Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1158: Coppola Family (1)

   The frequent travel between New York and Los Angeles in the past few days has made Yang Cheng feel a little uncomfortable, and she always feels sleepless.

After the meeting with Brian Roberts was not over, Yang Cheng went straight back to the manor, ready to get a good night’s sleep. On the way, he did not forget to call Ryze to inform him of the negotiation between himself and Roberts. , Let Ritz arrange for further discussions and implement the agreement on paper.

   The car stopped, and White waited to help pull the door, "Boss, the artwork you photographed at the auction has arrived."

   Yang Cheng was stunned, only to remember the portrait of God Amon he helped to take at the fundraising dinner of Mrs. Zipperton.

   Thinking of this weird cultural relic, his sleepiness flew away in an instant, and he quickly said, "Where did you put it? I'll go and see!"

  White led the way, "Temporarily put it in the study."

   Yang Cheng thought for a while, "After I read it, you send someone to the Beihai Manor and give it to Carson himself. He knows what to do with it."

  White didn't know much about the golden mask, and Yang Cheng didn't plan to let him know too deeply. The less he knew about this kind of thing, the better.

   "Good sir~"

   went back to the study alone, opened the metal box for storage with a password, and left the light, and the dim head of God Amon appeared in front of him.

   Compared with the first sight of this head portrait, when I saw it again, Yang Cheng felt that the sacredness of the head portrait was much less, and the thoughts that were extremely similar to Tutankhamun at that time also became less intense.

   At a height of less than 30 cm, it has lost the base and impact. To be honest, Yang Cheng was a little disappointed.

   But he knew that he was not an expert. If there is any secret hidden in this portrait, he can't be seen by the naked eye.

   closed the safe and reset the password, let White come in and take it away and send it to London. Anyway, he didn't spend a penny on this thing. Even if he didn't research anything, it could be kept as a work of art.

However, what makes him more concerned now is how many secrets Mrs. Zipten knows. He does not believe that the appearance of this head portrait is a coincidence. There are millions of cultural relics in the world. How can it be so coincidental that it was proposed in Huma Abedin He happened to appear in front of him when he asked for help? The odds of this one in ten million are smaller than winning the lottery. Yang Cheng's luck is not so bad. Even if he had, his bad luck would have been used up when he was reborn.

   shook his head, and now he just wants to sleep, his brain is in a mess, no matter how hard he tries, he can't think of a reason, wasting his brain cells in vain.

  . . . . . .

When    woke up, the sky was already dark. Yang Cheng rubbed his head and sat up. Not only did he not feel better, but his head hurt even more.

After sitting there for a while, a cool breeze came from the side and shuddered and turned his head. Then I realized that I felt hot when I came out of the shower and opened a gap in the moving floor-to-ceiling window. I fell asleep and forgot to close it. , I caught a cold on my head, no wonder my head hurts and explodes.

   Yang Cheng feels that his physique is a bit weak recently, either he has a cold or a fever or a headache. He is so weak before he reaches 30?

   shook his head and took a hot shower in the bathroom. The discomfort of his head was relieved. He put on a nightgown and walked downstairs barefoot, let White pour a glass of warm water. After this set, it was finally more comfortable.

   Sitting on the sofa in a daze, White went back, holding a bunch of letters and invitations in his hand, "Sir, this is an invitation to a party tonight. If you are not interested, I will deal with it."

   Living in Beverly Hills, there is never a shortage of party invitations at home. The waste of these paper invitations is enough to recreate a piece of Daxinganling.

   I wanted to let White take care of it on his own, but when I thought about it, the evening was quite boring. Maybe I found a party to hang out, and the distraction would not be so uncomfortable.

   then said, "Put it here, let me take a look."

   I probably flipped through it. It’s either a housewarming party hosted by a neighbor who has moved into Beverly Hills, or a carnival party hosted by a big star on his birthday. Just listening to this theme is extremely boring.

   And Yang Cheng's head is uncomfortable, so he can't go to such noisy parties.

  His goal is a relatively high-end party with a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere.

"Yes" Yang Cheng held a black invitation card, the embossed pattern highlighted the elegant style. This is an invitation from the Coppola family. Open it and write in rose gold art, "Dear Mr. Yang, sincerely invite you to the party held at the manor tonight."

   With a flick of his finger, he slapped his lips, "It's quite sincere~"

   called White loudly, "Help me prepare clothes and souvenirs. I'm going to the Coppola family party."

   "Yes, sir, let's prepare now."

  The influence of the Coppola family in Hollywood can be compared to the influence of the Kennedy family and the Busch family in the zheng industry.

   Among the many top families in Hollywood, the Coppola family is undoubtedly the most dazzling one. Even Yang Cheng must be respected accordingly.


   Movies are not like businesses. If a family is a business, it can be passed on and the family can prosper.

But the movie is different. It’s not that I’m a big director as my father. If you pass on all your skills to you, you will be successful. The reality is There are many directors’ children in Hollywood who want to inherit their father’s career. Went to make movies, but not many successes, so the Coppola family is especially powerful.

  I have to use some facts to speak, then the three generations and four of the Coppola family won a total of 9 Oscar statuettes. This result is enough to explain the problem!

   From Francisco Pola’s father, Carman Coppola, the Coppola family has begun to take shape. Carman is a musician and won an Oscar.

  Of course, his ability to win the prize depends on his son, Francisco Pola, the true founder of the Coppola family, because Carman won the Oscar for helping Francis’s "Godfather" and "Apocalypse Now" to make music.

   "Apocalypse Now" is one of the heavyweight films in the United States reflecting on the Vietnam War, and it is also a model film that film practitioners must learn.

   "The Godfather" not to mention, the trilogy is excellent, this is commendable, this series has become Hollywood's most classic film, not one of them.

   When this series was completed, Francis was only in his 30s. At that time, Coppola's status was established in one fell swoop.

Not only that, the birth of "The Godfather" also created a major Hollywood genre-hei gang movies. The previous hei gang movies were developed from western movies. The good guys and the bad guys are clearly distinguished, while Coppola is Made history.


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