Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1139: The victim Ashley Judd (1)

Lisa Ross continued, "I know very well that there is another woman, and she will keep a diary for Harvey, which records in detail what happened.

When I see a room where a girl who is as ignorant as I enters, or when I see a female star being taken photos with him on his shoulders, I think: Oh, poor man. "

Yang Cheng asked timely, like a reporter, "Have you never thought of reminding those girls?"

Lisa finally let go, her eyes red and swollen. "Remind? No, I won't do this. I know exactly what the girls are holding. At that time, anyone's persuasion is useless."

Wiped the tears from his face with a tissue, and sighed, "But I still couldn't bear the suffering, and finally chose to resign. No one who worked with me would deliberately send sheep into the mouth, and no one would want to say: Go To be a victim, to be the prey of this ogre, is just a sacrifice.

Everyone is timid and wincing towards Harvey. "

Yang Cheng asked again, "Then have you ever wanted to stand up and report him?"

Lisa Ross shook her head with an expression of pain, "Yes! I swear to God, I even feel guilty for not daring to stand up and disclose his crime because I am timid!

But who can I tell? Policemen? Will they be willing to listen? No, no one will investigate a great Hollywood tycoon, and no one has ever reported him in the past. Even if I stand up, no one will believe it!

I'm just a small person in a big company, like dust. I guess those people who look at things don't know anything about it. They only make fun of me, or think that this is impossible. I make up for money in exchange for eyeballs. . "

Yang Cheng understands Lisa's words deeply. A little man with no power and no power, no one wants to believe what he says. This kind of sorrow has already been taught in his previous life, which is why the bad guys can continue to get away with it.

"Harvey is a terrifying man, a monster.

He controls Hollywood and the film industry. If I told the truth at that time, I would never be an actor.

Well, I admit that even if such a tragedy happened, I still did not give up the actor dream, I still imagine that one day I can stand high and despise this bastard, devil!

It's a pity that I am not the kind of capable woman, I can play this kind of game, I can turn tragedy into comedy, I can only gradually sink into decline, let alone an actor, now I can't sustain my basic life.

Xing harassment is shameful, embarrassing and humiliating, and I don’t want to revisit the old things, but I have kept this secret for many years. "

Yang Cheng nodded. This time Lisaros was able to stand up. Except that she is older and has no family members, there is nothing to lose. Yang Cheng also promised to give her a sum of money, which is enough to guarantee her future. The money for a half-life, otherwise she would not stand up and say it.

In the end, Yang Cheng asked Lisa to use her identity as a person and said some high-sounding words, "I stand up and speak out, not for myself, but hope that those women who are facing the same nightmare torture as me can denounce them and let others hear them. Their voices expose this kind of abuse and bullying that needs to be stopped.

This secret has haunted me for many years. I look at the film industry cynically, thinking that only women who are willing to commit themselves to big shots can survive and endure such disgusting things.

When I was reading the newspaper on the bus, seeing Harvey’s photos made me feel sick. I am still very scared and worried that speaking out would hurt me, but I still made up my mind to use my own example even if I was hurt by it. Warn girls who have dreams not to delay their lives because of temporary weakness. Dreams can be there, but they must be pursued in a proper way. "

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Cheng said immediately, "OK, you said very well Lisa, please believe me, you will become an idol respected by women all over the world because of this. Of course, you don’t have to worry about your safety being threatened. Before you are punished, you will be fully protected."

Lisa smiled bitterly and nodded, "Thank you, no matter what, I have to thank you. I feel much more happy to tell the secrets that have been buried in my heart for so many years. It's like lifting a heavy burden and feeling relaxed."

Yang Cheng personally sent the people away, and arranged a man and a woman with two bodyguards to protect him.

After watching the car leave, Yang Cheng heaved a sigh of relief. It is a kind of pressure to experience this kind of thing personally and tell it, is it not a torture for those who can hear it?

And Yang Cheng needs to adjust as soon as possible, because he has to listen to the next story. He believes that the actress Ashley Judd, who has been famous for many years, will tell a more thrilling story.

The same hotel, the same coffee shop, the same location, but the person opposite is different. Compared with Lisaros’s old age, Ashley Judd still maintains a very good noble temperament, but that one is no longer known. There are so many injections of Botox in the face, it is really difficult to associate it with the beauties who played the world 20 years ago.

