Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1224: University tracing

Stepping out of the ward, Yang Cheng turned his distress towards Irene into a rage, and was about to find Jin Zhengyu to fight.

When I saw Yan Zhengan again, the anxiety on this guy's face couldn't be concealed. Seeing him shaking like a little chicken in front of Li Min, I knew how sad his life was, no matter how he was in charge of public security. In front of the capital, the bureau chief has no majesty to talk about. What's the difference between being called around and working hard?

Yang Cheng stood between the two and asked sharply, "Where is Jin Zhengyu?"

Yan Zhengan shook his head, "I really don't know this."

Li Min added, "Director Yan is very cooperative and has said everything he knows."

Yang Cheng nodded and pointed at Yan Zhengan, "You can go now. If someone calls you later, know what to do?"

Yan Zhengan smiled angrily, "I know, I know, I must notify as soon as possible."

He waved his hand as if he was driving a fly away, turned his head and said to Li Min, "How about it? Are you sure of dealing with Kim Jong Woo?"

Li Min twisted his brows together, "I can't be absolutely sure by my own words."

What he said was very honest, mainly because he was worried that he would say something big, but in the end he would not get the desired effect and would be looked down upon by Li Zhiyu, which he absolutely does not allow.

"Do you have a plan?" Yang Cheng asked.

Li Min was not in a hurry to answer, and asked, "Brother Yang, what result do you want?"

Yang Cheng said lightly, "Destroy his backer, and then deal with it according to law."

Li Min broke out in a cold sweat, "Brother Yang, you don't know. Although the Dayu Group is getting worse, and there is no connection between the independent companies, the Dayu Group still has a heavy voice in Daegu. "

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "You have misunderstood, my mind is not bad, and I seem to be okay with the Great Rain Group.

Jin Jong-woo is just a member of the Jin family. I believe they will not do anything to us for a collateral waste, right? "

Li Min pondered, "If this is the case, it's not impossible, but I still don't have enough resources to crush the Jin family, so..."

Yang Cheng waved a big hand, "I will call you Li Zhiyu, and he will cooperate with you fully. I only look at the results. The process is not important to me."

"Understood, I think we can start with Dayu General Machinery Co., Ltd., and they plan to merge with Hyundai Heavy Industries to ease the decline in performance."

Yang Cheng immediately wanted to understand Li Min's routine, "You mean to let San~Star Heavy Industry interfere?"

Li Min nodded, "Yes, but only if Hyundai Heavy Industries takes the initiative to withdraw."

Yang Cheng wondered, if Hyundai Heavy Industries is allowed to quit on its own initiative, it must give appropriate benefits, otherwise there is no way to convince the other party, can Li Zhiyu come up with enough benefits?

"I will communicate with Li Zhiyu. Let's prepare on your side. As long as the Jin family abandons Jin Jongyu, you will immediately take the Guan Fang route and let Jing Fang arrest him. In addition, you can try to persuade the people present at the time, especially Pei Zhu. Yan’s classmates, let them stand up to testify."

Originally, Yang Cheng wanted to arrange for someone to be interviewed, but when I thought of Irene’s identity, I thought it was better not to make a big deal. Besides, Pei Zhuyan would have to go back to school afterwards. If the trouble is known to everyone, It is not a good thing for her life at school.

Yang Cheng considered the matter very comprehensively.

"Okay, there is no problem in this aspect. The reason why I figured out what happened so quickly is that someone couldn't resist the temptation. In the face of 1 million won, I selectively forgot my fear of Kim Jong-woo."

"That's good. Judging from the behavior style of this person, Jin Zhengyu, he must have left a lot of stains in the past. I dug them out and nailed him to death with this case. We must never give him a chance to turn around." Yang Cheng calmly His voice contains endless anger. If you don't make a move, you must do your best. Don't think of revenge in the future.

Li Min recalled, "Although I didn't have much contact with Jin Jong Woo, I also heard a lot of legends. You know, Brother Yang, this circle is just this big."

"Of course, and I bet these legends are at least half true."

"When I go back, I will send someone to collect evidence of Kim Jong Woo's crime, and strive to completely crucify him during the court trial."

Yang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Leave it to you, I'll call Li Zhiyu, this matter is done, you won't have to stay in this small place like Daegu in the future."

Li Min was secretly happy, "Thank you, Brother Yang, I will get things done."

. . .

Yang Cheng took advantage of this time and went to Daegu University in person. He was going to talk with Pei Zhuyan's boyfriend to discuss how men should deal with things in an emergency.

This comprehensive private university, established 60 years ago, has two campuses. The main campus is in Gyeongsan City next door. The campus has a beautiful environment and is one of the top ten most beautiful campuses in Korea.

When Yang Cheng drove Ferrari into the campus without any obstruction, he had to stop and stopped a little girl who was walking with her head down holding a book, with a standard smile on her face, "Hello classmate, do you know Ren Zai? Fan?"

The little girl is dressed as a standard college student, and her thick glasses prove how hard she has worked in the past.

But fortunately, he was not afraid of communication. He just saw the luxury car behind Yang Cheng and subconsciously ducked back.

It may be Yang Cheng's kind attitude and polite smile that allowed her to let go of her tension and push the frame of her glasses, "Ren Jaefan? Is she a freshman?"

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up and she was lucky, "You know? Yes, he is a freshman, or Pei Zhuyan's boyfriend, do you know Pei Zhuyan?"

"Of course otherwise I won't know Ren Jaefan." The girl's logic is very interesting.

Yang Cheng also heard some information from it. Pei Zhuyan is well-known in the school, and maybe she has the title of school flower, grade flower, and her boyfriend Ren Jae-fan was caught because of his girlfriend. The classmates know well, will they complain about it?

Men know men best, especially in South Korea, a country where machismo is prevalent. Im Jae-bum can comfortably accept that his girlfriend is more famous than himself. Is he called Bae Joo Yeon’s girlfriend when he goes out?

"Is Pei Zhuyan famous?" Yang Cheng tried to confirm his guess.

The girl looked at Yang Cheng weirdly and said to herself, "You are not from our school? That's right, I haven't seen anyone drive a Ferrari to school."

The gaze was taken back from the Ferrari, “I’m not good at Bae Joo Yeon’s reputation, but she’s a recognized candidate for the future Daegu University, and there is a sister who is a star, so many people know her naturally. Yes, but she is very low-key. When others praise her, they will laugh off her, and she has never been arrogant about it."

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