Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1199: Get married here?

After 40 minutes of private jet, this luxurious island fused with nature appeared in the sight of everyone.

Looking from the sky, there is a turquoise blue ocean. The small green island is inlaid like emeralds. The white sandy beach is like a pearl necklace, enveloping emeralds. The most beautiful ornaments in the world are not inevitable.

Laucala Island covers an area of ​​3,500 acres, but there are only 25 private villas in such a vast area, each with its own characteristics, equipped with swimming pools, private gardens, and different views, exquisitely beautiful.

The most important thing is that laucala island attaches great importance to the protection of privacy. Everyone knows that the island has hosted countless celebrities and wealthy businessmen, but so far only the couples have been exposed. This is what Yang Cheng values ​​most, and his wedding will gather. For global politicians and superstars, as well as Hollywood and even global superstars in the cultural and sports world, privacy is undoubtedly the guests' greatest need.

Originally, he wanted to place the wedding on Lanai Island, but it was too close to the continental United States, and the scenery was not as good as Laucala.

He has almost planned. By then, all his own private jets will be dispatched to take guests to Nadi Airport, including the "Emerald" yacht and other friends' yachts, all will be driven to Fiji in advance to transfer guests to and from the main island and laucala. In between, after the guests expire, they can also provide fishing services to provide all guests with the most perfect vacation experience.

The question now is whether Laucala Island has the capacity to accommodate hundreds or thousands of guests at the same time. If there are only 25 villas, it may not be enough.

After getting off the plane, a personal butler came to take the people to the villas. This time everyone stayed in different villas. Luo Yue’s parents chose the peninsula villa on the rock, with invincible sea views and being in the jungle. , Can get the deepest approach to nature.

Yang Sen and Liu Yun chose the Coconut Grove Villa. They went out to the sea. They liked to enjoy the coolness under the coconut trees in the afternoon and stroll on the white beach in the evening.

Yang Cheng chose a seagrass villa with a private bay with its back on the jungle. Behind the villa is a beautiful seagrass pool, and the front of the villa is surrounded by a small bay. The net celebrity infinity pool that often appears on the social platform extends from the front of the villa. In the bay, coconut trees more than ten meters high are inserted on the small floating islands, forming a wonderful picture.

"Wow~" As soon as Luo Yue entered the door, he threw the bag in excitement, and ran barefoot along the rocky path to the seagrass pool. The emerald green lotus leaves were floating on the water, and fish appeared from time to time. Breathing, everything feels like a fairyland.

Yang Orange surreptitiously recorded this beautiful scene with her mobile phone, and suddenly tentatively asked, "Shall we get married here?"

Luo Yue's smile was stagnant, "What?"

Yang Cheng passed out from under the open bamboo curtain, sitting on the shore, deep into the seagrass pool, playing in the water, while saying to Luo Yue a few meters away, "Did you ask me what I concealed on the way here? This is it, I want to put the wedding venue here, what do you think?"

Luo Yue lowered his head with his hands on his back, carefully stretched out his toes, and drew water at Yang Orange, pretending to be indifferent, and replied, "I have no objection, just arrange it~"

This is the expected answer, "Well~ I'll go to the manager here to ask about the situation and see if I can accommodate that many people."

But before he went to find him, the manager took the initiative to come to the door, "Mr. Yang, Mrs. Yang, I am Charlene, the manager of the island resort. Two distinguished guests are visiting Laucala Island. I represent more than 350 employees across the island. I and my family members are here to express my most sincere welcome and hope you can spend a pleasant holiday on the island."

Yang Cheng has a good impression of this manager who is well-dressed and meticulous even on a tropical island, "Thank you Charlene, I love this island."

"This is our honour. In addition, I came here specially to deliver a bottle of red wine for the island owner Mr. Mattsitz. This is his favorite brand. When he learned that Mr. Yang and his family are going to move in, he specially asked I came here to express my apologies, but I didn't meet him on the island in person." Charlene waved to the waiter to put down the red wine.

Yang Cheng was quite surprised, "Mr. Mattsitz really said it? This is a big surprise. I heard that Mr. Mattsitz is notoriously dislike social and making friends."

The richest man in Austria who rose from a bottle of drink, Yang Cheng has really heard a lot of rumors. In the global business community, Matsitz is definitely a strange thing comparable to Larry Ellison. His most famous sentence : I don’t believe in making 50 friends. I only believe in a small number. I don’t care about social events. This is the most stupid way to use time. When I go out occasionally, I just want to convince myself again. , I didn't miss much.

Charlene's face froze, and sure enough, the bad temper of his boss has made the whole world known, and this job is getting harder and harder to do.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng didn't come to find the fault and took the initiative to change the subject, "Anyway, thank you and Mr. Mattsitz, by the way, do you have time later? I want to talk to you about an event. "

Charlene didn't know, so he could only say politely, "Of course, I have time at any time."

