Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1233: The sensible girl (1)

"What is the use of your bank card password? Add the credit card limit and multiply it by 100, and you won't have any money."

Luo Yue snorted, she felt that Yang Cheng was mad at her on purpose.

Yang Orange said frankly, "What you said is the truth."

"Go away~"

After laughing and making noise over the phone, Yang Cheng finally raised a little interest, at least not as boring as before.

I didn't eat much just now, it was all as snacks. At this moment, I felt my appetite was emptied again, thinking about finding someone for dinner.

Sending a message to Irene, a licking dog often asked the goddess questions, "Are you busy?"

The attitude of this goddess is very good, almost in seconds, "waiting for a performance in the waiting room~"

"How about going to see you? Bring delicious~"

He knew that this girl was also a foodie, but he was never embarrassed to behave in front of him.

Unexpectedly, I was rejected by Yizheng, "No! I will be on stage later, I can't eat now."

Yang Cheng didn't give up, "Can't bring some snacks?"

"No! Oppa, there are too many people here, it's inappropriate for you to come." There was an aegyo expression behind him.

Shit, was disgusted, this is the main reason!

Yang Cheng's expression was ugly, but she was a little helpless. Now Irene is being favored. Not only will the small push and pull not affect Yang Cheng's interest in him, but it will tick his heart.

"OK, listen to you, then I can always pick you up from get off work, right?" Yang Orange changed his routine.

"No! Oppa, please forgive me. I haven't returned to the dormitory for a few days. If this continues, the children will be upset." Irene tried to explain to Yang Cheng, with her coquettish expressions one after another. I am afraid that Yang Cheng will be angry.

There was a feeling of doting on Yang Cheng's face, "I know, I know, you are busy."

The interest fell to the bottom again, the appetite and so on disappeared without a trace, and irritable emotions were breeding. Now it is the time when tenderness is needed. As a result, there is no one who can soothe the soul. It is strange that the mood can be good.

After lying down for a long time, the woman can't find it, then find a man and call Liu Jianjun, "Where are you?"

"Uh~boss, I have dinner in a restaurant. BH Entertainment has signed a few new actors. On behalf of CY Entertainment, I invite them to dinner and welcome them to join."

When Yang Cheng heard this, she decided to join in the fun, "Send me the address and I will go over."

"Huh? Boss, are you coming?"

Yang Cheng's tone was suppressed, "Why? No?"

Liu Jianjun smiled bitterly, "No, no, how is it possible, we are in the restaurant in Cheongdam-dong."

"Well~ Give me some beef, I'll be there in a while."

. . .

Driving to the restaurant Liu Jianjun said, Yang Cheng saw two long tables merged into one at a glance. There can be more than 20 people sitting at the same table. Liu Jianjun is undoubtedly the most central figure sitting in the middle.

Yang Cheng went in, and Liu Jianjun stood up for the first time. Following his movements, more than 20 people all stood up with a scream and bowed to Yang Cheng at 90 degrees, "Good evening, president nim~"

"Sit down, hope I didn't disturb your interest." Yang Cheng smiled and pressed his hands.

It may have been a round of drinking, and everyone was not as cautious when facing Yang Cheng. Some of them had the courage to make jokes with Yang Cheng.

"Boss, let me introduce to you. These are the newly signed actors today. They are all very potential children."

Yang Cheng, the other children introduced by Liu Jianjun, didn't care, but a girl with shoulder-length short hair caught his attention. What was his name? Shin Yeeun?

There is no sharp chin with a net red face, and no overly delicate makeup. The faint mole on the tip of the nose reminds him of Han Jiaren, the woman who has been in love with him several times.

Both of them have that fascinating temperament. The beauty is very clean and pure. Shin Ye-eun is a little less generous and gentle than Han Jiaren and a little more pure and playful. Compared with other actresses, this face appeared on the screen. Undoubtedly more recognizable.

Liu Jianjun made a good deal.

Seeing that the chairman looked at herself straightly, Shin Ye-eun, who was just 18 years old and 20 according to the Korean algorithm, couldn't help but feel uneasy. Fortunately, the chairman did not have that uncomfortable yin desire in his eyes, otherwise she thought she would fall into a wolf. Nest up.

"Old Liu did a good job, where did you find such an excellent seedling?" Yang Cheng finally retracted his gaze and asked Liu Jianjun, who was already drinking with a flushed face.

Liu Jianjun was also very proud, "I went to JYP to visit, and just discovered that this girl Yeen was taking an acting class. Her temperament caught me. I stayed outside the door for an hour that day. From what she showed during class With concentration and hard work, I know this is a child born to be an actor."

It was also the first time that everyone heard Liu Jianjun talk about the selection process, and they listened carefully. Everyone liked this kind of gossip. Once Shen Yien became famous in the future, this could be used to break the news in exchange for attention.

"I offended Park Jinying to dig Yeeun." She said that she was offended, but her face didn't care at all. The size of JYP is not a little bit worse than that of CY Entertainment. On the other hand, for the sake of a little The trainee offends CY Entertainment, but JYP can't be so impulsive.

