Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1219: Hunting snake

Don't blame Yang Cheng for his narrow-mindedness. In these days, people don't buy everything that is free and cheap. They think that free things are not good and worthless, and only the things they spend money or buy with their own hands are valuable.

The same principle applies to the current situation. If Yang Cheng is rushing forward, Irene’s parents will not think there is anything, but will think it is normal. The brain circuit is larger, and they will take Yang Cheng’s contribution as reason. So, who made you my daughter's boyfriend? Isn’t it right to do something for your girlfriend’s house?

It’s a pity that Yang Cheng is only a profitist. After all, no one owes anyone. There is no need or not. If you exchange something equivalent, this is fairness and justice. To be more specific, Yang Cheng only values Irene, in order to get her heart, he is willing to do something, but only if Irene personally asks for it!

And judging from the few information he heard, sister Irene’s experience was definitely not a simple classmate fight or accidental twists and turns. There must be local rights activists in Daegu who took part in it and took advantage of the landlord, even if Yang Cheng It won't be too easy to deal with, it is estimated that a lot of brain cells will be wasted, so he will not take the initiative to take care of things. Didn't Irene's parents do nothing?

Let's wait until Irene takes the initiative to speak~

Yang Cheng didn't hear Irene talk about her family background, and she didn't understand Irene's parents' career. It seemed that she was just a little money, and her social status could not be mentioned.

Otherwise, the incident will not happen until now, and it will still be helpless.

Formulated and said, "Uncle, relax your heart, things will always come to light. If you need my help, just speak up."

Then he retreated to the door, because he heard rapid footsteps, it is estimated that Hansen was chasing.

Sure enough, as soon as he retreated to the door, Hansen poked his head in and whispered, "Boss, car key~"

Yang Cheng took out the Ferrari key from his pocket and threw it over, pulling Hansen's head, and instructed in her ear, "This girl's name is Pei Zhuyan, you can find a way to find out why she entered the hospital."

If he is correct, it won’t be long before the family will find things tricky. Irene will definitely think of herself as soon as possible when they are helpless. Rather than investigating at that time, it’s better to prepare in advance. It can be used directly when needed.

Hansen nodded and was about to leave, but was pulled by Yang Cheng again, "Let Andrew park the car and buy some food and drinks nearby."

Since you have made up your mind not to take the initiative, let's do some logistical support work, first leave a good impression on Irene's parents.

After Hansen left, Yang Cheng hesitated and walked out of the room quietly. At the window at the end of the corridor, he took out his mobile phone and called Li Zhiyu.

This kid is a nocturnal creature, and he probably hasn't slept yet at this point.

The phone rang a few times and was immediately answered, "Brother Yang, what's the order?"

Li Zhiyu now plays his role very upright, a small follower who is responsive, of course, in the eyes of outsiders and friends, he is still the young master Li who can call the wind and rain.

"Do you know anyone in Daegu?"

After a pause, he didn't worry, and added another sentence, "The kind that can do things~"

Yang Cheng's language can only be understood by the second generation. Li Zhiyu, as the top Korean dude, knew that Yang Cheng was going to cause trouble.

I couldn't help but cried out with excitement, "Which little **** with eyesight provokes you to Brother Yang? I'll go over and talk to him about his parents."

For the second generation of dandies all over the world, the first thing to do when they fight fiercely is to fight for fathers and mothers. First, let the parents, grandparents, grandparents, uncles and uncles, and the backgrounds of the seven aunts and eight aunts one by one, decide the battle. Don't fight it down.

Usually, families with similar family backgrounds will go to two extremes, either fighting to the death, anyway, no one is afraid of others; or shaking hands and making peace, everyone is a person of status, there is no need to fight back and forth, and white outsiders take advantage.

If the background is divided into high and low, then there is no need to fight this battle, and the weaker party recognizes it and this matter is over, the kind of mental illness that has to be destroyed is still a minority.

It’s not that Li Zhiyu’s first reaction was to rush over to make a surname with someone. Anyway, on the southern boundary of the Korean peninsula, there are only a few people who can let him look down. You can count the number of fingers plus toes , He is confident that in the first round, the person who provokes Yang Cheng will get on the ground.

Yang Cheng also understands this routine, so she simply said, "Okay, if you know that you are the prestige of Young Master Li, you won't bother to drive, just find someone who can do things in Daegu."

Li Zhiyu is so clever. When he hears this, Yang Cheng is going to play in person, mostly because of women, otherwise Yang Cheng would be tired to say a few more words.

If you want to understand this, there is no nonsense. When you are a younger brother, you can't take the boss's prestige. The thief laughed, "Understand, understand, Daegu can do things right? I think about it~"

After thinking about it for a long time, I really didn't figure it out. He was too high-level. The son of Daegu's poor man didn't even have the qualifications to open the toilet door. How could anyone come into his eyes?

