Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1205: Routine Xiao Hua (1)

"It is foreseeable that the main box office market of "Mulan" is in Asia. It is difficult for the US to get impressive box office results. Can it exceed 200 million? I think it is difficult."

Donna Lande agreed, "Yes, if there is a big explosion in North America, it will be able to drive overseas markets. Coupled with the advantages of country Z, it may be able to make a small profit, but the possibility of a big explosion in North America is really not Big.

Similar to our previous analysis, perhaps Disney’s plan is to add a new theme to the Disneyland in Country Z through the IP "Mulan". "

Yang Cheng said rationally, "So my suggestion is to give up this investment. Disney did not intend to share the profit with others. If we bluntly cut out a piece of cake and we still haven't eaten it in the end, then The gain is not worth the loss."

"Well, maybe when I dial your phone, I have a decision in my heart."

. . .

Hearing a busy tone from the phone, Yang Cheng just turned around and found Luo Yue walking over with a knitted jacket. Seeing Yang Cheng turned around and found out, he said helplessly, "It's getting cold at night, put it on~"

Yang Cheng's face was full of happiness, but he took it and didn't put it on himself, but put it on Luo Yue's shoulder, "I resist freezing~"

At this time, I wonder if White heard what they said and lit the fire for outdoor decoration. The fire was reflected on the water, reflecting each other with the lights of the City of Angels, beautiful and romantic.

"It's the company's business again?" Luo Yue snuggled in Yang Cheng's arms and asked with concern.

"Yes, Donna is not sure about the film company and wants to hear my opinion."

Luo Yue tilted his head and said with admiration, "Donna is my idol~"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Do you want to be a strong woman like her? All day except for sleeping is dedicated to the company."

Luo Yue pushed Yang Cheng hard, "I'm just an idol, it doesn't mean I want to be like her~"

"I will introduce you to you another day. By the way, are you full?"

Yang Cheng turned around to see the servant cleaning the table, did not ask again.

"Almost, but I want to go out and have some snacks on the road, what do you think?" Luo Yue's small face is full of expectation. Compared with the quiet night of Laucala Island, the night in Los Angeles has a different taste.

Yang Cheng petted Luo Yue's little head, "Listen to you~"

However, the friends who have been in Los Angeles for a long time know that after 10 pm, there is basically no food street to hang out. Most young people are either at the party or on the way to the party. If it is not a real foodie, It is true that you may not find a delicious 24-hour restaurant.

It just so happens that Yang Cheng is also considered a half Los Angeles native, who once ate all over the West Coast, he really has no worries about having a late night snack.

Because Yang Cheng had just drunk a few glasses of wine, Yang Cheng did not drive himself, but let Andrew drive him and Luo Yue to Koreatown in a Rolls Royce.

It’s one of the most lively places in Los Angeles at night. I don’t know why Koreans like bars and nightclubs more than Americans, just as they like coffee far more than foreigners. They are all strange things that are incomprehensible. Does this make them superior? ?

Anyway, Yang Cheng and the others just went to eat, not going to the nightclub.

The restaurant he recommends is a Xuemongtang restaurant in South Korea. It is open 24 hours a day and is well-known among Chinese gluttons. Especially on weekends, the queues will have to wait for half a day.

The name sounds very elegant, it can be said that it is ox bone broth, but the ingenious processing method has made it extremely popular in other places.

Undoubtedly, this shop was a place where Yang Cheng and his beloved women used to go on dates.

Although the flowers were not flowers and mists, but when Yang Cheng stood in front of the shop, that good memory could not help but resurfaced in his mind.

The waiter pushed the goalkeeper Yang Cheng to welcome them in. Yang Cheng took back his mind and smiled at Luo Yue, "Don't you watch Korean dramas occasionally? You should have heard of snow soup?"

Luo Yue looked at the storefront curiously and nodded, "I know, but I haven't eaten it before, I feel pretty good~"

The air in the store was filled with a strong scent of broth, which aroused appetite. Luo Yue, who had just eaten 80% full, felt hungry again.

“The main traditional health-preserving snow thick soup here has undergone a special treatment to remove fishy, ​​and it is carefully stewed for more than 10 hours without adding any spices. The snow-white thick soup is boiled over time. Drink a bowl in this slightly cool night. , Happy like a fairy."

Luo Yue covered his mouth and smiled, rather unbelieving, "Is there such an exaggeration?"

However, she soon admitted that Yang Cheng's words were not miserable.

When the waiter brought the thick soup like milk, Luo Yue's eyes almost fell into the bowl, the cartilage was boiled into liquid, the meat was thick and smooth but not greasy, and the taste and nutrients in the soup were completely oozing out and rich. Contains calcium, protein, gum and various nutritional essences, nourishing and nourishing.

