Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1223: Or take advantage of others?

Irene frowned subconsciously, it was the rich area, why would my sister go there?

The same doubters are Pei's father and Pei's mother. The two have lived in Daegu for most of their lives, so they naturally know what the situation is like.

The community where their family lives is already relatively high-end, and the overall quality of the residents is much higher than the average level, but compared with the luxury houses in the district, it is not even a bit worse. The people living there are all big people who can influence the economic situation of Daegu.

Yang Cheng saw the expressions of Pei’s family of three and asked in Irene’s ear. After receiving the explanation, she said disapprovingly, “This is normal. My younger sister was taken by someone, and it’s not good for her. The senior sister lives in the district."

Li Min was correcting and said, "No, the owner of Villa No. 1 is Jin and Zhengwu, and he is currently the executive director of Dayu General Machinery Co., Ltd."

After speaking, Li Min glanced at Yang Cheng specifically, as if trying to express something.

After Yan Zhengan's preparation, Yang Cheng knew that this Kim Jong Woo was the master behind Pei Zhuyan's encounter.

In addition, Dayu General Machinery Co., Ltd.? Is there any Japanese investment?

Then Li Minzai said, “Daewoo General Machinery Co., Ltd., formerly known as Dayu Heavy Industries, was separated from Dayu Group around 2000 and became an independent company, and Kim Jong-woo is the Kim family of the founder of Dayu Group. A collateral member of the family."

Yang Cheng's complexion was calm. If it were the Dayu Group before bankruptcy, he would weigh it for a while. Now, although Dayu is still a thin camel, for Yang Cheng, its deterrent effect is greatly reduced.

But the Pei family's parents can hardly remain calm. In their generation's mind, the heavy rain is comparable to the existence of the san~star, especially the influence of the Kim family, which left an extremely deep impression in the hearts of this generation.

Now when I hear that my daughter has an affair with the Jin family, it is very likely that they are the initiator of the injury. What can they do? Are you willing to avenge your daughter? Haha, the idea is very good, how can people who have lived for most of their lives not know the cruelty of society?

It’s no wonder that the director who didn't score the bureau had threatened with a gun and a stick early in the morning; no wonder that from last night to now, the Jing Bureau did not exist and ignored this vicious incident; no wonder his friends seemed to fall into the sea, what news Nothing came back, now I found the reason!

Father Pei has endless sorrow, what should I do? This middle-aged man, who is more than half a hundred years old, looks extremely small at this moment.

Seeing that they were silent at the same time, Yang Cheng could also guess their worries, but he didn't say anything, just said to Li Min, "You continue to speak, to be more detailed."

Li Min nodded, "Miss Pei Zhuyan went with his boyfriend yesterday."



"Joo Yeon has a boyfriend?"

The three of the Pei family showed their expressions of astonishment at the same time, apparently ignorant of their young daughter's love affairs.

But then again, Pei Zhuyan will be 20 years old immediately, and she is very slim. In the small society of university, it is easy to lose control of youthful urges and get hooked by those nasty boys.

It's really hateful. What happened to the girlfriend, how about the boyfriend who was there? What are you doing? Where are you now?

Li Min was touching his nose, "As far as I know, this is the case. After all, they drank a lot of alcohol after entering the villa.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to say that the senior sister who celebrated her birthday is Kim Jong-woo's lover. "

After a pause, seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Li Min continued, “The insider I bought revealed that there were a total of more than 20 people who attended the party that night. In addition to Pei Zhuyan’s classmates and alumni, there are also some friends of Kim Jong Woo. , Are people who have been in the society all year round.

Two hours after the party started, someone suggested to have some excitement*. "

Speaking of this, Li Min hesitated obviously, and was encouraged by Yang Cheng's eyes, before continuing, "That is a very popular party game abroad, with a relatively large scale. Pei Zhuyan and her women The students did not want to participate, and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, Kim Jong Woo's friend suddenly started a drunken madness, pulling Pei Zhuyan and others to stop leaving, and had to finish the game.

Pei Zhuyan and others couldn't resist, so they had to stay and participate. After a while, the scale had already broken their psychological tolerance, but apart from Miss Pei Zhuyan, none of them dared to resist, it was probably scared.

In the end, Miss Pei Zhuyan stood up and scolded a few words, and wanted to leave angrily. It may be that Miss Pei Zhuyan interrupted her interest one after another, which made Kim Jong-woo very dissatisfied. After the confrontation, Miss Zhuyan directly attacked Miss Pei Zhuyan unilaterally.

Everyone, including her boyfriend, was stunned, or so frightened that they did not dare to move. It was not until Miss Pei Zhuyan was motionless, lying on the ground unconscious, that no one realized it was bad and pulled Kim Jong Woo away. .

