Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1231: Strong woman thinking

After nearly a week, Irene returned to the dormitory, which naturally caused a wave of well-meaning complaints and ridicule from the teammates.

Yang Cheng didn't know this. After sending Irene, he asked Andrew to drive to the Shilla Hotel.

The signal Li~Fu~ really conveys is so obvious, if I don't take a look, it seems unreasonable.

Sure enough, when I arrived at the villa where I used to stay in Korea, I found that the door was open. Obviously there was someone in it, and it could not be someone else. Li~Fu~ really said that this villa was left to Yang Cheng, when will he come? When can I move in.

He waved his hand to let Hansen and the others stay outside the door and walked into the villa alone. There was no one in a circle on the first floor.

Walking to the bedroom on the second floor in surprise, a pair of beige high heels were neatly placed on the floor at the entrance of the bedroom, followed by suspenders, dresses, stockings, and non-speakable nei clothes. They lined up as a guide line, and the destination pointed directly to the bathroom. There was a rushing sound of water.

Yang Cheng smiled helplessly, this woman~

I haven't exercised much in the past few days, just take exercise and walk along the guide line into the bathroom.

. . . . . .

About an hour later, Yang Cheng and Li~Fu~ lay in a hug, rubbing their smooth skin, and suddenly said, "Why do you do this?"

Li~Fu~ really made a circle on Yang Cheng’s belly with his index finger, "How did you do it?"

Yang Cheng stared at the ceiling and slapped her big hand hard, "Don't want to fool around."

Li~Fu~ really has a faint look, "I just feel boring and boring, that thing can make me forget time."

"Quit~" Yang Orange said without saying anything, and commanded domineeringly.

"I'll give up if you stay with me in Korea~" Li~Fu~ acted like a baby girl.

Yang Cheng amused Li~fu~ with a speechless expression, "Okay, I'm joking, I know you can't be with me in Korea."

"I didn't joking with you, I must quit that thing, this is the bottom line, otherwise we will be passers-by in the future, I promise!" Yang Cheng said something a bit heavy, but Li~fu~ really knows this is for his own good. He buried his head in Yang Cheng's shoulder and sighed softly, "I see."

"What deal did you make with Hyundai Heavy Industries?" Yang Cheng quickly changed the subject.

Wrapped around Yang Cheng like an octopus, he smiled lightly, "Don't worry about that much, I didn't pay, I have agreed with Li Zhiyu, I want to take control of Dayu Comprehensive Machinery."

Yang Cheng frowned. He didn't mind sharing it with Li~Fu~. Is it necessary?

"Do you want to enter the traditional industry?"

"Isn’t I doing this all the time? In recent years, the global economy has entered a back-to-trend period. A large amount of capital has withdrawn from the Internet or high-tech fields and returned to the traditional heavy industry. I cannot understand the future direction for the time being. Proper layout, so as not to get ready before the next wave climax."

Li~Fu~ is truly a business woman. The business thinking is not comparable to ordinary people. No matter when, heavy industry is an important means to ensure the economic foundation of a region or even a country. Although many heavy industry groups have gone bankrupt due to various reasons in recent years, But it must not be forgotten that there are also many small heavy industry companies that have come together to form a super trust, which is still domineering in a certain area.

However, Yang Cheng’s purpose is to control the population of the industrial group to achieve the purpose of influencing the local ZF. Now that Li~Fu~ is really involved, it will inevitably affect the plan. However, if Li~Fu~ is really willing to become one of his own A chess piece, that's another matter.

If you use chess as a metaphor, Yang Cheng is a general who sits firmly in the middle army’s tent, while Li Zhiyu is a “cannon”, a weapon for siege of the city, if Li~Fu~ really joins the chess game, it is undoubtedly a “car” The best candidate, advancing, retreating and defensive, with amazing lethality.

In less than 10 seconds, Yang Cheng's thoughts changed 720 degrees, "What resources did you use to persuade Hyundai Heavy Industries to withdraw?"

The woman rubbed Yang Cheng's arms like a little lazy cat, and said lazily, "It's just a piece of land in Gyeonggi Province."

Yang Cheng was ashamed, this woman paid a lot for herself.

It's a pity that South Korea's heavy industry has nothing to do with it, otherwise I have to intervene.

"I heard that you set up a club with Li Zhiyu?" Li~Fu~ really mentioned this suddenly, Yang Cheng was still in a daze, immersed in her own imagination.


Li~Fu~ really slapped him and repeated it.

Yang Cheng definitely nodded, and casually found a reason to perfuse, "Well, I have a lot of investment in South Korea, and I need a private place to deal with the relationship."

Li ~ Fu ~ really meaningfully smiled, "It's not that simple, right? How did I hear that Li Zhiyu keeps contacting ZF senior officials?"

Yang Cheng cursed inwardly, this guy was too careless, he was discovered so soon?

