Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1140: The victim Ashley Judd (2)

Ashley Judd has long seen the filthiness of this circle, so she didn't choose to resist at the time, but now she is willing to stand up because Yang Cheng put forward the conditions that made her heart-stirring.

After the filming of "Divergent 3", her next schedule was blank, but her high living expenses did not allow her to be unemployed. Only by continuing to shoot movies could her life continue. At this time, Yang Cheng suggested that she could Help her bring money into the group, which gives her more choices and can return to the sight of those producers.

This is also the reason why she chose to meet Yang Cheng after careful consideration.

She has analyzed that proactively stepping up to expose Harvey’s ugly face will not affect her acting career. As long as it works well, it will increase the exposure rate. At the same time, it will be more pros than cons. .

The most important thing is that the "Divergent" series originally belonged to Lionsgate Pictures, but now it belongs to New Era Pictures. It is eaten under the hands of others. Would you dare to agree to the demands of others?

So from the beginning, she pretended not to know Yang Cheng, but it was just a routine. In Vanity Fair, if she didn't even know the boss of her own boss, she was a fart?

She just wanted to exchange Yang Cheng’s sympathy and admiration in this way. The result was a little self-defeating. Fortunately, she made up in a timely manner and did not provoke the big boss. Otherwise, she would be caught before he could expose Harvey. Blocked.

If Yang Cheng knew what Ashley Judd was thinking, he would have been wronged, because he didn't know that Ashley Judd was currently making a film made by his own company, otherwise, why bother so much? Of course, it also has something to do with the role played by Ashley Judd. Yang Cheng is so busy all day, how can he care about a small supporting role?

At this moment, Yang Cheng’s lawyer Raham, dressed as an elite with a hand-made western-style trench coat, approached through the inspection of the bodyguard, and bowed one meter away from Yang Cheng, "Dear Mr. Yang, you are fine. ?"

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded. As a senior gold-collar on Wall Street, Raham's appearance will always be so popular, and it even seems that his status is more honorable than him.

"I'm fine, thank you, please sit down and have a drink?"

Raham smiled and nodded at Ashley Judd, then sat down and snapped his fingers at the waiter, "Come on with a glass of Blue Mountain. I will put the milk and sugar on my own, thank you."

When he finished ordering, Yang Cheng introduced, "This is Ashley Judd, a famous Hollywood movie star."

"Oh, forgive me for my blindness, it is a sin to not recognize the beautiful Ms. Judd in the first time." Raham's funny tone made Ashley Judd's injured heart calm. This is the man who saw her. What it should be.

Not knowing what she was in, she blinked at Yang Cheng triumphantly, and almost didn't vomit Yang Cheng. This woman is almost 50 years old and can be his mother.

"Okay, you have time for fan meetings. The point is, Raham. I want you to draft a complaint and submit it to the New York State Court based on what Ms. Judd said. You will sue Harvey Xing for harassment and ask the court to respond accordingly. Penalties and compensation."

Yang Cheng interrupted the two people's greeting impatiently, and directly gave the order.

Raham looked straight. "No problem, but I want to ask Ms. Judd some questions before that."

Yang Orange waved her hand, "I will give you the time later, and you will talk slowly."

After a pause, he looked at Ashley Judd, “As soon as this Friday, the New York Times will send a special team to interview you and tell me what you told me today. In addition, when needed At the time, you have to cooperate with us to speak up on social media.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about your personal safety. Before the incident is resolved, I will send someone to take care of your safety.

Now, if you have any questions, please raise them, and I will try my best to solve them for you. "

In fact, his arrangement was perfect. Ashley Judd had no objection, but she hesitated and said, "I still have a friend who has a similar experience with me."

Yang Cheng said eagerly, "As long as you can convince her to come forward and accept my arrangement, I will give her generous compensation. Of course, I will not forget your introducer. You did not convince a victim to come forward. There is no upper limit to get a reward of $1 million. How much you can get depends entirely on your own persuasive power."

Ashley Judd was refreshed, as if she had just taken in du products, and she was refreshed, "Really? No problem, I know many people have the same experience with me, I will find a way Persuade them."

Yang Cheng nodded, "I have always done what I said, so don't worry. In fact, you can draw more people to stand on the united front, which is also a good thing for yourself. This can share your pressure from the outside world."

After speaking, Yang Cheng didn't stay anymore, leaving the woman to Raham He was afraid that he would not leave again, and he really would vomit.

. . .

Coming to the outside of the hotel, Yang Cheng took a fierce breath in the breeze, and then spit it out heavily. The perfume on Ashley Judd's body was too strong. I really don't know how Raham endured being so close to her. of.

Andrew drove the car over, Yang Cheng opened the door and sat in, took the recorder from his inner pocket and threw it to Andrew, "Go back to the New York Times."

"It's the boss, where are we going now?" Andrew carefully collected it and asked.

Yang Cheng pressed the car window. Today, the weather is as good as ever. The sun is shining and will not be exposed to the sun. Wandering in the breeze, comfortable and cozy, "Just stroll around~"

Rolls-Royce started leisurely, under the palm trees, in front of the luxury hotel, showing an elegant style.

Andrew drove aimlessly through West Hollywood and came to Santa Monica. Before he knew it, he passed a familiar sea-view apartment. Yang Cheng turned his head and looked at the apartment building that was drifting away, and suddenly said , "Turn around and come back~"

Wang Keying's home seems to be this building, and he sent her home yesterday.

When they came downstairs to the apartment, the car stopped on the side of the road, Yang Cheng found Wang Keying's phone and dialed out.

After waiting for a while to be connected, a hesitant voice came from the other side, "Mr. Yang?"

"It's me, where are you?" Yang Cheng asked straightforwardly.

"Uh~ I'm at home, ready to make dinner." Wang Keying said truthfully.

Yang Cheng said, "I'm downstairs now, welcome me to visit your house?"

What he said was a bit impolite, and he asked people if they were welcome to be a guest until they were downstairs. It was no different from buying and selling, but he didn’t care, and Wang Keying didn’t think there was anything wrong, or she dared to be angry but didn’t dare to say it. People like Yang Cheng should be domineering by nature.

America indulge in life

America indulge in life

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