Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1232: Club renovation

"The heavy rain has been disintegrating for many years, and the Jin family has also been torn apart with the desolation of the core line. Don't worry, a side branch can't turn a big storm."

Li~Fu~ is really tough enough, but she also has arrogant capital. Kim Jong Woo dared not look up in front of Li Ji Woo, let alone in front of this veritable princess of Korea, just like a dog. When you were you, you were the most precious baby in the world. Don't care if you were a dog, there was no prefix for one more word.

"I am either worried about him alone, or I am afraid that they will affect my plan."

"No, I will help you stare."

Yang Cheng nodded silently, "I'll be back to America in a few days~"

Li~Fu~ really has no expression, and said in a distressing tone, "Living here these few days?"

Yang Orange didn't stop for a second, "Of course~"

After a pause, I added another sentence, "The real estate project we are cooperating with, go ahead~"


. . .

Li~Fu~ really didn't stay in the villa for too long, so she had to go back to the hotel to handle some business.

Yang Cheng washed up and went out. Li Zhiyu still had to beat him, although Li~fu~ was really his own.

I met near the riverside wharf that Li Zhiyu had acquired, where the clubhouse was being renovated, and by the way, I could see the progress of the project.

This building was originally the reception area of ​​the Han River Yacht Marina, with only two floors. After Li Jiyu took over, he hired a professional designer to add a third floor to the original building and fully renovated the exterior wall and interior decoration. .

Next to the pier is Han River Park. This is a public area open to the public. Li Zhiyu can't take all of it. He can only buy the open space between the pier and the park and plant a large area of ​​trees as a partition to block the public's view of the clubhouse.

A small road extends from the main road on the riverside, and the small road divides into two branches after tens of meters, one leads to the parking lot of the riverside park, and the other leads to the pier, but now this road is blocked. In the future, it will also be blocked by access control, and undocumented vehicles from outside will not be allowed to enter.

After parking the car, Li Zhiyu ran over and handed Yang Cheng a yellow helmet, and said loudly, "Brother, please pay attention to safety for a while."

The sound of the electric welding is very harsh, and you can't hear it if you don't speak loudly. This situation is not suitable for Yang Cheng to curse, just endure it first, nodded and let Li Zhiyu lead the way.

Before coming, he has seen the decoration renderings. The location he will walk in will be the welcome hall of the future clubhouse. The decoration style is the same as the clubhouse. The luxurious decoration will give people a feeling of being in a royal palace. Every step is stepping on money.

The appearance of the clubhouse is very low-key, and there is no need to be low-key inside. Yang Cheng originally planned to make a low-key minimalist style, but under Li Zhiyu’s persuasion, he gave up this idea. He said that Koreans especially like grandeur. The decoration, especially the luxurious palace style in Europe and the United States, is particularly attractive to those officials.

The first floor of the clubhouse will be transformed into a total of three large and small banquet halls, 5 private private rooms, and a small multi-functional meeting room, which can be boarded directly from the atrium.

Except for some entertainment function rooms, the second and third floors are all transformed into luxurious suites of different sizes.

The design style of the suite is similar to that of the Waldorf Astoria, adding a retro atmosphere. A large number of copper decorations give people a sense of being in the War of Resistance, and feel the strong style of a century ago, but at the same time, they do not forget the modern convenience. The luxurious marble bathroom, spa bath, rain shower are fully equipped, and some suites also have a small sauna and massage room, walk-in cloakroom and various guest room entertainment facilities, etc., which can provide guests with the most comprehensive services and most Cozy feeling.

While feeling the breath of history, nearly half of the rooms have a glorious and charming view of the Han River, overlooking the modern and modern skyscrapers and bustling scenes on both sides of the Han River.

Of course, every guest room is equipped with contemporary luxury products. Even the cotton swabs that are most easily overlooked are hand-made by someone. The insignificant details must also show luxury and nobleness.

Now the interior is still in chaos, Yang Cheng walked out of the construction site only after a few glances, took off his safety helmet and said, "The progress of the project is pretty good, but it still needs to be accelerated."

Li Zhiyu nodded, "I hired three construction teams to work in shifts. According to the current schedule, another month is enough to complete the interior decoration."

"Very well, I'll leave it to you here. In addition, you can talk to the rich if you have anything in the future~ My sister has more experience in managing hotels."

Li Zhiyu did not have any dissatisfaction. On the contrary, he still had some unexpected meanings, "No problem, I was originally rich~ My true sister also told me that after the clubhouse is completed, she will send the most savvy and capable managers and service personnel to take over. It is tedious for me to recruit and train again."

Yang Cheng sighed secretly, this woman really thought of everything ahead.

Originally I wanted to scold Li Zhiyu a few words, but when I thought that Li~Fu~ really did so many things silently, I felt that there was no need to scold Li Zhiyu again.

Quite disappointed, he refused Li Zhiyu's invitation to eat together, and drove back to the hotel and villa. When Kim Jong-woo's affairs were almost handled, he might set off for the United States.

In the evening, I was going to have dinner together, but Li~Fu~ really suddenly received a call from home and could only release Yang Cheng’s pigeons.

After taking a few bites, I went back to the room and turned on the TV to listen to the sound. When I was bored, I called Luo Yue, who had just woke up on the other side of the ocean, "Good morning~"

"Morning~" Luo Yue's voice is very Yang Cheng can make up for Luo Yue's state at this time. He must put the phone on his face casually, half asleep and half awake, all The words all speak of unconscious instinct.

With mischievous thoughts, he smirked, "Who do you love most?"

"Yang Cheng~" Sure enough, Luo Yue's most true answer came out naturally.

Yang Cheng couldn't help laughing, she was startled by Luo Yue and opened her eyes. She stayed dumbfounded for a long time before remembering what she had just said. She was anxious, "Big villain, you bullied me again~"

"Hey~ To be reasonable, I just asked the most frequently asked question among couples, and you answered truthfully, how can this be considered bullying?" Yang Cheng stalked her neck to defend.

"You're bullying me, and I'm awake while I'm not asleep~" Luo Yue wasn't really angry, just because Yang Cheng succeeded in a prank, he didn't feel very happy.

"I haven't set your bank card password yet~" Yang Cheng's mouth was very hard. Anyway, the two were a hundred thousand miles away, even if Luo Yue wanted to solve the battle by force, he would not move instantly.

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