Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1206: Routine Xiao Hua (2)

(New book seeking collection and recommendation! O(∩_∩)O thank you)

"As a friend, you shouldn't make it difficult for me. Do you know how many people have asked me for tickets so far?"

Xiao Hua, asked and answered, "Damn, there are hundreds of people, I didn't know that there were so many people in my mobile phone address book."

Yang Cheng smiled gleefully, "This shows that you are popular~"

Xiao Hua yelled, "I'd rather not know any of them. In short, it's not that I don't help you. It's that I really have no tickets. I can't drive other people away. Sit on you instead?"

"I don't care, it is not within my consideration. You dare to abolish the gambling ban and just exchange two tickets for me. What's so rare?"

Yang Orange's words did not show mercy to the dignified NBA president.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua suddenly calmed down.

Yang Cheng sneered, "It's nothing, I'm just reminding you that there are many people who are not optimistic about your reform."

"But you said you wouldn't object."

When visiting the NBA headquarters, Yang Cheng once talked to Xiao Hua about this topic. Whether it is basketball or football, it is not Yang Cheng’s love. The purpose of investment is to make money. He doesn’t care if it will ruin the sport. Xiao Hua is a good president if he makes money, but if it hurts his interests, then Xiao Hua is the enemy. Faced with the enemy, he doesn't mind to unite with other team bosses to initiate sanctions.

Therefore, Yang Cheng said to Xiao Hua that he did not oppose the abolition of the gambling ban, and that he had to try to make money.

But no objection is just a matter of thought. If you let me go, I won’t object. Why should I not object if you don’t let me go?

"You wouldn't even give me two tickets, why do I still support you?"

Yang Cheng's words instantly stagnated Xiao Hua's enthusiasm. During this period of time, he has been calling the wind and rain in the league, controlling referees, controlling players, and controlling the media. The brief glory blinded his eyes. It turns out that he is not the one and only big boss.

Even Stern, who helped him on stage with one hand and left countless legends in the NBA, didn't really cover the league with one hand.

The brilliance on the surface has a prerequisite, and it brings benefits to the bosses, so everyone is willing to recognize you as the leading brother. In turn, are you a shit? It's just the workers elected by everyone.

Yang Cheng turned his face without hesitation, causing a cold sweat on Xiao Hua's bare head, and smiled dryly, "Jason, your words are heavy."

"No, no, Adam, I'm very realistic. Friends should help each other, right?"

"Of course, of course. Tickets? Do you want tickets? Let me think about it. It shouldn't be a problem. You can fly to Toronto now. When you arrive at the stadium, someone will deliver the front row ticket to you."

Adam Silver was very courageous in the first place, otherwise he would not risk the world to implement his seemingly absurd proposal.

Even now, facing Yang Cheng's coldness, he quickly saw the facts, and he chose to retreat temporarily. He had an unreserved ticket in his mouth before, and it was no longer a problem in an instant.

Yang Cheng is also good at acting. As soon as his voice fell, he immediately said loudly, "As expected of my friend, Adam, thank you, you don't know how much my fiancee wants to watch this game~"

When Luo Yue next to him heard that this guy used himself as an excuse, he didn't make a slap in the air. He just shot his waist and eyes when he went up.

"Haha, friends, we should help each other." Xiao Hua laughed a few times, and replied in Yang Cheng's words, which was a disguised reminder to Yang Cheng to say what he said.

"Of course, I have said that I am a person who values ​​friendship the most. When the executive meeting after the season is over, I will tell Sean to shut up at the meeting."

After chatting for a few more words, I pressed the phone and threw it away, "It's done, I'm also drunk for the two tickets. I have to exchange terms."

Luo Yue glanced at him, "Who made you think on a whim? If you didn't plan early, you still used me as a cover, I don't have to go to see~"

Yang Cheng immediately put the little man in his arms and rubbed it, flattering, "This is not an excuse."

After being crooked for a while, Yang Cheng suddenly jumped up, "Stop making trouble, hurry up and wash, go to the airport for a bite to eat, Toronto must be very busy today, and finally got the tickets, but you can't be late."

. . . . . .

That night, Toronto stars shined. Last night's slam dunk contest set off the first GC. This was the perfect dunk contest since Carter and Tracy McGrady in 2000.

Although the star flavors of Zakraven and Aaron Gordon have faded, they used one after another incredible dunk moves to reignite people's passion for the dunk contest. This is also the sudden heat of Yang Cheng's head and a temporary sensation. The reason for watching the ball on the spot.

However, in today's All-Star Game, no one can steal the limelight of Kobe Bryant. In his 20-year career, he has been selected for the All-Star Game 18 times. This resume is enough to establish his legendary career. .

However, in the United States, there are as many Kohei as Kohei. For Kobe's final selection to the Western Conference starting lineup, Kohei will assume Kohei if he does not stand up.

The Kohei people’s point of view is very simple. The All-Star is a show, but performance is also an important consideration for being selected as a starter.

With Kobe's performance this season far inferior to Jordan's last season, it is really difficult to persuade fans to vote for him, even out of sentimental considerations.

In the 2003 All-Star vote, Jordan received 1.082,909 votes. It was far less than Tracy, Iverson and Carter, and even worse than Ben Wallace. But that season, the 40-year-old Jordan averaged 20 points, 6.1 rebounds and 3.8 per game. Assists, shooting 44.5%.

And what about Kobe this season? Averaged 15.9 points, 3.9 rebounds, and 3.2 30.9% shooting and 22.3% three-point shooting. Coupled with the Lakers's record of the lowest in the Western Conference, Kohei found that they make sense for the first time.

Compared to the entanglement of the Kobes, Kobe’s status in the arena has long established the tone of the game tonight, that is, to pay tribute to the legend. Kobes can’t afford tickets to spray Kobe on the spot, and all who can support Kobe on the spot are Kobe’s. Hardcore fans, therefore, it is basically impossible to expect Kobe to make a fool of himself in his last All-Star game.

After Yang Cheng and Luo Yue arrived on the scene, Xiao Hua’s assistant personally sent two tickets and two scarves containing the signatures of all the All-Star players of the two teams tonight. One red and one basket represent the East and West teams, Luo Yue. Without hesitation, he wrapped the red scarf of the Western All-Stars around his neck.

In Toronto in mid-February, there was still snow on the ground. Although there was heating and air-conditioning on this road, I immediately felt chilly when I got outside.

Bought popcorn, French fries, and a large glass of Coke, and watched the All-Stars warm-up before the game in advance, Yang Orange found that there was no one beside Kobe, so he told Luo Yue and walked over.

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