Later, Miss Pei Zhuyan was taken to the hospital by her classmates. The others received a warning from Kim Jong-woo that they were not allowed to disclose a word. They said in a unified way that Miss Pei Zhuyan was robbed by gangsters on the way home. Everything was just unfortunate. accident. "

When Li Min finished speaking, the faces of Pei's family were uncertain, and the anger accumulated to the bottleneck, only a thin line from the complete outbreak.

At this moment, the Pei family even has anti-social tendencies in their hearts. Why can some people rely on their surnames to be lawless, and make mistakes to cover the sky?

And for those young people, why didn't any one take the initiative to explain to Pei Zhuyan's parents and family?

Just scared?

Especially the boyfriend of Pei Zhuyan, who has never met, has left the worst impression in the hearts of Pei's family at this time. Do you want to develop in the future? Don't say whether Pei Zhuyan will agree or not, the family will definitely not agree. If you compare it with Yang Cheng, that person will not be able to see.

Of course, they know in their hearts, but they just don't want to admit that this kind of thing may be unbearable for young people who haven't eaten salt for a few years. Accepting threats from powerful people seems to be normal for ordinary people.

"Uncle, Auntie, the matter is already clear, this incident is a man-made disaster rather than a natural disaster, then what do you plan to do? Continue to investigate or..."

Still did not say the following, but they understood that it was nothing more than selective forgetting, and acknowledgment of bad luck. After this, no one should mention it, just as if you accidentally fell while walking, you fell a bit hard, and you have the right to be a lesson. See the road and take a step, or you have to fall!

Pei's father and mother were in a painful decision, but Pei Zhuxuan's small face was extremely firm. For those scumbags who harmed her sister, she couldn't wait to deal with them personally. Unfortunately, she didn't have the ability, but it didn't matter, she didn't, there was someone nearby!

"Mom and dad, can you go to the house and stay a while? I want to talk to oppa~"

Father Pei guessed his daughter's thoughts and opened his mouth, but he didn't say what he said before he finally turned into a long sigh, looking lonely and entered the ward with his wife.

Pei Zhuxuan politely bowed to Li Min, "Thank you~"

This kid was very foresighted, knowing that it was inconvenient for the two to say something private, so he took the initiative to retreat.

However, Yang Cheng said, "Go to the rest hall and find the black man. His name is Andrew. Just say what I ordered. You go and talk to Yan Zhengan. It is the branch chief who was threatened by Kim Jong-woo. Say what you need to say, otherwise, you can do it yourself."

Li Minzai expressed his understanding, bowed and exited the ward.

Yang Cheng took Irene to sit down and said softly, "What do you want to say?"

She lowered her head, and her long and curved eyelashes were clearly visible. In the morning, she **** a ponytail for convenience, and outlined the smooth lines of her face and the towering bridge of her nose. It was a perfect side effect.

Yang Cheng couldn't help but fell into Irene's beauty offensive.

As soon as Irene was about to speak, she saw Yang Cheng's obsessive eyes and gave a wry smile, "oppa~"

Yang Cheng met Irene's helpless eyes, and touched her nose with a smile, "You said you said~"

Irene lowered her head again, playing with her fingers, and said softly, "oppa, help me."

Although she didn't speak clearly enough, Yang Cheng thought she knew enough about the girl, and she was very clear about what she wanted to express.

But Yang Cheng did not immediately agree, and the heat was not enough.

Sure enough, Irene was silent for a while, "You can do anything you want me."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry. This was different from what he had expected. It was too much. He just wanted Irene to stay by his side. As for *'s demands, it was a matter of course.

Rubbed her little head fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense, are you asking me to be someone who is in danger? What is the difference between such a person and the one who harmed your sister, Kim Jong Woo?"

Irene still lowered her head and said nothing, Yang Cheng had no choice but to say, "Didn't we express our position in front of your parents just now? You are my girlfriend. It is natural to help my right? "

This girl hugged herself into a ball, nodding her head heavily, tears slid down her cheeks, drop after drop in a line, crystal clear teardrops fell on the ground and shattered, like a sharp sword passing through Yang Cheng's heart.

Yang Cheng couldn't help asking if he did something wrong? Shouldn't things be so utilitarian, even though he said he didn't want to be a man who took advantage of others? But what is the essential difference between this situation and taking advantage of others?

"Hey~" Yang Cheng let out a long sigh deep in her heart.

Can't bear to see Irene continue to cry, Yang Cheng gently cupped her small face with both hands, and said affectionately, "You take care of your father, mother and sister. Leave this to me. I will come back to pick you up in the afternoon. Dinner, okay?"

Irene pursed her lips, her tears still flowed uncontrollably. It was heartbreaking to see. Some women look good when they smile, and some women look good when they cry, but few people can manage the smile and tears so perfectly. Like art, it can bloom its own magnificence on different occasions.

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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