Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1204: Form a sports group

"As one of the representative global media groups in France, it has long occupied the top spot in the French book and magazine publishing industry. Its position in the distribution and marketing field is very important, especially in the distribution and publishing business. The Lagardère Group is the world's three largest publishing company. One of the companies. Mobile phone

Although this group has a wide range of businesses, including TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, etc., but since its involvement in the sports industry, it has become a giant company in the global sports marketing field.

If we only acquire related businesses in its sports sector, I think Lagardère Group is willing to talk in detail. "

Yanklovsky said cheerfully.

Yang Cheng smiled with satisfaction. Sure enough, people just have to be under pressure. Doesn't Yanke be forced by himself and think of a suitable acquisition target?

"Tell me about this company~"

"I don’t know enough about it in detail, but I heard that several companies in the United States have issued quotations to Lagardère Group. I thought it would fall apart, but Lagardère said it could talk. This proves that their group’s life is not easy. Sell ​​sideline businesses to lose weight to keep the core business unaffected."

"Does Lagardère have any events with global influence?" Yang Cheng wanted to know more.

"The sports events represented by Lagardère Sports are mainly concentrated in Asia. They have acquired Singapore's World Sports Group, which owns the exclusive global copyright and sponsorship operation rights for AFC events. Of course, WSG has now been renamed Lagardère Asia. "

"Sounds pretty good~" Yang Cheng wondered if he could use this as an opportunity to fully enter the Asian and country Z markets once he acquired Lagardère Sports?

"The most important thing is that the valuation of Lagardère Sports will not be too high. US$200-300 million is enough to get Lagardère Sports." Yanklovsky made a final decision. Price is the key to hindering the acquisition. Since the price is not Expensive, then there are no obstacles.

"Acquisition, you are personally responsible. I wonder if you are interested in changing positions?" Yang Orange suddenly proposed.

Yanke was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic, knowing that this trip to Los Angeles was the right one, "Of course, I am happy to serve the boss."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Very good, go back and tell Ritz, New Era Sports that has always existed on paper before can be put into action. You will now go back to New York to take charge of the establishment of New Era Sports and become the CEO. After the formation is completed, he will be solely responsible for the acquisition of Lagardère Sports.

In addition, I am also very interested in the UFC you mentioned earlier. Complete the acquisition and digestion as soon as possible. If you can win the UFC, you will get at least 2% of the new era sports option award.

Believe me, this company will appear on Nasdaq as quickly as possible. "

Yanke was so confused by Yang Cheng's big plan that he succeeded so soon? Are you the CEO? There are stock options? And the one that can be cashed in a short time?

shit, is this not a dream?

Regardless of whether Yang Ke is dreaming or not, Yang Cheng keeps on assigning tasks and finally waits to see the results.

However, Yanke’s ambitions were completely mobilized by Yang Orange, and said excitedly, “Boss, if you want to do a big job, it’s better to acquire Wasserman Sports, as the world’s second largest sports economic company, and its influence in the sports world. Not worse than CAA, Wasserman has more than 3.5 billion US dollars in contracts for athletes and more than 150 million US dollars in commissions.

Of course, the most valuable is Wasserman's more than 750 athlete customers, covering fields including football, basketball, rugby, baseball, ice hockey, golf and other projects.

Moreover, Wasserman is in a dominant position in the female athlete brokerage business, and his WNBA stars including Maya Moore, Diana Taurahi, etc. are very representative.

Steven Gerrard is also a Wasserman customer.

And they have always wanted to open up the Z country market, but they have no way of leading the way, so they can only slowly explore. If they accept our investment, this advantage is difficult for Casey Wasserman to refuse. "

Casey Wasserman is the boss of Wasserman Sports.

Yang Cheng did not hesitate, "If you think it's worth the acquisition, just let it go. A company like Wasserman may be difficult to acquire wholly, as long as you get a controlling stake."

"I know what to do."

. . .

In the evening, while Yang Cheng and Luo were enjoying a candlelight dinner at home, Donna Lande called in an untimely manner.

"Donna, it's off work now~"

Yang Orange glanced at the time on the phone, and complained helplessly.

"I'm really sorry, I interrupted your leisure time~" Donna said sorry, but her attitude was more like a prank's success, there was no sincerity in sorry.

Yang Cheng couldn’t lose his temper with his capable man. She put down her fork and got up to the pool. The lights of Wanjia in Los Angeles had a panoramic view, “OK, let’s talk about it, shouldn’t you have dinner with your family at this time? ?"

Donna Lande smiled, "I'm just a worker, but I don't have such good luck."

Yang Cheng changed his hand and took the phone. "Comeon, I didn't force you to work overtime. Also, don't let the union people listen to your words, or you have to sue me for exploiting labor~"

"Ha, I have some expectations~"

The two joked, and Donna Lande finally talked about the business. "I just received the news that the budget for Disney's "Mulan" project is out of the way, 250 million US dollars, and there is still a late addition. Oh my God, Disney is all over are you crazy?"

Yang Cheng was also a little dazed. His memory was very vague, and he couldn't remember the final investment amount of "Mulan".

But nearly 300 million US dollars have been invested in a major heroine movie, or a Chinese heroine, how much box office does it take to recover the cost? 800 million? 900 million? 1 billion?

It’s not that Yang Cheng looks down on his own is really in a world where white people are the masters, using a Chinese female protagonist to do something, and the story background is still Eastern culture, and it is hoped that the box office outside of Asia will explode. It's impossible. I can only hope that the audiences in country Z will give a little effort to buy tickets to watch movies for the purpose of supporting their own culture. This is unrealistic. Could it be that country Z can hit a box office of 700 to 800 million US dollars?

Don't forget that Hollywood films can only enjoy a very low box office share in Country Z, and most of them are made in the game.

As Donna Lande said, Disney is really crazy.

"So do you still want to invest?" Yang Cheng couldn't help asking.

Donna sighed, "This is also the reason why I am calling now. I don't know how to choose. I want to hear your opinion."

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly. If he knew the clear result, he could immediately give advice.

But blame him for wearing it a few years earlier, when the filming of "Mulan" hadn't started yet.

box office? Still in the dream!

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