John shook his head and persuaded, "No, jason, Ryze and the others will handle the company's affairs, so you should be relieved to recover."

   Yang Cheng is indeed uncomfortable, dizzy and throat rising, smoking, even drinking a few glasses of ice water is not good.

   Liu Yun did not stay at home for long after all. After sitting with Yang Cheng for a while, she was called to the company by one after another.

   Yang Cheng, who was boring in bed, picked up the phone and sent a few messages to Luo, but the result was nothing.

This girl has been working on a big project recently, let alone sending messages, the time for calling is always rushed, and Yang Cheng is not easy to rush. To some extent, Luo and Liu Yun are very much like family. It’s the kind of more traditional women who have been instilled in the concept of being a husband and a child from birth, but with the growth of age and the increase of social experience, once they are engaged in work, they will lose sight of each other and focus on work. And strive to do our best.

Yang Cheng will not complain about this. He does not want his wife to stay at home every day. His only hobby is to go shopping with other noble ladies, beautifying, showing off her husband, and sunbathing. He has no nutrition at all and is busy with work occasionally. It's pretty good, at least it won't make her married life become monotonous and boring, and Yang Cheng will get bored after a long time.

   sent another message to remind her to take a break, so she ignored it.

   At this time, Old John led the nurse in and said to Yang Cheng, "We have to continue to fight the anti-inflammatory bottle."

   Yang Cheng politely smiled at the nurse, thanked him, and handed out his left hand.

It takes some time to hang up the water. The nurse can’t leave. He was taken to rest by the servant. Old John was also sent away by Yang Cheng. On a whim, he took a photo of the place where the needle was buried in his left hand with his mobile phone, and then sent it to a person in South Korea. Irene.

   haven't molested this girl after coming back, the rhythm can't be chaotic.

   was also drunk, and she didn't forget to pick up girls when she was sick.

  Counting the time, it is the prime time of the night in Korea. Irene should be resting, right?

   Sure enough, he didn't let him wait long, and Irene replied, "Oppa is sick?"

   Yang Cheng smiled, the speed of one-handed typing was not slow at all, and replied in a pitiful tone, "Yes, I got a cold, I burned it all night."

   Irene cared, "What can I do?"

   "It's okay, just hit a few bottles, are you in the dormitory?"

Irene didn't think much, and said truthfully, "No, thanks to the help of oppa, the company lifted the ban, and our activity has increased a lot these days, and the agent told us that the company is ready to release a new album for us. "

   Yang Cheng secretly said that Jin Yingmin is a sensible person, typing quickly on his hands, "That's good, call me if you have anything to do, you are welcome, you are welcome to come to America after you are busy."

   "Thank you oppa, I will definitely go if I have a chance."

   Yang Cheng patted his forehead and scolded himself fiercely, "Idiot, isn't this just killing God."

   Forget it, there is so much time for picking up girls, just a few simple conversations to maintain a good relationship, too much.

   Yang Cheng is very optimistic to find a step for herself.

   But he changed his mind and put the call directly on Liu Jianjun's cell phone. He was not so polite to the man, "Lao Liu is me, has the director surnamed Cui solved it?"

   Liu Jianjun still wondered why Yang Cheng called so late. He had just entered the house, and he hadn’t waited to show his father’s love with his daughter, which was really depressed.

When he heard Yang Cheng’s words, he immediately cheered up. This is a task assigned by the boss himself, and should not be missed. "Boss, the one with the surname Cui is very easy to deal with. I sent someone to check his bank account and found him. There was a recent investment failure. Although it will not make him bankrupt, if the loss cannot be filled as soon as possible, it will not be far from bankruptcy."

   Yang Cheng listened quietly, but did not comment.

   "So I made people confuse him to embezzle the company's money to fill his hole. For the time being, he was still very vigilant and did not take any action, but the seeds have been buried, just waiting for the harvest."

   Liu Jianjun’s plan was good, Yang Cheng slowly sorted it out and found no loopholes, but he was still unsatisfied. For those who offend him, he can't wait to be executed immediately. Revenge must not be overnight.

"You push a hand behind. The surnamed Cui has no money, so he will definitely find a way to make money. You set up a bureau to tie up his last funds. When he is forced to helplessly, he can only embezzle the company's money. Fill out the account." Yang Cheng's voice sounded a little hoarse, and the chilly feeling in Liu Jianjun's ears was heard, and the boss was still ruthless in her heart.

   But he has no opinion. It is similar to Yang Cheng's philosophy. He doesn't have any good feelings about male sticks. "It's the boss, I will make arrangements tomorrow."

   Yang Cheng expressed satisfaction with a hum, and then said, "By the way, is there any progress on Li Zhiyu?"