Yang Cheng also ordered the super-popular braised steak bone stone pot in the store. The melted beef thighs are paired with fragrant rice. The wonderful taste does not change for any money.

Luo Yue's taste buds were completely conquered, and he completely forgot that the image was Shen Ma Dongdong, and his face and bowl were almost inlaid together.

Yang Cheng was not too hungry. After eating a few bites, he found that the taste was exactly the same as he remembered, so he put down his chopsticks. He believed that Luo Yue's black hole appetite was enough to empty the food on the table.

It may be because the familiar taste evoked memories. Yang Cheng felt quite sad, but it was not easy to show in front of Luo Yue, so she had to take out a thin cigar and apply to Luo Yue, “I’ll go out and smoke a cigar, you Eat slowly, don’t rush~"

Luo Yue ignored her words, nodded and waved her hands. She had beef in her mouth and stared at the TV opposite. There was a Korean variety show that was drinking snow soup, and she was fascinated by it.

With a wry smile, he walked out of the restaurant, lit his cigar by the side of the road, and smoked unhurriedly. Andrew leaned over, "Boss, why did you come out so soon?"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "It's nothing, by the way, you go in and pack some, and bring it back to the brothers to taste."

When Andrew heard this, he immediately went in to order a meal.

After coming back again, he hesitated, "Boss, the friend Thomas I went to investigate before."

Yang Cheng was startled, and immediately remembered this, "How's it going? Is there a problem?"

Andrew smiled bitterly, "It should be okay, but he is indeed bewitched. A comrade in arms when I joined the army, I lived in the same community as a child, and it didn’t matter at all. I happened to meet in the army and learned about us in chat. Coming from the same place, he quickly became a good friend, but once there was a conflict because of the hostage issue. He was kicked out of the army by his boss. The file was stained and he hated me.

I don't know where I learned that I was following you, the boss, so he encouraged Thomas to borrow money from me. "

Yang Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as someone didn't use Andrew's friends to calculate himself, but it seemed that Andrew's friends were grudges, otherwise they would not deliberately retaliate against Andrew through others.

"What are you going to do with it?"

Andrew was very embarrassed, "I don't know~"

Yang Cheng threw away the half-smoked cigar, "I'll give you a suggestion, just treat them as dead."

Andrew stared wide-eyed, "Boss, I didn't understand~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "You are no longer in the same world with them. There is no need to have entanglements, especially entanglements in interests. They are dead and do not exist. Anyway, you run with me all day, it is impossible to get together. I'm here to harass you."

Andrew's gray eyes brightened.

Yang Cheng said again, "Of course, if you smile cruelly, just find someone to send people to jail, once and for all~"

This is a bad idea. Not to mention that Andrew wouldn't do this. Even Yang Cheng couldn't agree with it. Although he came up with the idea, it didn't mean it was going to be used. It was pure nonsense.

"No, no, I can't do this, it will ruin them, unless they come to provoke me again." Andrew's righteous rejection was as early as Yang Cheng expected.

"Okay, don't think about it, go pick up the car and we will go home."

. . .

The most lively thing in North America these days is the NBA All-Star Game held in Toronto.

As the greatest star after Jordan, Kobe Bryant's last All-Star game is worthy of the nation's carnival.

Not to mention how crazy Kobe’s fans are. Those stars who want to take the opportunity to gain exposure are crazy. In the name of witnessing the final match of the legend, looking for people to buy tickets, the direct result is that the front row is close. The position of the arena has already reached an average price of 20,000 US dollars. If you can get close contact with the players on both sides of the commentary stand, you can’t buy it without 50,000 US dollars. It’s hard to find a ticket and you can’t buy it. It can only be said that there are too many rich people in the United States.

As a result, Yang Cheng made a temporary intention to go to the game and couldn't get a ticket.

How to do? Look to Xiao Hua, this dead bald donkey has changed the way to increase the exposure of the NBA in order to increase the income of the league. Can't you understand the flattering of the league boss? In fact, Xiao Hua really doesn't need to flatter anyone. As the president of the league, one word can kill a team. Does it need to flatter the bosses?

Of course, he wouldn't be really stupid enough to confront these billionaire capitalists. He didn't think his position as president of the alliance was too strong and wanted to take the initiative to challenge. . .

"Hey, Adam, it's me~"

Yang Cheng thought he had a very good attitude, but Xiao Hua was like a roundworm in his stomach. Before he could mention it, he had guessed it and blocked it with words. "Good morning Jason, everything is good except asking for votes. ~"

Being blocked upright, it made Yang Cheng feel uncomfortable. Luo Yue, who was not fully awake next to him, let out a laugh. It is more interesting to watch Yang Cheng eat it than to watch a variety show.

With a black face, "Damn it, you treat your friend like that?"

Xiao Hua's recent routine is good, "As a friend, you shouldn't make it difficult for me. Do you know how many people have asked me for tickets so far?"

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