She wore a sequined dress and walked in different styles. At the invitation of Yang Cheng, she politely asked Yang Cheng if she could smoke a cigarette. All these behaviors seemed so elegant, except that she couldn't look at her face.

However, she didn't seem to be ready to listen to Yang Cheng's answer. She took out a slender lady's cigarette, lit it with a lighter, took a beautiful sip, and gently exhaled the smoke.

With a hint of sweet mint-scented smoke rushing towards her face, Yang Cheng subconsciously hid and frowned, "Ms. Judd, smoking is not allowed indoors."

Ashley Judd seemed to have heard this rule for the first time, and said in surprise, "Really? But I only smoke one, it's not a problem."

Yang Cheng is speechless, this old lady is so lacking in love, and she can take the opportunity to send sao in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, boy of country Z, I can tell you what you are here. My agent told me that you are a big man, but it's the first time I have seen such a young big man." Ashley Judd joked. Said.

Yang Cheng raised his eyebrows. He couldn't tell whether the woman really didn't know him or pretended not to know him. He didn't like this attitude anyway, and he didn't have the patience to face Lizarros.

"Ms. Judd, the purpose of my inviting you, your agent should have said very clearly, right?" Yang Cheng's tone became tough, he didn't want to go around with this woman.

But Ashley Judd seems to be addicted to playing, "It’s very clear, but why should I say it? Do you know how discriminated against women in this world? Why should I ask myself to expose a Hollywood tycoon, and In exchange for a lifetime infamy."

Yang Cheng sneered, "Are you afraid of offending Harvey, aren't you afraid of offending me? You should ask your agent to ask clearly, see if you offend me or offend Harvey, which one will make you die worse?"

Ashley Judd's smirk disappeared, and her gaze at Yang Cheng was no longer interesting.

"Mr. Yang, it's boring like this. You invited me to come, but you can't even make a joke. It's not gentlemanly."

Yang Cheng didn’t say anything, and even a slight smile owed him, “First of all, I don’t think your joke is funny; second, today’s meeting is just a deal; finally, I hope you can put yourself right, Harvey can I can do everything he can't do, and I can do what he can't."

His warning is equivalent to an ultimatum. If this woman is still so ignorant, don’t blame him for throwing it away like **** after using it. Originally, the two parties could meet because of a transaction. Yang Cheng invested in her new film and helped her in The crew has the highest authority and status, and Ashley Judd has to dedicate her dignity, stand under the spotlight, and expose Harvey's evil deeds.

The transaction between the two parties is fair and transparent. There is no unnecessary nonsense. There are more actresses persecuted by Harvey, and there are always those who are willing to cooperate. In the face of Franklin, the dignity of women is not very important.

Ashley Judd took a deep breath and pressed half of the cigarette that hadn't finished smoking on the coffee cup tray.

Said wisely, "OK, I understand, what do you want to hear?"

Yang Cheng is Some people can't give a good face.

"Tell me about your original experience. Remember, today, you have to repeat it verbatim when facing the media. So, think about it before you talk." Yang Cheng didn't want to hear the extravagant exaggeration, he needed The truth is fact, only the fact can crucify Harvey.

There was no pain on Ashley Judd's face, and Feng Qingyun said calmly, "It's very simple. About 20 years ago, Harvey asked me for **** in a hotel room.

I have no choice but to make a deal with him, and only when I get an Oscar will he touch me.

But this **** doesn’t follow the rules. Before he helped me get the Oscar, he broke my cooperation with Peter Jackson. You know that is a very important role in "Lord of the Rings." But the **** Harvey told Peter Jackson and said I am a disaster star, and I will definitely fail in the movie.

An important opportunity in my acting career was destroyed in this way, and then I went to the door to make a theory, but he was locked in the office for a full day and night, and then he committed me while I was asleep. "

Ashley Judd's narration is extremely calm, as if she is speaking from a third-party perspective, just listening to the tone, and even thinking that she is the perpetrator.

Yang Cheng frowned, "Do you have any relevant evidence?"

Ashley Judd looked at Yang Cheng like an idiot, "Hey, boy in country Z, this kind of thing can't be resisted, and it happened. What is the use of keeping the evidence? Leave it to prosecute him today, 20 years later? Just kidding, Harvey Weinstein was the most powerful producer in Hollywood at the time. Offending him would not do any good, and he would even be rejected by the whole circle, because those **** producers are a virtue."

America indulge in life

America indulge in life

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