Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1225: Stick to Mandarin Duck?

Yang Cheng quietly listened to the girl's narration, and it seemed that Pei Zhuyan had a good impression in the minds of her classmates, at least there was no case of homosexuality.

"Who are you from Pei Zhuyan?" the girl suddenly asked.

Yang Cheng found it interesting. The girl was very cautious and somewhat introverted at first, but as the conversation deepened, she could actually ask herself.

"I'm Pei Zhuyan's brother-in-law~" Yang Cheng considered herself a brother-in-law, not at all embarrassed.

With a calm attitude, she immediately convinced the girls, "It turns out that this is the case. Then you asked Ren Zaifan to persuade them to break up?"

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Why do you say that?"

The girl pushed her glasses, "You are definitely not an ordinary person in such a good car. You come to Ren Zaifan alone, and it must not be to bring them together to discuss marriage."

Yang Cheng shrugged slightly, "You are half right, then can you take me to find Ren Zaifan?"

The girl tilted her head and thought, "I don't know where he is, but I can take you to ask someone who knows."

Yang Cheng bowed slightly and went to the front of the car to pull the door, "Thank you, get in the car."

The girl hesitated, and got into the car obediently. After the car started up, she said, "Go to the library first."

Silently followed the path the girl had instructed. After a while, the girl curiously asked, "Why are you breaking them up?"

Yang Cheng did not answer directly, "What is Ren Zaifan's reputation in school?"

"It's not bad, it's more because Pei Zhuyan is known." The girl answered truthfully.

"You haven't answered my question yet." The girl asked with dissatisfaction.

"Because they are not suitable~" Yang Cheng was not good at explaining the reason, and said casually.

The girl didn't believe it, and mumbled, "Isn't it right for the wrong door?"

Yang Orange did not hear clearly, "What?"

The girl took courage and said, "I said you must think that Ren Jaefan's family is poor, so you want to forcibly break up their couple?"

Yang Cheng grabbed the useful information, "Ren Zaifan's family is very poor?"

"Yeah, don't you know? That's right, I am Pei Zhuyan, and I won't say it."

Yang Cheng parked the car in front of the library, but did not rush to get off, "Can you tell me more about it?"

The girl hugged her shoulders, "I don’t know the specifics. They are all gossip passed by classmates. After all, after the story of Pei Zhuyan’s relationship at the time spread, many people felt that the two could not grow up. One of the reasons was Ren Jae-fan. My family is too poor. I can still go to university with various subsidies and scholarships. I usually eat in the school cafeteria and dare not even go to a Chinese restaurant to eat a bowl of fried noodles."

Yang Cheng was puzzled, "Then he studies well? Physical education is good? Looks handsome? Otherwise, how could Pei Zhuyan look at him? There must be something shining."

The girl nodded again and again, "She looks very handsome and plays basketball very well. Although she is not top-notch in her studies, she is still in the forefront."

"This is no wonder~" Yang Cheng muttered, and the two got out of the car and walked to the library.

"You are not a freshman?" Yang Cheng asked suddenly before entering the museum.

The girl shook her head, "I am in the second grade, but I am a member of the student council and I often have contact with the first grade classmates."

After entering the library, the girl took the initiative to ask some classmates, and came back and smiled at Yang Cheng, "You are lucky, Ren Zaifan is studying in the library."

Yang Cheng smiled confidently, "I never doubted this."

"Which point?"

"I'm lucky~"

After a few words, the two came to the self-study area in a corner of the library. A long distance away, the girl pointed her back to them, and sat alone a boy who kept a small head and devoted himself to studying.

Yang Cheng smiled and thanked, "Thank you, I will ask Pei Zhuyan to invite you to dinner later."

The girl waved her hand, "You're welcome, if you don't mind, can I listen to it nearby? I'm a little curious."

This girl is so interesting that few people put their curiosity on the bright side.

People helped so much, Yang Cheng was embarrassed to refuse, so she had to say, "I hope you don't tell me what you have heard."

After speaking, he stepped towards Ren Zaifan. Shi Shiran sat opposite him and looked at him. This boy does have the capital to attract the opposite sex. He looks very delicate, even too delicate, with a hint of feminine beauty. It seems that this kind of beauty is very awkward, but for many girls, especially Korean girls, this kind of beautiful man is true love.

However, unlike ordinary small fresh meat, Ren Zaifan is tall and slightly thin. It may be a family relationship, and his nutrition cannot keep up. His complexion is sickly white.

Yang Cheng sat down and looked at it quietly, but Ren Zaifan didn't even raise his head, and probably didn't realize that the person on the other side was looking for fault, thinking it was a student who had no place to sit.

After observing for a few minutes, Yang Cheng suddenly said, "Your girlfriend was unconscious in the hospital. Are you in the mood to hide in the library and read?"

Ren Zaifan suddenly raised his head, his face was dissatisfied with horror. The moment he saw Yang Cheng, his eyes were a little confused, obviously this face was not in his memory.

"who are you?"

Yang Cheng Dama Jindao sat there with great momentum, and most people could not help but feel weak when they saw it.