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't know him, someone must know him around him.

Therefore, Yang Cheng heard a burst of Korean swear words on the other end of the phone. After about two minutes, Li Jiyu picked up the phone again and said, "Brother Yang, there is really a good candidate, please wait a moment. Minute, I'll call him and ask a few words, and then let him find you. Do you think this arrangement is okay?"

Yang Cheng has no objection, he is not in a hurry anyway, "Yes, let him come directly to Daegu Hospital, I am in Ward 8."


The so-called strong dragon does not crush the ground snake. If you really want to solve the problem, you have to find the local dragon snake tiger.

The lights in the corridors are dim, and I don't know if it is to save money or deliberately create a hospital atmosphere. If Yang Cheng had not experienced the strangest things in this world, he would really feel irritating. As for now? Except that the chilly feeling made him uncomfortable, he had no idea.

Leaning against the wall and waiting for 10 minutes, he saw Andrew running over with two hands full of lunch boxes, "Boss, are these enough?"

Is it enough? Too much Nima, just buy some supper to cushion your stomach, and not be hungry for a few days. Besides, how can the Irene family be in the mood to eat now? It's interesting enough to eat a few bites less on his face.

In the end, Yang Cheng picked and picked, leaving only a few snacks most commonly eaten by Koreans, as well as light porridge and side dishes, and the remaining fried chicken and ribs. All told Andrew to share with the brothers.

Carrying 2 large paper bags in one hand, gently push the door in.

After crying for a while, Irene's mother and daughter came to finally stop the tears. At this moment, they were leaning together sadly, not knowing what to say.

Irene's father stood frowning and fiddling with the phone, as if still expecting his unreliable friends to reply to him.

Yang Cheng and Ellie looked at each other and smiled warmly, "I bought you some food, no matter what the health is the most important thing, my sister still counts on you to take care of it. You can't take care of people when you are hungry."

Erin's mother was deliberately evasive, she really had no appetite.

Fortunately, Irene’s father took out the majesty of the head of the family, "Jason is right, Zhu Yeon still needs our care, and we can’t collapse before the matter is resolved."

Irene felt Yang Cheng's kindness, and she was moved in her heart. She wanted to maintain a clean relationship with Yang Cheng before.

He walked over to help Yang Cheng carry a few bags, "Yes, Mom, Dad is right, eat as many as you want, it's useless to sit."

There is no dining table in the ward, Yang Cheng can only arrange two chairs together, open the lunch box one by one, different flavors of porridge and more than a dozen side dishes, and indispensable their favorite kimchi, as well as spicy fried rice cakes, fish cakes, etc. The classic snack, full of color and fragrance, Erin's mother, who had no appetite before, was also seduced by the fragrant taste and took a bowl of porridge and ate it.

Irene's father waved to Yang Cheng, "You eat too, thank you, thanks to your thoughtful thoughts."

What Yang Cheng has done so far has made Irene's father very satisfied. Whether it is her words or deeds, or taking care of them, they are all just right.

"Uncle, don't be polite with me. I ate a lot before I came here. Now I am not hungry. You eat quickly. It won't taste good when it is cold."

It's not the time to be hypocritical, Irene's father stopped talking nonsense, and he ate with a big mouthful. He was able to understand the situation. Only when he had enough food and nourished his spirit, could he better help his daughter.

Irene wasn't too hungry, but in order to let her parents eat more, she forced herself to drink a bowl of porridge, and the warm heat flowed through her body along the esophagus, just like the touch that Yang Cheng brought her.

Eating and drinking enough, Irene didn't let Yang Cheng take care of the lunch box this time, she still remembered Yang Cheng's identity.

As he cleaned up, he asked his father, "Dad, are we doing nothing and just waiting like this?"

Irene’s father has only a wry You know, our family used to run a restaurant, and the food suppliers and the old customers around the restaurant are the ones who deal most with. Not many people can help. "

He sighed, "Before you came, I called a few presidents I met in the restaurant before, but I haven’t heard back yet. I really can’t help but wait for the JC to come after dawn. Plan again."

Irene stood up slumpingly, and suddenly looked at Yang Cheng, her beautiful and pure eyes seemed to see the dawn of hope, but then it dimmed again, and finally she said nothing.

At this time, Yang Cheng’s cell phone shook and took a look. It was a message from Li Zhiyu, "Brother Yang, I will find you for you. My family is a major shareholder of Daegu Bank, which is considered the leader on the Daegu land boundary. What number of characters, you can make do with it first, if it doesn't work, I will look for it."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry. This is what it says, make do? Is it a person or a thing?

But he still replied, "Thankyou~"

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