Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1159: The Coppola Family (2)

   Francisco Pola’s gangster film, for the first time in the history of world cinema, showed the warmth, love, and affection of gang members, and created a full character.

   The movie "The Godfather" has set a benchmark and a paradigm for the entire gangster film. Even to this day, the gangster film in the American drama still continues the gangster film paradigm created by Coppola.

   One's success is difficult to create a great family, so I have to mention his daughter Sophia Coppola, who won the Oscar statuette with the movie "Lost in Tokyo".

   By the way, Francis also has a nephew, whose original name was Nicolas Coppola. This aspiring young man didn't want people to say that he was in the name of the family and changed his name to Nicolas Cage!

   Nicolas Coppola is resolutely unwilling to change his family name to Cage.

   As a result, he really broke through the prison and won the Oscar winner for "Escape from Las Vegas".

   It can be said that Coppola's family are all talents, and it is with success time and time again that the flag of the surname Coppola has been set up, and the surname of Coppola has been raised in Hollywood.

Yang Cheng asked. The party tonight seems to be to celebrate the engagement of Sophia Coppola and the director Quentin Tarantino. The marriage of the Coppola family is probably also to dilute the dirty water on the body.

   As the master behind the Harvey incident, I don’t know how Quentin would feel after seeing Yang Cheng.

   I cleaned up briefly, and did not wear any formal dresses. With the souvenirs prepared by White, he drove down the mountain and arrived at the Coppola family manor.

   Beverly Hills is a paradise for parties. Here, there are always parties taking place regardless of the season and time. Those who like the excitement will never have to worry about being bored here.

   After arriving at the manor, he gave the invitation and gifts to the butler who greeted the guests at the door, and Shi Shiran walked into the party scene.

   At this time, the invited guests have almost arrived. The ladies in evening dresses and the men with bows shuttled inside and outside the manor, and there were scenes of greetings in twos and threes with wine glasses.

   Yang Cheng came alone, asked the waiter for a glass of champagne, and walked around casually, looking around to see if he had any acquaintances.

   With one hand in his pocket, he held the champagne glass in the other hand and shook it gently. Not far from him was a small fountain. The laser shot in the water was colorful, very gorgeous.

   At this time, Yang Cheng heard the sound of high heels behind him, and then he was patted on the shoulder a few times.

I turned my head instinctively and found a familiar baby face smiling at himself behind his back. For a moment, the gentleman took a step back and slightly bent over to greet him, "Good evening, beautiful Miss Gomez, you are like moonlight tonight. The bright black ground is very charming."

   The person in front of me is Selena Gomez, the ex-girlfriend of the problematic teenager Bieber, but recently I heard that they are going to get back together again?

   But Yang Cheng's words are really polite. Selena Gomez, who has a baby face, can't control the xing sense of this charcoal black deep V dress.

Of course Selena couldn’t hear Yang Cheng’s polite look. Her extremely sincere eyes made her very useful. She took the initiative to post and kiss Yang Cheng face-to-face, “Thank you, the agent took me to do the look for an afternoon. In vain."

   The other party was so active, Yang Cheng didn’t seem to be too far-sighted, although the two hadn’t seen a few times in total, let alone any friendship, looked behind her and deliberately asked, "Of course the efforts were not in vain!

   By the way, I think you are alone? By such a coincidence, I am also alone. I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to be my female companion tonight? "

   Selina hesitated slightly, and then nodded reservedly, "This is also my honor."

   Yang Cheng bent his arms and motioned for Selena to put her hand up. The two looked at each other and smiled. The ambiguity was like raindrops and ripples, and silly face Na was so tempted.

   "I'm a little curious, you are a member of the music circle, why would you come to a party in the film circle?" Yang Cheng asked casually.

Selena pinned a strand of hair behind her ears and gave a wry smile, "It was the agent who tried to persuade me to come. She hoped that I could get to know more friends in the film industry, and if I had the opportunity in the future, I could try to play a few roles. , She hopes I can develop in all directions."

Yang Cheng can understand that female singers like Selena who have not been topped in the music circle are very embarrassed in their positioning. They used to be able to earn hot spots by relying on their relationship with Bieber. Now the two have broken up, and her attention The degree naturally decreases, and it is also a way to take a few more ways to take precautions.

   But he will not take the initiative to offer help. The entertainment industry is a very realistic circle. There is no help for no reason, only peer-to-peer transactions.

"As a result, after I came, I found that I didn't know anyone, let alone submit a friend. If I didn't see you, I would die tonight." Selena's baby face can be regarded as a goddess in the music circle. , But on the big screen, this kind of face is not popular and will look bloated.

