Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1104: Meet the female general

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Yang Cheng and the others came out early and didn’t eat at home. When the car drove into the Bronx, it was just 5:30, and there was still a long way to go before the appointment. Yang Cheng told Andrew to park the car at a 24-hour shop. In front of McDonald’s, and asked Hansen to get off the car and buy some fast food to satisfy his hunger.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Cheng looked at the streets of the Bronx through the car window. The area just past was the most famous Grand Plaza Avenue in the Bronx, which is equivalent to Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, except that Fifth Avenue was Luxury brand stores and well-known company headquarters are occupied, but both sides of Grand Plaza Avenue, um. . . Turkish pizza, McDonald's, these are the most high-end brands.

Parking is free on the streets here, but almost all the parking spaces are already occupied. Even the red lines and fire hydrants have been occupied by cars stolen from unknown sources.

It's early morning and it's cold winter again. Let alone cars on the street, there is not even a homeless man. The empty streets are roaring with the cold wind, full of bleakness.

Hansen is arguing with a lackluster clerk. Obviously he is very dissatisfied with the attitude of the waiter who is not doing his job properly, but there is only this restaurant around him. Hansen is not willing and can't leave. He can't eat, he can recover from his illness. Yang Orange can't be eaten.

After buying good things, Andrew restarted the car and drove slowly towards the destination. Yang Cheng observed while eating the burger. He found that the streets in the Bronx were much cleaner and cleaner than those in Brooklyn, and one or two occasionally popped up. A person who got up early for work did not have the panic as imagined, but seemed very calm and relaxed. A few of them also had friendly smiles, even if there was an empty street in front of him.

Yang Orange shook his head, this area is really weird.

After a few laps around the target building, after passing the time, I finally stopped in front of the graffiti wall. A black Escalade, an F~B~I special car, was parked in front of it. Seeing that the car's exhaust is still smoking, obviously It didn't take long for it to turn off.

Yang Cheng pushed the door and got out of the car. With a whistling cold wind, she got in from the neckline, and she shivered with the cold.

He took a sip and cursed, "Damn the weather, **** old woman~"

Winning a wink at Hans, Hansen immediately moved to the side of Escalade and knocked on the glass of the co-pilot.

After knocking the glass down a few times, Hansen probed in and said something to the people inside, then came back and said, "Boss, people are upstairs, we need to climb stairs."

Yang Cheng raised his head and glanced at the 5-story old building, and sighed, "Let's go, go up and see what tricks this woman does."

Yoke Yoke climbed five floors and saw Gina Hespel wearing glasses standing with his back to the stairs. Opposite them stood two ordinary-looking men, apparently her agents.

Hearing the footsteps, Gina turned her head back in response. The yellow-skinned face that had only been seen in the photo before had already arrived in front of her, "Good morning, Mr. Yang, you have a hard time running early in the morning."

This didn't sound like an apology, at least Yang Cheng didn't hear any apology in this sentence.

Standing on the stairs waved his hand, "Ms. Hespel, should you go ahead? I'll find a place to rest for a while, but I'm sick."

Gina was wearing a black windbreaker with neatly buttons in a row. If it weren't for her age, she would be a bit brave.

The corner of his mouth ticked formulaically and said, "Don't worry, let me deal with this bomb before we talk about our affairs."

Yang Cheng trembled in her heart, there was a bomb in that black box on the ground? MD, this joke is not funny.

Hansen stepped up even more alertly, blocking Yang Cheng, staring at the black box, not knowing if he could see why.

Seeing Yang Cheng's face paled slightly, Gina Hespel explained as if the prank had succeeded, "The bomb has been dismantled, and you are safe."

Yang Cheng barely squirted her to death with a mouthful of blood. Without such a frightening face, her face was not so good, and she said without a smile, "Really? That's really dangerous."

Gina didn’t seem to hear the ridicule in Yang Cheng’s words, and said to herself, “Yesterday morning, there was a vicious shooting in the Bronx, killing three people, two men and one woman, all living here. College students are in their youth, but it’s a pity to suffer such bad luck."

Yang Cheng still said in that emotionless voice, "It's a pity~"

He wants to ask what does this have to do with Xiaoye?

Gina continued, "Jing did not catch the murderer, so he had no choice but to submit it to F~B~I. Through reconnaissance, it was discovered that this gunman was like a betrayal from our C~I~A. An agent, so F~B~I asked us for help,

As a result, we just sent someone to participate in the case and received this bomb threat.

The gunman was definitely a defecting agent. No doubt, he wanted to retaliate against us, so he killed three innocent college students and then used this bomb to play a game with us, a game of cat and mouse. . "

Speaking of this, Gina's voice has become extremely cold. For those who dare to provoke C~I~A's dignity, she will naturally not have a good face, and she is still in front of her old opponent F~B~I. Let the C~I~A executives feel shameless, this sent Gina Hespel, a female cadre, to the scene to handle this difficult case.

After listening to Yang Cheng, it took a lot of effort to hold back. There was no smirking laugh. This is the case with the dead Donnie Fick. Now there is another agent who defected. C~I~A did. More unwelcome.

However, he was wise not to express his opinion, and there is no reason to follow the angry woman, so he should say less and make less mistakes to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Gina Hespel snorted at the black box on the ground, "We found this bomb after a full night according to the investigation, but the game is not over yet, and the murderer left a second bomb. The clues, we found after careful analysis, the clues reach Manhattan."

After a pause, Gina Hespel looked straight at Yang Cheng, as if Yang Cheng was the defecting agent who killed innocent college students at gunpoint and played bomb games with C~I~A.

"Mr. Yang, you should be very clear, what impact will a bomb detonate in Manhattan?"

Yang Cheng laughed absurdly, "Madam, have you misunderstood something? I am not the defecting agent you are looking for. In fact, I haven't even stepped through Langley's door in my life, so this sentence You shouldn't ask me."

Gina Hespel was expressionless, "Mr. Yang, you are also an American citizen. It is your responsibility and obligation to help us find the murderer to avoid greater harm to the country and people!"


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