Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1209: Share God's Office (1)

After returning to New York, Luo Yue went to the company with her future mother-in-law as usual. Recently, she was very interested in fashion design. It happened that she had this resource at home, so she wanted to learn.

architectural design? fashion design? It's all designs, but it doesn't seem to be one family, right?

Looking at the shadows entering the flagship store, Yang Cheng shook his head speechlessly. Even if his fiancé wants to change careers, he has to give him full support, right?

Shaking his head, the car stopped on the side of the road and drove away in a hurry. Yang Cheng called the old stock god.

"Good morning Warren~"

"Morning Jason, it's hard to get your call."

The voice of the old stock **** still sounded low and steady.

"When it's okay, would you like to chat with me, a young man?" Yang Cheng replied unceremoniously.

"Of course, understanding the thinking of young people helps me to think on a commercial level." The old stock **** said awe-inspiringly.

But Yang Cheng didn't eat this set, "Comeon Warren, you are an old antique who doesn't even want to touch a computer."

The old stock **** smiled, "Okay, so what do you want me to do?"

"I think it's better for us to talk in person. Are you in the office? I'll go to you."

The old stock **** hurriedly stopped, "Wait, although I welcome you to Obaha, are you sure you want to talk in person?"

Yang Cheng froze for a moment, "Are you not in New York? Damn~"

The old stockman emphasized his tone, "Jason, pay attention to the language. It is not good to speak bad words in front of an old man."

Yang Cheng gritted his teeth, "You are a stock god, and you are right. Then you are waiting for me in the office. I will go to Obaha now. I must see you today."

The old stock **** is also aware of the seriousness of the matter. If it is not a special situation, Yang Cheng does not need to meet and talk, "OK, I am waiting for you in the office~"

Hanging up the phone and heading straight to the airport, his Jason has been on standby.

More than an hour later, the Jason landed in Obaha, Nebraska, in the central part of the United States. He had to find out what is worth talking about in this city, that is, the hometown of the old God. In fact, Obaha It is also known to the world because of this.

Otherwise, who would know such a small city with no tourism characteristics and no pillar industries, with a population of only 400,000?

Oh, not right. The pillar industry is Berkshire Hathaway. After all, the true headquarters of this well-known investment company is here, the 14th floor of the Kiewit Plaza building.

When Yang Cheng sat on a rented Mercedes-Benz car and looked at this old cement gray office building, he felt like it was in the 1960s. The style of this building was classic at the time, but it is now outdated.

Yang Cheng saw the approachable old stock **** in the lobby of the office building. He was chatting with the security guard of the office building. He seemed to be no different from the old man who had nothing to do with him.

"Warren, I still can't figure out why you always stay here~"

The old man waved goodbye to the security guard, took Yang Cheng to the elevator, and touched the yellowed marble column. "I was born and grew up here. I feel very happy to live here."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Is this your answer?"

However, Yang Cheng did not feel the same as Warren Buffett when he met in New York. It was more cordial here. In New York, Buffett was Buffett, the ‘legend’ that investors all over the world believed in.

"Yes, this is the answer, isn't it simple? I have lived in big cities such as Washington and New York, but Omaha is different. Only here is my hometown and gives me a sense of home.

It takes only 5 minutes to drive from where I live to my office. I am afraid you can hardly imagine that I have lived in that house for 53 years and I have been in this office building for 50 years.

Every day, my car will automatically drive me to and from get off work, but if I want it to take me to other places, it will not go. "

The last sentence is of course a joke. Up to now, no global car company has truly achieved L3 level autonomous driving, let alone reach the level Warren said.

Yang Cheng followed Warren up the elevator, no surprise, it is still technology decades ago, and there is a strong sense of weightlessness when moving, "I think you are hiding here purely to escape the noise, just like you are on the phone. That said, I can calm down and think."

The old stock **** agreed, "Yes, Omaha is a place where people can be mentally normal.

When I worked in New York in the past, I often felt that there were always too many external stimuli in this city, which constantly impacted my heart, and I would secrete too much adrenal hormones and become over-excited, so that I overreacted to these external stimuli and couldn’t pass. How long will it take to make crazy moves.

It's much easier to think calmly in quiet Omaha. "

In fact, to some extent, this is similar to that of many rich people who like to stay in remote pastures. When people stay in big cities for a long time, they always want to stay away from the crowd, but few people can be like the old stock gods. So absolute.