   As the boss of a film company, Yang Cheng naturally has the ability to distinguish the potential of actors. He is not optimistic about the development of Selena Gomez in Hollywood.

   "In fact, this kind of party is really boring, of course, I am even more boring at home, so I came here for a walk, but I didn't expect to meet acquaintances." Yang Cheng was also explaining why he came here.

  Selena took a sip of champagne and asked, "You should know Mr. Coppola, right?"

   "No, I haven't even seen it. He sent me an invitation letter, probably because everyone is a neighbor, so it's not good not to invite."

   "Well, I thought I could meet Mr. Coppola through you." Selena was rather disappointed.

   But she quickly picked up energy and was able to reconnect with Yang Cheng. Isn't it better than knowing Coppola? The influence of the Coppola family is limited to Hollywood, but Yang Cheng is not the same. This is a real big brother who spans many fields, and they are so young. The two are not much different in age. They communicate better than Copo. It's much easier to pull that kind of old man.

   With such thoughts in mind, she talked with Yang Cheng more and more vigorously without knowing it. She didn't realize that it was in someone else's home at all.

   Talking too much, I naturally want to drink something to moisturize my mouth. You can't drink juice on such occasions, right? So the two of them were drinking glass after glass, from champagne to red wine to stronger brandy, and soon reached a slightly drunk state, and even Francisco Pola did not hear.

When the host announced that the party had officially started, the atmosphere on the scene rose a few more steps, and Yang Cheng and Selena Gomez didn’t know when they were stuck face to face. Noisy, the two of them were talking about fun, their voices were so small that they couldn't hear them.

   So Yang Cheng took the initiative to put her arms around Selena's shoulders, and put her mouth on her ears through the hair, and asked loudly, "Shall we change to a quiet place and talk slowly?"

   Selena was softened by the heat blown by Yang Cheng, mainly because of alcohol.

   Yang Cheng’s suggestion made her itchy. She raised her head and met Yang Cheng’s fiery eyes. Everyone was an adult, and she understood the rest.

   Eyes flowed, the tip of the tongue licked his lips, and he whispered, "I want to go to the bathroom~"

   Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, "I will take you there~"

   Then the two avoided the crowd and helped each other into the room. There should be hundreds of guests here tonight, and suddenly there were two missing and nobody cared.

   Yang Cheng They are all experienced veterans. Knowing this kind of party, the owner usually opens the first floor of the villa for guests to use at will, including the bathroom.

   I don’t know if the person tonight is not having a good bladder. There are people who push open a bathroom, and there are people who push another bathroom. If this continues, the mood will disappear.

   Yang Cheng couldn't help but feel a little upset.

   However, the ghost spirit Selena enthusiastically said a bold proposal, "Let’s go to the second floor, I see no one guards the stairs."

Yang Cheng hesitated slightly, but within a second, the impulse defeated reason. Without a second word, she pulled Selena and ran towards the second floor. During the period, the two of them kept looking back and forth like a guilty conscience, making sure no one saw it. On the second floor, the first room on the left is the bathroom, gently opened the door, "Hello? Is there anyone in there?"

   After waiting for a few seconds, no one answered. The two of them looked at each other, breathing slowly, and the air became stagnant, ‘bang’, ‘click’

   The sound of closing and locking the door sounded almost simultaneously. . .

Half an hour later Yang Cheng and Selena went back outdoors again like everyone else, stepped on the lawn to a vacant table, ordered two glasses of red wine, and tasted slowly .

   Yang Cheng's pressure was released, and her spirit was sublimated. The expression on her face looked very clear, and her headaches were swept away.

   There is still a trace of anger on Selena’s face, "Fortunately, I am safe today."

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "You know, for us, those accidents have never been a problem."

   Selena laughed. That's right. For ordinary people, accidental products may become cumbersome, but in their eyes, such accidents belong to the category that money can solve, so it's not a problem.

   looked towards the center of the venue. Mr. Coppola was surrounded by people, including producers, directors, film company bosses, and of course big stars.

   Selena screamed at the other side, "Should we go and say hello to the master?"

   Yang Cheng glanced along his gaze, "It should be, but wait a moment, there are too many people now, and there are few people waiting, so let’s talk a little more in the past."

He knows Selena’s careful thinking, and he is very satisfied with the transaction between the two just now. Although the impulse is a little bit more, Yang Cheng doesn’t want to owe anything. He doesn’t mind helping out if he can make use of some small things. .


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