Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1230: Old lover shot

Two days later, Yang Cheng and Irene went home to rest with their father and mother Pei and Pei. They just came to the hospital to deliver breakfast when they heard a burst of noise in the ward.

He glanced at each other and pushed the door in, only to see a person kneeling on the ground, surrounded by a group of young people who were still alive, but did not move too much, stood there neatly, but his expression was full of playfulness and ridicule.

Father and mother Pei guarded Pei Zhuyan in the middle, glaring at the crowd, and father Pei shouted in shame, "I said, we don't accept your apology, so hurry up, my daughter is going to rest."

At this moment, a young man came out of the crowd, dyed yellow hair, looked at him like RB, and slammed his knees on the face of the man who fell on the ground.

"It doesn't matter, if you are not satisfied, I will continue to fight until you are satisfied."

Irene hurriedly pushed away from the crowd and squeezed to the family's side, and shouted at the violent little Huang Mao, "Who are you? Get out, or I will call the police."

Xiao Huangmao blew a whistle, "Are you the celebrity sister Pei Zhuyan? It's so beautiful, no wonder I can make my debut as a star, but I haven't met you long ago, otherwise I have to raise you at home."

Pei Zhuyan looked weak while clutching her chest, her face turned pale, her face was still pale, she looked very miserable, "Jin Jong Woo, hurry up, you will be unlucky when my brother-in-law comes."

Yang Cheng, who was hiding behind the crowd, couldn't help giving a thumbs up when she heard this. This little sister-in-law didn't hurt, and she knew her brother-in-law's name when something happened.

Jin Jong Woo fluffed up his long hair, "No wonder you are so emboldened. It turns out that you have found a backer. Your brother-in-law did the things these days? Not bad."

After a pause, his tone changed, and he said gloomily, "But I don't believe he can make me unlucky."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Then try?"

With his words, more than a dozen people in the ward turned their heads at the same time, but Yang Cheng's eyes remained on the violent little yellow hair from beginning to end. The haircut on this one with Matt’s hair, ordinary people still can’t accept this aesthetic.

"Are you Pei Zhuyan's brother-in-law?" Jin Jongyu walked over apart from the crowd, and the size of less than 170 couldn't stand up in front of Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng shrugged slightly, "It's me, I heard you have had a hard time these days?"

Li Minzai is really good at it. While collecting evidence of Kim Jong-woo's past crimes these days, he did not let him sit idle. Police officers from the Daegu branch and prosecutors from the District Prosecutor's Office came to the door one after another, harassing Kim Jong-woo. I'm afraid he also realized that the greeting he had said before didn't work, and the other party had a background.

"Who are you?" Jin Zhengyu was not used to raising his head, took a step back, and squinted at Yang Cheng.

"You don't care who I am, as long as you know that I can crush you to death at will." Yang Orange's tone was relaxed, like a joke.

This sentence made Jin Zhengyu's little brothers angry, and they stepped forward and shouted, all kinds of unpleasant curses were wrapped towards Yang Cheng.

But Yang Cheng remained unmoved and buttoned her ears, "You see? No one believes the truth in this era."

Just as Jin Jong-woo was about to speak, another person came in from outside the ward. It was Li Min. He heard the news that Jin Jong-woo had come to find fault and hurried over from home.

"Brother Yang, I'm sorry I am late~"

Li Min glared at Jin Zhengyu and greeted Yang Cheng respectfully.

They all mixed in the same circle. Although they didn't have much contact, Kim Jong-woo recognized Li Minzai for the first time, "Li Min is here, what do you mean?"

Yang Cheng motioned Li Min to deal with it with his eyes.

"Jin Zhengyu, go back, this is not a place where you can make trouble." Li Min stepped forward, blocking Yang Cheng, and said to Jin Zhengyu in a commanding tone.

Just getting angry with Yang Cheng's disdainful tone, Li Min was ordering him again. Jin Jongyu felt that the whole world was against him, "Li Min is here, do you think I dare not take you? "

"You really don't dare to do anything with me." Li Min looked at Jin Jong-woo pitifully, and reminded himself kindly, "I suggest you go home and inquire about it. Because of you, Dayu Comprehensive Machinery is about to go bankrupt. Up."

Jin Zhengyu's face changed drastically. He didn't think Li Minzai would use this kind of use to fool himself, "You make things clear."

Li Min shook his head, "The merger negotiation between Dayu Comprehensive Machinery and Hyundai Heavy Industry was stopped."

Jin Zhengyu looked at Yang Cheng in shock. His instinct told him that this was the handwriting of the man Li Min was behind with an indifferent smile.

The little brothers who had just yelled at Yang Cheng were also panicked at this moment, and could not care about being the boss. They looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Jin Zhengyu was still trying his best to remain calm, but the panic in his heart couldn't be concealed at all, and he couldn't take care of his gaffe, he smashed Yang Cheng and Li Min and rushed out.

The situation in the ward suddenly came down, and the family members were relieved at the same time. The situation just now was really scary.

Wait, there was one person lying on the ground, Pei Zhuyan looked at the person on the ground silently with a complicated expression.

