Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1200: Open a hotel for the wedding!

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Luo Yue took advantage of the good time to lie on the sun loungers by the swimming pool. Yang Cheng also took advantage of the opportunity to put on sunscreen. Then he drove the battery car to the main building of the resort and asked for a cold beer. Chatted with Charlene on the terrace.

"Has anyone ever held a wedding on Laucala Island?"

"Yes, but it's not a formal wedding, it's more like a commemorative event. The couple will have a priest to help with the marriage."

After a pause, Charlene asked, "Mr. Yang is going to have a wedding in Laucala?"

Yang Cheng did not deny, "I have this plan, but I am worried that there are not enough rooms on the island to accommodate guests."

Charlene knows about Yang Cheng's wedding, and there must be big people from all over the world to congratulate him. Therefore, the issue of accommodation is definitely the top priority.

After thinking about it, "There should be more than 50 rooms available in the main building of the resort, plus 25 private villas. Maybe I can try to communicate with Mr. Mattsitz. His manor has more than 20 rooms."

Yang Orange shook his head, "Not enough~"

Sighed, "It seems I can only find other alternatives."

To be honest, he is really satisfied with the environment of Laucala Island, Luo Yue also likes it very much, but unfortunately, the hardware facilities are not enough, can't ask others to build a large hotel temporarily, right?

Charlene also regretted, "I'm very sorry Mr. Yang, I couldn't help you."

Yang Cheng waved his hand and said that he didn't mind, "This is nothing. Say hello to Mr. Mattsitz for me. Thank you for the red wine."

Charlene hesitated for a moment and tried to say, "Mr. Yang, I think you can talk to Mr. Mattsitz in person, maybe things will turn around?"

Yang Cheng puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Charlene explained, “In fact, the resort managers, including me, have been suggesting to him to expand the scope of the island’s business and build a luxury boutique hotel on the other half of the island while ensuring that the privacy of tourists is not violated. Under the condition of appropriately reducing tourism costs, let more people know the island of Laucala, so as to solve the problem of the island’s living beyond its means."

Yang Cheng thought, maybe he could drive Amman over? Open a hotel for a wedding? That sounds cool!

"Mr. Mattsitz has intentions?"

"Yes, he is hesitating, I think there is a common language between you, it should be able to convince him." Charlene said.

"Oh? How do you know that your boss and I have a common language?" Yang Orange was curious.

Charlene pointed to his face, "Mr. Yang, don't you see it? I'm a British, from Liverpool. Our family are all **** Liverpool fans. Speaking of which, I also want to thank Mr. Yang for his dedication to Liverpool. ."

Yang Cheng was surprised, and never expected to meet Liverpool fans here.

Charlene added, "Mr. Mattsitz is also an out-and-out sports fan. Although his development in the sports field is more to promote the Red Bull brand, it is undeniable that he himself loves sports.

That’s why I said that there will be a common language between you. If you can, why not try it? Investing in a hotel on the island can not only improve the island’s revenue, but also help Mr. Yang’s wedding to be held successfully. This is a win-win situation. "

Yang Cheng had to admit that Charlene's words were very persuasive, "However, it is impossible for me to fly to Austria specifically for this."

"Don't worry about Mr. Yang. Mr. Mattsitz will fly to the island for vacation tomorrow. I can recommend it. How about sitting down for a cup of coffee?"

Yang Cheng didn't think much, and nodded in response, "Of course, I am very willing to meet Mr. Mattsitz."

. . .

Sure enough, as Charlene said, Matsitz took his female companion to the island the next morning, and agreed to meet with Yang Cheng in the first place.

Yes, it is a female partner, not a wife. The 70-year-old Matsitz has a son born to a teacher he has been with for a few years, but he has not been married in his life. The female partner has changed. One after another, his private life is wonderful, but he hates outsiders saying irresponsible things to him.

The current female companion seems to be his former assistant, and I don’t know how she helped*.

This old man in his 70s is no different from the stereotyped Germanic in Yang Cheng’s impression, with his white hair combed meticulously, with a standard smile on his face, and a sharp spirit between his gestures, just like drinking a few cans of Red Bull. Full of confidence.

"Hello young man, I heard Charlene say you want to talk to me?" After shaking hands with Yang Orange, he sat down on his own and took the hand of his female partner and sat next to him.

Yang Cheng sat across from him alone, with a gentle smile on his face, as if he was the man in his 70s, and Matsitz was still an aggressive young man.

"Yes, Charlene said that we should have a common language, about sports."

"Ha, I know you, the boss of Liverpool, I also want to own a Premier League team, but unfortunately, there are always rules in this world that can't make you want." Mattsitz's voice was very loud, sitting opposite him. Yang Cheng felt that the eardrum was irritated and itchy.

UEFA stipulates that a boss cannot own two teams in the same league at the same time. In theory, you can buy a top-level league giant and then buy a mid-lower team in Ligue 1 or Bundesliga, provided that The two teams should not meet in the Champions League or Europa League, or they will be banned sooner or later.

Of course, in low-level European leagues such as Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria, UEFA will at best turn a blind eye to it and will not interfere too much.

Just like Mattsitz, there are two teams, the Red Bull Leipzig of the Bundesliga and the Red Bull Salzburg of Austria ~ Of course, the Red Bulls in New York, as far away as the United States, cannot be managed by UEFA.

Yang Cheng joked, "You can sell Leipzig and buy the Premier League and La Liga teams instead. You know, the exposure rate of the top league is not comparable to that of the Bundesliga, and as far as I know, Leipzig has played in the Bundesliga. Not happy."

Mattsitz didn't care, "It's nothing, ignorant people will always make irresponsible remarks. When we kick Bayern from the throne, we are the heroes of Germany, and those noises will automatically disappear."

Yang Cheng learned about Mattsitz’s investment in sports last night, and he was very bold.

In addition to his personal preference for sports, in his opinion, the sports industry is a big business that can help Red Bull Group to make more money. When a person can turn his hobby into a way to make money, his life is enough to complete.

"Are you really not going to try it in England or Spain?"

Mattsitz hesitated for a moment, "I don't know, I haven't thought about this problem. Maybe this is a good idea, but it is not easy to let me give up Leipzig, which has been in business for many years."

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