Yang Cheng nodded in satisfaction, "Are you ready to debut?"

Liu Jianjun nodded, "Although the agent is scheduled to be under BH Entertainment, I am going to personally control Yien's route. Such a good seed cannot be destroyed in our hands."

Shin Ye-eun, who was about to be praised to the sky, blushed. She hasn't learned how to face praise and criticism.

"I mean wait, I can't rush for quick success. Ye-eun is very talented and has the natural advantages of being a good actress, but she is still very immature in acting and needs to be polished slowly. If she wants to make a formal debut, she still owes a lot of popularity.

However, our company has more advantages than JYP in terms of polished acting skills, otherwise Ye-eun and her family would not agree to join our company, right? "

Liu Jianjun threw the topic to Shen Yien, which was to remind her and give her a chance to behave in front of the chairman.

Shen Yeen nodded embarrassedly, "The project filmed by W company can meet many seniors. I think this is an opportunity to better hone his acting skills."

Yang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, "It's best if you can think so. Many young people patronize their debut and become big stars, receive advertisements to make money, and ignore their acting career at all. Such people will not last for a long time, and they are short-lived. It won’t last forever. You can lay down and learn at this age. I am optimistic about your future."

After a pause, he instructed Liu Jianjun, “Since Ye-eun is so sensible, don’t be too stingy. If you need an actress to shoot the MV on S~M, put Ye-eun in and try it. Pay attention to the scale of the MV, too. Just forget it."

With these words, the envy of the new members who joined the company today are bleeding. Why is this girl so lucky? Can it be valued by the chairman?

If Yang Cheng knows their questions, he will answer them patiently. Why? Because it looks beautiful! To be beautiful is to be self-willed! There is a reason to be self-willed with money.

Shin Yeen thanked him again and again with excitement, and even drank three cups of soju, making his face flushed with choking.

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Are you good at drinking?"

Liu Jianjun smiled and joked, "Yeen was so excited to see the boss. Before you came, Yeen had a total of two drinks, and it took several times to finish drinking."

Shin Ye-eun waved his hand, "I only drank for the first time not long ago. I really can't drink."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "It doesn't matter, you can drink as much as you can. There are many opportunities to have dinner together in the future. I always have to drink a little when I meet senior actors."

Shen Yien obediently said that he knew it. Liu Jianjun asked the colleague beside Yang Cheng to change seats with Shen Yeen. The two sat next to each other, and the youthful breath came to his face. Yang Cheng took a deep breath. It was a long time before he smelled such a youth. It has a vibrant taste.

Liu Jianjun was very wink. Knowing that Yang Cheng was interested in Shen Yien, he pulled other people to punch and diverted his attention so that Yang Cheng and Shen Yien could whisper.

"According to the international algorithm, you just turned 18?" Yang Cheng was not used to shochu, ordered a cold beer, and clinked to Shen Yeen.

"Yes, it's my birthday in January." Shen Yien knelt down beside Yang Cheng, with no expression on her face, but she was still a little nervous from the fingers she kept playing with.

"Unfortunately, if it's not birthday, I can still give you a gift." Yang Cheng said regretfully.

Shin Ye-eun waved his hand, "Nim, who is not the president, can join CY Entertainment is the best birthday gift."

Yang Cheng smiled and said nothing. This girl was quite good at talking. Sure enough, there is no simple person who can mix in the entertainment industry, simple? Hehe, that's just a personal design created by the stars, whoever believes will die.

So it seems, have a chance tonight? Yang Cheng thought carefully.

Pretending to be inadvertently leaning against Shin Ye-en, her knees pressed against Shin Ye-en’s thigh when sitting This girl doesn’t know if the reflection arc is too long, or she doesn’t care at all, or deliberately. Anyway, instead of avoiding it, she took advantage of the opportunity to pour Yang Cheng and completely stuck it together.

She is dressed up as a girl today. Of course, she is also a girl. She is youthful with thin jeans and a light pink sweater.

If you think that you can stop here, you would be wrong. Yang Cheng is not a good person himself, so there are not many good people in his eyes. Shen Yien occasionally took advantage of the chat and patted Yang Cheng’s thigh, or just lay on Yang Cheng’s shoulder. Pretending to be smiling and happy, it is this inadvertent contact that shows the distinction of intimacy, especially the innocent boy who knows nothing about the world, will definitely be accelerated by the girl's small movements and flushed.

The movements of the hands and the charming eyes cooperated, and the man with insufficient skill was immediately convinced.

It's a pity that Shen Yeen met an opponent today. Her sultry skills that have not yet been cultivated to reach Yang Cheng's eyes are nothing more than pediatrics. If you want to play, you can play with the big ones. Is it not addictive to touch and look at each other?

Therefore, Yang Cheng quietly stretched out the devil's hand under the table, holding hands with big hands, and driving without fear of slipping~

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