Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1210: Share God's Office (2)

(Recommendation for new book~ Collection! O(∩_∩)O Thank you)

Every detail in the Berkshire Hathaway headquarters is full of nostalgia. Maybe after the old stock **** goes to another world, it will be transformed into a tourist attraction like the former residence of the Beatles for tourists to make a pilgrimage. indefinite.

Across a long corridor, the most conspicuous of which are two photos, one is Buffett's most admired player, and the other is the most famous player among Buffett's friends.

The old stock **** pointed to a photo and said: "This is a photo of Ted Williams representing the Red Sox in the first baseball game.

For a batter, the most important thing is to wait for the right pitch before swinging the ball.

This is similar to my investment philosophy. Waiting for the right investment transaction is like waiting for the right pitch. As long as you wait patiently, it will definitely come. "

It seems rare for outsiders to visit the office. The old stockman is very chatty and points to the bottom right of the Ted Williams photo, which is a photo of him and Tiger Woods.

Buffett explained: "This is a new group photo. A few years ago in a golf game in Iowa, I was a caddy for Woods. He was a very good student. When I was a caddy for him He has adopted all the suggestions made."

Speaking of this, the old stock gods can't hide their complacency. It is a very remarkable thing to successfully persuade a professional golfer to follow his advice as an amateur player.

Finally, they entered Buffett’s office unhurriedly, and the woman who rushed over from the front desk after the call brought two cups of coffee, not the high-quality freshly ground coffee, but the Starbucks bought outside.

"Taste it, this is my favorite, Coco Frappuccino." The old stock **** took it over and took a hard breath.

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry. Fortunately, the temperature here is a bit higher than in New York, otherwise he would really worry about diarrhea.

This small room of only 16 square meters is the office of the stock god, simple and comfortable, very similar to the study of ordinary people, but it is such a place that controls 8 Fortune 500 companies.

Yang Cheng drank a few sips of Starbucks's signboard, and sat casually on the solo sofa with Erlang's legs upright. I am afraid that Yang Cheng is the only one who can do this action in front of Buffett. "I will let the crew come next day. For shooting, this office is very suitable for shooting background clips from the 1960s and 1970s. Oh my God, I couldn't even find a decent electrical appliance.

Oh, that TV older than me doesn't count. "

Buffett is satisfied with his small office that he has stayed in for decades. He sits on his desk with a Starbucks in his hand, which is a bit of a force. "I love this place. This is the most perfect office in the world. If possible, I would love to spend the rest of my life here, you know, it's like my home."

However, what surprised us is that there is no computer on Buffett's desk. Doesn't Buffett use any computer in the office at all?

As everyone knows about computers, he turned around and picked up an abacus from the desktop. Of course, the workmanship of the abacus was exquisite, and he shook Yang Cheng, "I only use an abacus when I work. I have mastered the abacus proficiently, and I will start to learn the nine-nine-nine multiplication table of your country Z."

Yang Cheng was drinking Frappuccino and was almost choked, "Ha, thank you, you should say this to the camera again. I believe that friends in country Z will love you to death. Finally, an authority figure admits that the abacus and the multiplication table are It was invented by the people of Z."

Buffett put down his abacus, "Okay, it's time to talk about your intentions. You must not come to visit my office specially, are you?"

Yang Cheng was still sitting, but he lowered his legs, adjusted a more solemn posture, and his expression became serious, "Of course, regarding the predatory fund, I think you must give me an explanation."

Buffett took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "When you put down the phone, I guessed what you came from. I didn't expect I guessed right."

Yang Cheng opened his hands and said, "To be honest, if it hadn’t happened to have heard about Venezuela a while ago, I would have forgotten about it. Damn, I invested 1 billion U.S. dollars in it, and I just replaced it with paper money and threw it into the sea. It's time to hear a little noise, but apart from receiving an earnings report every once in a while, I haven't heard anything."

The old stock **** raised his index finger, "You need to be patient, trust me, this fund is established in my reputation, and I will not let it fail~"

Yang Orange leaned forward, showing an oppressive posture, "Warren, I believe you, but I don't believe the person who actually handles the funds. You should be very clear about the ambiguous relationship between the Fed and Goldman Sachs."

He emphasized the accent of the word ‘ambiguous’, which is an irony, it’s not as embarrassing to use nasty.

The old stock gods seem very helpless. The Fed's several times to pay for Goldman Sachs's **** has caused complaints from places other than Wall Street, and even many insiders on Wall Street.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Are you emptying Venezuela's foreign exchange?" Yang Orange asked bluntly.

The old stock **** did not hesitate, "This is part of the plan~"

"What else? Instigate zheng~change?"

This time the old stock god's attitude became hesitant, and he lowered his head into a long silence.

Yang Cheng took a deep breath, he already knew the answer.

He asked, "Other than that? Fully intervene in Venezuela's livelihood? I guess, the big brands and conglomerates you control have already begun to deploy, right?

No, no, More than a year has passed, I am afraid the layout has been completed long ago. Have you begun to seize and compress the market share of Venezuelan domestic enterprises? "

The old man smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Jason, you know everything, there is no need to come over and ask for a yes!"

Yang Chengteng stood up and said, "I need it, I need it too much, because I feel a deep crisis, and there is a cloud of mist in front of me, covering the edge of the cliff, and it looks like a smooth road ahead, but I dare not step forward. Take a step, because there is a voice in my heart telling me that I can’t step, and if I step, I’ll die~"

Taking a sip of the cold Frappuccino, calming down my irritated heart, "I don't make it difficult for you Warren, I only want you to say something, will we or I be pushed out as scapegoats in the end?"

Warren was shocked, "Why do you think that? No, I use my name as a guarantee."

Obviously Warren didn't believe this terrible thing would happen.

Yang Cheng shook his head helplessly, "Warren, you just don't want to believe it. Past history tells me that this possibility is expanding endlessly."

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