Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1218: Poor sister

The depressive silence in the elevator, although Irene was not too anxious because of Yang Cheng's calmness, and she had stopped tears, but she still couldn't help thinking in a bad direction.

Did my sister meet a bad guy? Did it cause deeper damage? Was it just being beaten?

In short, all kinds of thoughts filled her small little head, and finally made herself a headache.

When Yang Cheng saw it, she hugged it in her arms distressedly, rubbing her big hands on her shoulders, barely having some comforting effect.

The elevator stopped steadily on the 8th floor. As soon as the door opened, the corridor was quiet. This floor is a single ward. Although it is not a more advanced VIP, it is at least much better than an ordinary ward with 18 people. Of course, the price is also stronger. Many, yes, the general wards of most hospitals in South Korea are mixed, and the number of people ranges from a few to a dozen people. If you have the money and the right, the single ward will naturally be provided. Ordinary people don’t even think about it. Otherwise, why does Korea always have various epidemic viruses?

Maybe it's because so many patients live together with cross-infection. From this perspective, the average conditions of large hospitals in country Z are much better.

But in any case, it can be seen that the conditions of Irene's family are pretty good, otherwise it would be difficult to nurture such an excellent daughter. Although the aristocratic temperament is not necessarily innate, it can be inseparable from the family environment that grew up.

It has now passed 1 o'clock in the morning, and most of the doctors on duty at night are taking their free time to rest. Only the nurses at the nurse desk are still sleepy.

Sister Irene’s ward is at the bottom, far from the nurse's desk. It feels a bit less popular and a bit colder.

But at this time Irene didn't care so much, and once again determined the house number, and pushed the door directly in.

Fearing to disturb my sister's rest, the moment she rushed in, she suppressed the words of concern.

The light is still on, there is no decoration in a single ward of about 10 square meters, not even a bathroom, in the middle, a girl with a hematoma face is covered, almost invisible, a girl lying* with arms and legs hitting Wearing a bandage plaster, Irene's miserable appearance made Erin tears like an avalanche for the first time.

She bit her lip firmly, her lower lip was bitten unconsciously, bloodshot, and the sound of sobbing was pressed against her throat.

There were two people standing back to the door, Irene's parents, their sad and decadent backs made people cry.

Sadness is understandable, but why is it decadent?

Yang Cheng, who was slightly lagging behind, raised questions in her heart.

"Back?" Irene's father turned his head first, and forced a smile at his eldest daughter very reluctantly.

Irene threw herself down on Chuang's side, and made her movements as light as possible, putting a trembling hand on her sister's arm, tears streaming uncontrollably.

"Who is this?"

When Irene's father looked back, he also noticed Yang Cheng's figure, and couldn't help but wonder.

Erin's mother turned her head when she heard the sound, and cast a suspicious look at Yang Orange.

Yang Cheng knew that Irene could not be counted on at this time, so she had to introduce herself, "Uncle and Auntie, I am Yang Cheng, Irene’s friend, we were having dinner when we called, and I was worried about Irene’s misfortune. People came back in danger, so I sent her back."

Irene’s parents have not forgotten that a few months ago, the eldest daughter suddenly came back from Seoul and was sent back by a man in a luxury car. The figure that looked down from the upper floor at that time gradually overlapped with Yang Cheng in front of her. .

In addition, Yang Cheng said that the two were having dinner before. You must know that it was almost 11 o'clock when they called, and that they were still eating out at night. You can imagine the relationship between the two.

In fact, it's hard not to misunderstand such a situation. Irene, who was full of her little sister, didn't pay attention to what Yang Cheng said, let alone care about these things.

It seems that the raw rice is almost ready to cook.

Yang Cheng couldn't help but feel proud, even in such a scene it didn't seem appropriate.

Irene’s parents quickly drew a trace of energy from the sad emotions to Yang Cheng, an outsider. After all, they sent their daughter back from a long distance and drove a few hours late at night. Anyway, I always have to say thank you, "Thank you. Yang Orange?"

This name is difficult for Koreans to pronounce, so Yang Cheng said again, "Just call me jason. I am Chinese American."

"Then you speak Korean very well~" Irene's father forced a smile again.

Yang Cheng's grasp of people's hearts has long been so perfect. Knowing that she is not in a hurry to show her charm, she took the initiative to bring the topic to Erin's sister, "Thank you, uncle, and I want to see if I can help with Erin this time. Busy, what kind of person is so guilty that he will kill a girl next time?"

He is indeed very curious. I'm afraid it's not just a robbery accident, right?

Sure enough, Yang Cheng was able to care about Irene's sister, which made Irene's parents very useful, and her face eased a lot, at least she wouldn't squeeze out a polite smile.

But it's okay not to say, when I talked about this, Erin's mother's tears burst out again.

Irene's father scolded, "Don't cry, what's the use of crying."

Yang Cheng slandered, "Korean men want face~"

"Yang~jason, made you laugh, we didn't figure out what happened.

I only knew that Zhu Yeon, oh, that is Zhu Hyon’s sister, went to a classmate’s birthday party last night and told us to come back later. We didn’t think much about it, so we agreed.

Who knows that when it was almost 11 o'clock, we suddenly received a call from the hospital saying that Zhu Yan was seriously injured and asked us to go to the hospital as soon as possible, and then we saw it. . . "

Irene's father couldn't bear to mention the scene and choked up.

Yang Cheng stepped forward and patted Irene's father on the This action is rare in a country like South Korea that places great emphasis on elders and children.

But Yang Cheng did not make people offensive. Erin’s father wiped the corners of his eyes. This stalwart-looking man became extremely vulnerable when his daughter was injured. Before asking what happened, the person was taken away by JC, saying that he was going to make a transcript. As a result, there has been no movement."

Yang Cheng frowned, he smelled a trace of dog blood, "Fang Jing didn't ask you to take notes?"

Irene's father shook his head, "No, there is nothing. In a hurry, I asked a friend to help inquire about the situation, but none of them responded."

‘Sure enough,’ Yang Cheng secretly said, if there were no big shots involved, he would have dared to twist his head off and kick the ball.

But he didn’t say this to Irene’s father, nor did he take the initiative to intervene to help. For a realistic person like him, courtesy is absolutely impossible. Of course, if Irene takes the initiative to ask for help, He must have nothing to say.

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