Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1160: Like "The Godfather"

   "Mr. Coppola, good evening, thank you for your invitation, let me spend a wonderful and unforgettable night."

   Taking advantage of the loss of a large part of the people around Coppola, Yang Cheng pulled Selena Gomez over and greeted the owner.

   His words meant something, but no one understood except Silly Face Na!

   "Mr. Yang, all you can have fun is our greatest joy." Francisco Pola is more than 70 years old this year, but he is very healthy. From the beginning of the party to the present, he has stood for more than an hour, and he is not tired.

   Yang Cheng introduced Selena Gomez to Coppola, "Allow me to introduce this. This is Selena Gomez, a well-known singer in the world."

   "I know you, Selena, I remember you also starred in movies when you were a kid?" Coppola is not a polite, it seems that he really knows Selena, which is a surprise.

   Sure enough, Selena looked at Coppola with surprise, "Yes, Mr. Coppola, I didn't expect you to know this history."

   Coppola laughed and blinked, just like the old naughty boy, "My mental age is always thirty."

   Yang Cheng replied, "No wonder the handed down classics like "The Godfather" were sent. Mr. Coppola's mentality is definitely a factor of success."

   "Have you seen "The Godfather" too?"

   "The Godfather" is the pride of Coppola's life, especially a successful young man like Yang Cheng, who can express his affection, which makes him feel that he has not been forgotten by the times.

Yang Cheng looked ridiculous, "Mr. Coppola, are you kidding? This is the greatest movie in the history of Hollywood movies. If you haven't seen "The Godfather", you still dare to say that you like movies? Then I went to Country Z but didn't go. Look at the Great Wall, it will be a lifetime regret."

He raised "The Godfather" to the level of the Great Wall at once, but Coppola was so happy, even if he had heard more praise in his life than Yang Cheng had said, it still did not hinder his good mood at this time. .

   Yang Cheng is just flattering, not shutting the door, in his mind, no matter how good the movie is, it cannot be compared with the Great Wall.

   Just say it, no one will take it seriously.

   "Can you talk about it? Which one do you like best?" Coppola was also interested and couldn't help discussing it with Yang Orange.

Selena Gomez is holding Yang Cheng's arm and has just had a close relationship. At this time, she sees Yang Cheng's admiration of looking up to idols. This kind of calmness when facing Hollywood bigwigs and talks freely. The aura was something that Bieber didn't possess, and she was fascinated by Yang Orange at this moment.

In the face of Coppola's "test school", Yang Cheng really did not have stage fright. What he said is not a lie. He has watched the "Godfather" series more than once, three movies, three generations, and of course the second generation godfather is the core. Mike Corleone, this is almost a legend of his own person. It is not that the godfather of the first generation does not have a strong sense of existence, but because the sense of existence of the second-generation godfather is too strong. When he was young, he was amazingly handsome and brave. When he was old, there was endless Heartbreak and vicissitudes of life.

"Mr. Coppola, because of Mike Corleone, many people regard "The Godfather 2" as the pinnacle of the series. In my opinion, it is precisely "The Godfather 3" that has been criticized by the outside world as a decline in quality. The essence of this series."

   I have to say that Yang Orange's new viewpoint aroused the greatest curiosity in Coppola's heart. He really wanted to hear what this young man would say. This feeling has not passed for a long time.

   Seeing that Coppola didn't talk, but stared at him with scorching eyes, Yang Cheng knew that his words had worked, and the other party was interested.

In this way, he dared to say, "The point I have to emphasize first is your determination, Mr. Coppola. I heard that when Al Pacino was asked to play Mike, the producer refused. Because of his short stature and a little hunchback, he didn't show the self-confidence that the protagonist should have when he was on the set.

   It was Mr. Coppola's will of your own way that made the godfather Mike Corleone.

   Therefore, I would like to pay tribute to you lofty admiration for this. Without Mr. Coppola's decision, there would be no "Godfather" classic. "

   Coppola nodded in agreement, "Al and "The Godfather" made each other a reality."

  Yang Cheng continued, "In the first half of "The Godfather 1", Mike, who is still a college student, is young and beautiful. He is a passionate young man with national honors and went to the battlefield regardless of his father and brother's determination.

   In the second half of the movie, when Mike dedicates himself fatally to the family gang business, Al Pacino also successfully completed the change of character.

   And "The Godfather 1" also successfully completed the task assigned by the director, paving the way for the sublimation of the Godfather.

   In "The Godfather 2", Al Pacino becomes the dark godfather himself, successfully blending with the dark and violent Sicilian tradition.

  The scene that impressed me the most was: the Cuban Revolution, in the midst of the bullets, Mike and his second brother Fredo met-before that, Fredo betrayed Mike to the enemy selfishly, causing Mike and his wife to be attacked in the bedroom and almost killed.

   Mike hugged Fredo firmly with his arms, the latter was weak and avoiding, but at that time he did not understand the fatal danger behind the passionate emotion.

   Mike, like a hungry lion, gave Fredo a death kiss and put the "prey" in front of him with his hands.

  ‘I know it’s! You broke my heart, you broke my heart! ’

   Later, after their mother passed away, Mike immediately let his men kill Fredo.

  Sergeant and righteous brother Tom asked Mike, ‘Are you going to get rid of everyone? ’

   Mike said, ‘No, I only get rid of the enemy. ’

   At about the moment when the truth is known, Mike's hatred replaces the feeling of flesh and blood.

   The plot transition in this episode is moving, and it is also the most impressive plot in "The Godfather 2", reflecting reality. How many families have suffered fratricidal tragedies for various reasons? "

   Coppola sighed, "Unexpectedly, to hear this insight from a young man under 30 years old, you are fine, and your success is not luck."

   Yang Cheng pulled out from the memory and shrugged, "Mr. Coppola, when you filmed "The Godfather", you were only in your 30s? Not much older than I am now."

Coppola stunned, and then burst into laughter. The frames of the smiled glasses were crooked, "Yes, yes, I was just like you at that time, with the courage to fear the world, and it is this courage that can help the " The "Godfather" series adds a unique temperament.

   Continue to talk, I haven’t heard enough, you haven’t said why you like "The Godfather 3"! "



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