"See you at the resort then~"

After Charlene left, Luo Yue curiously asked, "Who is Mattsitz? It shouldn't be ordinary people who can buy this island?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Of course it's not ordinary. The richest man in Austria has more than twice my net worth. Although I don't care much about this, he is indeed a great man. Does Red Bull know?"

Luo Yue was surprised, "Isn't Red Bull a Thai company?"

Yang Cheng smiled and rubbed Luo Yue's face, "You, you have to learn more about the business world in the future, otherwise you will not be able to talk with me when attending events in the future."

Luo Yue took Yang Cheng's hand away and stared, "Then you don't want to say it quickly?"

Yang Orange begged for mercy, "Yes, ma'am, let me just say it."

He cleared his throat and adjusted his collar. He carried his hands back like a university professor and prepared to speak, "Red Bull now has three companies, namely Red Bull Thailand, Red Bull Country Z, and Red Bull Austria.

The products of the three companies are not the same, and the packaging is also different, but this is due to the difference in the later development routes.

The recognized founder of Red Bull is the well-known Thai Chinese-American Mr. Xu Shubiao. In the 1970s, he developed a tonic drink that mixed water, sugar, caffeine, fiber alcohol and vitamins in Thailand. The original purpose was Let the blue-collar people such as shift workers or truck drivers stay awake while staying up all night to work, and took a Thai name. I can't remember the specifics, but translated into Chinese is the red Indian bison.

After the product was launched, it has achieved a good response in the target market, but it is far from the time for great success.

Until 1982, a middle-aged Austrian man who was selling in a German toothpaste company went to Bangkok to develop his career. "

Luo Yue interrupted in excitement suddenly, "I know I know, that person is Matt Sitz?"

Yang Cheng nodded, "Yes, it was Matt Sitz. It is said that after he got off the plane, due to the jet lag and hot weather, he lost his mind completely and completely lost his proper working condition. Inadvertently when he saw the tired manpower After drinking a bottle of Red Bull, the coachman was able to continue his work as fast as he could. He wanted to try this magical drink. As a result, after a bottle of his stomach, his fatigue was wiped out in an instant. The whole person was full of energy and full of energy. Simply can not stop.

Well, I think this story is suspected of being beautified by posterity. "

He couldn't help but complain, Luo Yue gave him a white look and urged, "Go on~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "The next thing is very simple. I don’t want to be a boss and sales are not good sales. Matsitz found Xu Shubiao and decided to work together to promote the magical Red Bull to the world. When he left Xu Shubiao’s office At that time, he also took away the Red Bull formula.

Not long after that, a brand new energy drink appeared in Austria, named RedBull, which is the blue canned Austrian Red Bull we see now. Mattsitz also relied on this drink to occupy the position of the richest man in Austria all year round. . "

"What about the Red Bull of Country Z?" Luo Yue asked curiously.

Yang Cheng tilted his head and recalled, "I don't remember this clearly. Anyway, he is a businessman in Country Z who has worked hard in Thailand for many years. He valued the business opportunities of Red Bull. In SZ and Mr. Xu Shubiao, he established a joint venture of Red Bull in Country Z. Xu Shubiao provides brand authorization, technology and expert support for Red Bull in Country Z, and businessmen in Country Z are responsible for production and sales.

Although it was in the 90s at that time, he was the first person to bring functional beverages into Country Z, and he was quite bold.

At present, Red Bull in Thailand is mainly engaged in the sales of Red Bull products in the Asia-Pacific region except for Z. Red Bull in Austria is mainly engaged in the sales of Red Bull products in other regions except the Asia-Pacific while Red Bull in Z is deeply digging into country Z. The vast market.

And as far as I know, the taste and efficacy of the three Red Bull formulas are not the same, especially the taurine content is different. The content in Thailand is many times that of Country Z, so the effect of Red Bull in Thailand is very good, similar to stimulants. , An exhausted person regained his energy with a drink.

The Austrian Red Bull is another style, injecting enough carbon dioxide into the drink, the Red Bull has a carbonated drink-like taste, which is more in line with the taste habits of Europeans and Americans, and it tastes interesting and effective.

I heard that Red Bull Country Z is now imitating the Austrian Red Bull route, changing the packaging and formula. Although the amount of carbon dioxide is not as much as the original version, the taste is very similar. "

Luo Yue summarized himself after listening, "So Red Bull can have today's success, Mattsitz's sales promotion is indispensable."

Yang Cheng did not deny, "Indeed, after all, he was a salesperson, but this person's reputation is not very good. He does agree with his personal philosophy. He has no friends in the business world, but Red Bull is a cash cow. It is useless to have friends anyway. He has no money."

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