The elevator reached the fourteenth floor, and as soon as it went out, it was similar to scenes in many nostalgic movies. It was simple and simple to a little old yellow carpet. After turning the corner, it was Berkshire Hathaway. They only rented half a floor.

The short-haired woman at the front desk was answering the phone. Seeing the big boss brought the guests in, she didn't say to greet her. She just smiled politely. At the same time, the ballpoint pen in her hand pointed to the telephone receiver, indicating that her work was not convenient for her.

The old stock **** just pressed his hands and explained to Yang Cheng, "Don't be surprised. There is no serious work atmosphere in New York here, only the warmth and relaxation of family."

Yang Cheng smiled, "I can see it~"

"By the way, I must show you it, these are all my collection~"

Buffett suddenly turned around. The souvenir display cabinet was directly opposite the front desk. Half of the space was filled with football helmets. One of them was the helmet of the University of Nebraska football team, Buffett's alma mater.

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Do you still like rugby? Goodness~"

The old stock **** showed childlike pride, "Of course, football has a lot of meaning to me, it can be said to mean everything.

Even for people in Nebraska.

A true story once happened. A couple who had lived in Nebraska for most of their lives were about to divorce. When the family property was divided, the husband said: The child can belong to you, but the ticket belongs to me. "

Yang Cheng smiled cooperatively, not a smirk, because he knew that this kind of thing is simply too common in the United States, not only in Nebraska, but also the significance of football to Americans, and even the significance of table tennis to the people of Z. After all, not everyone in Country Z is crazy about table tennis.

But Americans will give up everything for the sake of football. If someone gets a ticket to the Super Bowl by chance and happens to have a business worth millions of dollars to negotiate on that day, then he will give up business negotiations in all likelihood. There may only be one chance to enter the Super Bowl scene in a lifetime.

The old stockman said again, "This helmet has a lot of signatures of top players. For the past 61 years, I have been wearing this team's red uniform to watch the game. If they need me to stand up, I am ready to play."

Yang Cheng clutched his forehead. Although it was not the first time he heard someone who could give his life for football, he heard it from Buffett, and he was speechless.

"Oh my god, just rely on your old bones, forget it, forget it, it's hard to imagine~"

He really couldn't imagine the scene where Buffett was crushed to pieces by the group of beasts.

There are car models on the other half of the cabinet. They are not the most meaningful ones. They are just the most common car models. But Yang Cheng found that those models are well maintained and there is no trace of dust.

Finally, Buffett led him into the office through the front desk. A big yellow placard was hung on the doorway and said "InvestLikeAChampionToday (Invest like a champion today.

I saw that the old stock **** almost instinctively reached out and touched it when he passed the placard. He turned back and explained to Yang Cheng, "When you walk out of the dressing room of the University of Notre Dame football team, you will see a placard: PlayLikeAChampionToday. ), all players must touch this placard before going out of the locker room and entering the stadium through the corridor.

I think you must know the glorious history of this team that has won 13 Champions Cups. I like this sentence and the belief of the players. So I put a sign here. Every morning we enter the office first. To touch this placard.

As a result, you have also seen it, is this placard working? Are we investment champions? I don’t need to explain this, right? "

This is Buffett’s heartfelt pride, and it all stems from success.

Yang Cheng has a deep understanding of this. "My English football team, Liverpool, also wrote a sentence above the entrance passage: This is Anfield. All the players step on the stadium to defend the home field.

So I understand when people do certain things with faith, it is always easier to succeed. "

Buffy nodded, "Yes, I once said this to investors more than 20 years ago: looking for superstar companies.

We are always looking for large companies with clear and easy-to-understand businesses, consistently excellent performance, and management with extraordinary capabilities and consideration for shareholders.

This kind of target company does not fully guarantee the profitability of our investment, but this kind of investment method provides us with the only chance to achieve real success. "

Yang Cheng is helpless. The old stock **** is again preaching his old-fashioned but always successful investment philosophy. Yang Cheng really wants to say that yours is outdated, but he has to admit that he doesn’t seem to be qualified to say this. , At least before he has surpassed the old stock god.

However, he is not qualified to say it outdated, but it does not prevent him from complaining, "Warren, you should leave this sentence to those laymen who come here especially. When they visit your office with a pilgrimage mentality, they should cooperate with your concept. , You can definitely successfully turn those young people into your believers~"

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