   Before he left, he instructed Liu Jianjun to watch the process of establishing Li Zhiyu's clubhouse. This clubhouse was related to the 13th club's mission, and there must be no mistakes.

   Liu Jianjun immediately said, "The boss can rest assured, Li Zhiyu moves quickly and is full of energy. He doesn't even blink when he spends money. He seems to be preparing to do it as a lifelong career.

   At present, Li Zhiyu has already started to buy a Han River tour company on the Han River. The company has a wharf and two sightseeing boats. The performance is not very good, and it doesn't cost much to take it off. "

   Yang Cheng nodded. Li Zhiyu's efficiency is very high. This is exactly what he needs. The mission period of the 13 club is only one year. If a club is established, it will take half a year. Then the day lilies will be cold.

   "You watched me closely. You can help him when he needs it. I want this club to be established as quickly as possible."

"It's the boss. Li Jiyu has good abilities. He has ordered the decoration team of Sanxing to enter. He is going to renovate the company's building on the riverside and decorate it with the highest level of specifications. At the same time, he is also investigating South Korea. Some top restaurants are planning to dig a celebrity chef to join and provide the most advanced catering services in the clubhouse."

   Yang Cheng is not interested in these details, "Okay, you don't need to tell me about these things, you just need to keep an eye on them, and report to me whenever you need to."

   hung up the phone, Yang Cheng planned how to carry out tasks after the club was established. After thinking for a long time, the more he thought about it, the more headache he got. Sure enough, it was not suitable to use his brain during the illness. Yang Cheng found a very reasonable reason for himself.

  . . .

   Two days later, Yang Cheng's condition improved, she no longer had a fever, and she seemed to be more energetic, but she coughed twice from time to time, which proved that the cold was not clear.

  Don't come and plan to continue to nurse at home, but he got up early and left home by car.

   The solemn and elegant Maybach Zeppelin is driving on the slightly deserted streets of Manhattan. It is not yet at the peak. The old beauties who are used to going to bed late should be still asleep at this time.

   The sky hasn't been fully illuminated yet, and it's so gray and gloomy, there is a sense of being in Gotham City in the comics.

   Yang Cheng, who was sitting in the back row, closed her eyes and rested, still thinking about the inexplicable envelope Hansen received yesterday.

It is a white envelope with a relatively small size. It is usually used for travel card postcards. In fact, it is indeed a postcard when it is opened, but the front of the card is not a landscape, but the Bronx, the northernmost area of ​​New York. The old-fashioned building full of graffiti, if it weren't for Hansen's carefulness, he found the specific location on Google through the postal code of the unit building, Yang Cheng thought it was a prank.

   On the north side of the card is a handwritten sentence, "Come to see me at 6 tomorrow morning~"

   The signature is Gina, and the bald eagle stamp is pressed on the name.

The owner of the card is obvious. Yang Cheng and her have been in love for a long time. I didn’t expect that the other party suddenly appeared and asked to meet each other. They also worked out such a mysterious trick. The purpose is that only those who meet will know what Hansen is worried about. It was a trap. Yang Cheng didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He wasn't afraid, anyway, holding their handle in his hand, dare to frame him? Then get ready to step down.

Compared to Queens and Brooklyn, as the northernmost district among the five boroughs of New York, the Bronx has always had a low reputation in the outside world, and even many outsiders don’t know that New York has such a It is also the result of the deliberate downplay of the New York City Hall. After all, the Bronx was once a notorious place with extremely poor public security, and the crime rate was one of the highest in the United States.

From the 1970s to the 1980s, large-scale arson incidents frequently occurred in residential areas in the Bronx. Until the early 1990s, New York City ZF felt that the existence of such a district would greatly affect the image and reputation of New York City and began to work. The hard blow has not improved until today.

However, even if the overall public security environment is greatly improved than before, many people still feel scared when talking about the Bronx. There is a sense of discoloration when talking about the Bronx. Anyway, locals generally avoid going there, and tourists avoid it. Too much, he dared to travel with each other during the day, and absolutely refused to sway alone on the street at night, his reputation was comparable to a hell's kitchen.

But the Bronx is not useless. It has the most parkland in New York. The home of the famous New York Yankees is located here. The street art atmosphere of the Bronx is strong. Many artists and even singers were born here. The most famous Jennifer Lopez is the Latin queen.

   In fact, in the early years, the residents of the Bronx were mainly white immigrants, and the overall economic foundation was fairly good, and even reached the stage of wealth once.

However, after World War II, due to the aging of regional infrastructure, other regions have slowly emerged. The original white people moved out, and the immigrants were mainly African and Latino immigrants with little money. The economy has slowly declined, and it was once become In the slums with the highest unemployment rate, the crime rate remains high, even white people without money are unwilling to live here, let alone Asians who have always paid attention to public security.

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