Seeing a trace of anger gradually appeared on Yang Cheng’s face, Li~Fu~ really calmed down with her unique charm, "Don’t blame that kid being careless, I sent someone to stare at him, and my instinct told me, you I was plotting something big with Li Zhiyu. I was curious and checked it out. Don't worry, no fourth person knows."

A wry smile, besides a wry smile, Yang Cheng doesn't know what expression to make, is this woman too evil? Can you see your motives by intuition?

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, just to find it fun, maybe it can add some excitement to my boring life." If Li~Fu~ was really ten years younger, her slick expression would be more charming that day, but she is already in her forties. Middle-aged women, although they are well maintained and have a very young temperament, they are not girls anymore, and their expressions are a bit contrary.

Yang Cheng felt that this woman was too lonely. First she was addicted to drug abuse, and now she was ready to intervene in her own plan.

"You think too much, I just asked Li Zhiyu to help me take care of the clubhouse temporarily." Yang Cheng hadn't considered how to bring Li~Fu~ in, so she could only shirk it temporarily.

But Li~fu~ is really such a cheat?

Turned over and sat on him, "You don't believe me?"

Yang Cheng adjusted her posture awkwardly, "How is it possible, who else can you believe if I don't believe it?"

These words are just opening their mouths, and they can't be taken seriously without brain thinking.

But women, especially those who have a love mind, often catch a cold when they face these beautiful sounds but no nutrition.

He glanced angrily at him, "Then you are not telling the truth? Besides, do you think that Li Zhiyu can do things so smoothly and quickly without my help behind?"

Yang Cheng was confused, did he overestimate Li Zhiyu? And Li~fu~ really makes sense.

After pondering for a long time, Yang Cheng decided to tell Li~Fu~ something really, otherwise this level will not pass. Of course, the most critical part cannot be said, "I want to increase my influence and voice in Korea~"

Seeing Yang Cheng started talking about business, Li~Fu~ really lay down again. Her mind was so clear that she could see through almost, "Do you want to control the guan members through the clubhouse? Then control them?"

Yang Cheng neither admitted nor denied, "This is just one aspect. Originally, I was going to let Li Zhiyu take down the heavy rain comprehensive machinery. The number of employees under this company's name exceeded 1,000."

Li~Fu~ really guessed Yang Cheng's intention again, "Cunning little fox, people are ZF's fate."

Yang Cheng sneered, "No matter how cunning you are, you haven't escaped your eyes?"

Li~Fu~ really pushed Yang Cheng's forehead with his index finger, "Glib tongue, so I accidentally ruined your plan?"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "That's not right~"

After a pause, Yang Cheng suddenly turned over, and it was his turn to press the woman under him, and his deep gaze wrapped in a sharp aura and looked directly at the woman's eyes, "Are you willing to be my pawn?"

Li~Fu~ was very surprised, "You are the first person in your life to propose using me as a chess piece."

This kind of frank attitude is particularly charming in Li~Fu~zhen’s eyes, especially women like him who have been born in the emperor’s house since childhood. They have eaten them. In their eyes, most outstanding men are **** silks, but they treat Yang Cheng instead. This kind of man who can guide her, even with a slightly domineering personality, is particularly tempted.

His eyes were a little obsessed, "I have no hope of inheriting the family business, the family is broken, and the sense of loneliness has haunted me for many years. If it weren't for your appearance, maybe I would be immersed in the illusory world of drugs crocheted, and my whole life would pass like this. But your appearance has brought a glimmer of light to my world. You have allowed me to find the joy of life again, so don't say let me be a chess piece, you can let me do anything."

This is a woman's greatest trust in a man, and she can do anything. This kind of remark comes from a princess. Why is it so exciting?

He took a deep breath and hugged the silly woman in his arms, "Then let Li Zhiyu continue to be a signboard outside, just look at him behind the scenes."

"Got it~"

After a pause, "By the way, how many starlets did you provoke?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, but didn't react.

"Didn't you go to Daegu to handle the housework for your little lover?" Li~Fu~ gave him a really white look.

Yang Cheng laughed, how could someone be caught cheating.

Li~Fu~ I grabbed him so You just can't control this guy, okay, I didn't blame you, why do you put on a wronged look. "

Yang Cheng endured the pain, "I have such a hobby in my life."

Li~Fu~ nodded in agreement, "I understand, it’s better than Bo Du and **** Du, don’t worry, when you are not in Korea, I will help you look at these little lovers so that you won’t be put on a green hat. Is that right? To use the slang of your country Z."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, this woman knew quite a lot, "Thank you~"

He didn't want to continue this topic, and instead said, "This time I will attack the Da Yujin family, will it cause unnecessary trouble, right?"

Li~Fu~ really didn't continue to be true, jealous and other things only occasionally, it will not last, and will not make unreasonable troubles, this is the charm of mature women.

"The heavy rain has been disintegrating for many years, and the Jin family has also been torn apart with the desolation of the core line. Don't worry, a side branch can't turn a big storm."

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