"Uncle and Auntie, and Zhu Yan, aren't you scared?" Yang Cheng stepped forward and smiled and cared.

Mother Pei reluctantly smiled and shook her head, "Thank you, we are fine."

Yang Cheng nodded, came to Ren Zaifan who was lying on the ground, and smacked his lips, "You are really pitiful too. It's not enough to be beaten by my people, and you're beaten by Jin Jongyu again."

Ren Zaifan's mouth squirmed a few times, but there was no sound.

This kind of little person, Yang Cheng, wouldn't pay attention to it. Seeing that Pei Zhuyan didn't mean to speak for him, she waved to let the bodyguard at the door come in and take the person away, so as not to lie here as an eyesore.

"Oppa~" Pei Zhuyan shouted, stood up on crutches, and interceded with Yang Orange, "Can you let him go?"

"You don't blame him?"

Pei Zhuyan smiled bitterly and shook her head, "I was impulsive, and he didn't do anything."

It's just not doing anything that makes people chill, Yang Orange secretly said.

But Yang Cheng is not prepared to participate in the affairs of the young couple, "You decide for yourself, I will cooperate with you."

"Oppa don't worry, I won't continue with him."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Take him to see the doctor, and then don't worry about it."

The bodyguard took the person away, and Pei Zhuyan immediately languished, and her father and mother helped her back to the ward to rest.

Yang Cheng asked Li Min, "Is Li Zhiyu acted there?"

Li Min nodded and said, "Brother Zhiyu has reached an exchange of interests with Hyundai Heavy Industries through the family relationship, and the other party took the initiative to stop the negotiation and promised not to continue participating.

In addition, I also greeted the bank. There will be no banks or financial institutions in Daegu that will provide loans for Daewoo General Machinery.

For up to a month, Dayu Comprehensive Machinery could not even pay wages. "

Yang Cheng felt that it was not enough. The **** Jin Jongyu dared to come to him, which made him very unhappy. In his eyes, the worm would have the consciousness of the worm and attempt to shake the big tree, which violated the laws of nature. Is to be punished.

"Send someone to contact the employees of Dayu Comprehensive Machinery and organize them to march in the street to make this matter a big deal."

Li Min was taken aback for a moment, "Want to make it so big? Once we are found out, we might not be able to do it."

Yang Cheng shook his head, "Don't worry, give enough money, let those who are in the early stage shut their mouths tightly, and you can't say a word of what shouldn't be said, and don't come forward by yourself and find someone below to do it."

"Well, I'll go back and make arrangements."

Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I have not enough manpower. You send someone to protect Pei's family. I am worried that Jin Jong-woo will jump the wall in a hurry."

Li Min thought for a while, "No problem, I know some veterans who work as bodyguards."

"Yes, as soon as possible~"

. . .

After Li Min left, Irene's eyebrows were full of worry, "Will it be dangerous? Otherwise, let's forget it? Just take care of Zhuyan's injury slowly."

This is in the hearts of normal people. They are unwilling to conflict with powerful figures. Yang Cheng can understand.

But this is not a good way to deal with it. Once he swallows his voice twice, he can't guard them in South Korea all the time, so he must get it all done once and for all. There is naturally no danger of crucifying people.

"Relax, I know it in my heart. By the way, are you going back to Seoul?"

Irene nodded sadly. If possible, she would like to take care of her sister at home. "My agent oppa urged me several times, and I can't push the schedule tonight."

Yang Cheng is also not good at forcing the S~M side, which is not conducive to the management of other teams, "I see, I will accompany you back this afternoon."

After having lunch with Irene's family, the two embarked on the way back.

During the period, Li Zhiyu called, "Brother, I heard Li Min said that you are looking for someone to protect your sister-in-law's family?"

Yang Cheng said, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, am I afraid that there is no one available in Daegu? I want to transfer some from Seoul."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, but rejected his proposal, "Forget it, it's not necessary, you just need to handle the matters of the company."

"Brother, don't worry, I've already dealt with it here. It's Fu~Jing Sister personally talked to Hyundai Heavy Industries."

Yang Cheng frowned Really? How could she get involved? Since the last time she learned that she was suspected of sucking du, Yang Cheng decided to separate her from her. The most terrifying people in this world are addictions ~ gentlemen and gamblers ~ ghosts. After being addicted, there is nothing they dare not do. .

Of course, Li~fu~ is really not short of money, she has enough strength to satisfy her addiction, but this does not mean that Yang Cheng is willing to accept it.

"Did you tell her?" Yang Cheng was a little upset, this Li Zhiyu couldn't help but he was not sensible yet Li Min.

Li Zhiyu called Qu, "Brother, it's really not what I said, Fu~ Jin Jie didn't know where she heard the news. She called me and told me that I don't need to take care of this matter. She will deal with it. How can I refute?"

Yang Cheng said in his heart that if Li Zhiyu's mouth were so loose, Yang Cheng would not give him such an important matter.

"Okay, then you keep your eyes on it and don't let things go wrong."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng estimated that Li~Fu~ might have realized that he was estranged. Through this incident, he showed goodwill to himself. He had always been in love with him, and he did not want to do things too far.

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