"Who am I? A few days ago, maybe you should call me brother-in-law."

Ren Jae-fan was taken aback, "Are you ~ Are you sister Zhuyan's boyfriend?"

"Boy, you are very good. If I wasn't lucky enough to find you so quickly, why? What happened last night did not happen?"

Ren Zaifan's face changed drastically, "Don't talk nonsense, nothing happened last night."

Yang Cheng's expression was playful, "Oh? So you weren't with Pei Zhuyan last night?"

Ren Zaifan was in a cold sweat, and the face with makeup that could match women's distorted shape, "Yes, but we separated early, and I don't know what happened after that."

Yang Cheng was angry and laughed. This kid can be timid, but he was scared by Jin Jong-woo and didn't even want his girlfriend?

"Okay, don't pretend, I have checked the matter, otherwise why do you think I am here?"

Ren Zaifan began to hurriedly pack his books, stuffed his mind into his bag, and got up to leave. Yang Cheng said lightly, "My bodyguard is guarding outside. You can try your skills and count me if you can break out. lose."

"What the **** do you want to do?" Ren Zaifan snarled while propping up the table.

Yang Cheng lowered his face, "Stop talking nonsense, now I have two choices for you, either I will go to the hospital to explain things face-to-face; or I will let you go, beat me first, and I will go to the hospital until you are willing to explain it. ."

Ren Zaifan's body shook, he didn't think Yang Cheng was frightening him, he had seen this kind of momentum last night.

"You~you can't do this, this is the school." Ren Zaifan was still making the last resistance.

Yang Cheng is a little bored, what she said, really regards herself as a peerless beauty? Can't do this yet!

He waved his hand in disgust, "Okay, make a decision quickly, otherwise everyone will know that you will not be able to mix in school in the future."

Ren Zaifan's face was distorted and not like a look, and his teeth were almost broken, "I~ I will go with you."

Yang Cheng didn't talk nonsense, just got up and left, not afraid that Ren Zaifan would run away, it would be better to run, and there is also an excuse to beat him to vent her anger to Pei Zhuyan.

Let Andrew and the others take Ren Jae-fan, and Yang Cheng went to a brand store opened by a well-known Korean designer. According to the size given by Irene, they chose a set of banquet outfits that they thought matched the beauty of a beautiful woman, and matched a set of packing. And high heels before returning to the hospital.

On the way with Andrew and the others, Ren Zaifan was not less bullied. He didn't know how many punches he took for no reason. Of course, there was no obvious injury on the surface.

When they came to the ward, the three of Pei’s family were sitting and talking in the living room. Seeing Yang Cheng coming in, Irene preemptively said, "oppa, Zhuyan woke up just now, but she slept again without saying a word. The doctor said there is nothing serious. Just cultivate slowly."

Yang Cheng also smiled, and he could see that Pei's family was in a much better mood.

"I brought someone, see you?"

Irene was surprised, "Who?"

Yang Cheng shouted outside the door, and said to Irene, "Ren Zaifan, sister's boyfriend."

At this time, the faces of the Pei family, who had just had a relaxed face, turned gloomy. They didn't have a good impression of this man who didn't protect his daughter and sister.

Yang Cheng sat down and raised Erlang's legs, and pointed at Ren Zai Fan Nu Nu who was standing there sandwiched by the bodyguards, "Go ahead, tell me what happened last night."

Ren Jae-fan lowered his head, not daring to look at Pei's family, "I'm with Zhuyan~"

As soon as she said a name, Irene scolded with a cold face, "Please call Pei Zhuyan xi!"

Ren Zaifan looked up and saw Irene's face that was a little more immortal than Pei Zhuyan, and was unaware, but he immediately caught Yang Cheng's cold eyes, immediately lowered his head, and said, "I and Pei Zhuyan xi At the party, I was beaten because I had some conflicts with the host of the party. I was under control and could not be rescued in time. I'm sorry~"

This guy is still trying to defend himself. The Pei family, who has already understood the facts, can't wait to pounce on him and beat him hard.

Irene turned her head away, not wanting to take another look.

Yang Cheng and Auntie, if you don't have other requirements, I will presume to deal with it. "

Father Pei thought that Yang Cheng was going to do something extraordinary, so he said quickly, "Just give it a lesson, don't let yourself in."

"Uncle rest assured, just a lesson, can't let him think that the family is so bullying, right?"

This sentence can be said to be in the heart of Father Pei, and he is more satisfied with the son-in-law. The daughter of the secret path did not see the wrong person. In such a comparison, Ren Zaifan is not even a person.

Yang Cheng said, "Uncle and Auntie, I have an important banquet to attend tonight. I want to bring Irene as a company. Don't worry, we will come back as soon as possible after the banquet."

If it were before, the two old men would be reluctant, but now, without Irene’s words, Mother Pei said generously, “Go, don’t rush back, take a rest in Seoul, this is us, no need worry."

Of course Yang Cheng couldn't agree, "Well, no matter how big it is, it's not as important as my sister's."

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