Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1235: Heavy rain shipbuilding

"Brother, the Jin family asked someone to plead, do you want to see you?"

On this day, Yang Cheng was doing health exercises with Li~Fu~ in the villa-two-person "yoga", etc., when she received a call from Li Zhiyu, her heart was upset, and she opened her mouth and cursed, "I see a fart. Come to disturb me!"

Li~Fu~ really wiped the sweat from his face, patted him lightly, glared, and said with his mouth, "Promise it~"

I don't know what medicine this woman sells in the gourd, but she changed her mouth, "Forget it, let's meet again, I'm at the Shilla Hotel, you can bring someone."

"I know, we will be there in about an hour~"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng lost his mind and lay down and took a few breaths, "Why should I see them?"

"You are still young and energetic, sometimes it is not always good to kill people~"

Li~Fu~ was really an old man kissing and talking, and Yang Cheng slapped him slapped, "Speak well~"

"Ah~ I really can't do anything with you~" Li Fuzhen exclaimed, groaningly.

"The Jin family probably found out that I had acted. They have been looking for opportunities to bridge with our family. My father never agreed. After all, the Jin family had too much trouble back then. It is almost impossible to make a comeback."

"Then you still want to see them?" Yang Orange was puzzled.

Li~Fu~ really sighed, "Father is old, and his courage is far less than before. Although it is harder to reflex, but in the words of your Z people, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the Jin family is still valuable."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "That's why you took this opportunity to meet them?"

Li~Fu~ really lay in his arms and drew a few times, "Yes, what my father doesn't want to do, let me do it."

Yang Orange smirked and grabbed a hand, "Frankly be lenient and resist strict, and say, what treasure of the Jin family has you stared at?"

"Bah~ nonsense, the total assets of the Jin family at their peak were more than 60 billion U.S. dollars. You should be clear about the concept of 60 billion U.S. dollars in the 1990s?"

Yang Cheng put a smile away and probably guessed Li~Fu~'s true intentions. Before facing punishment, Jin Yuzhong fled without warning. After missing for nearly a year, he suddenly appeared again, citing the appearance of a heart. The question is, it is too coincidental to be detained by the prosecutors while transiting in South Korea, just like sending them to the door for arrest.

This year, no one knows where and what has been done in the golden rain, except for a few interested people.

"What do you need me to do?"

"No, you are a deterrent when you sit next to me~" Li~Fu~ said with love.

Yang Cheng helplessly touched her ruddy face again, "Have you not been to the hospital these days?"

Li~Fu~ really helplessly shook his head, "Don't worry, what I promised you will be done, not to mention that it's not a real du product. The symptoms of addiction are not obvious. After the initial withdrawal reaction, it will be fine."

Yang Cheng said nothing more.

. . .

An hour later, Yang Cheng and Li~Fu~ really dressed up and met the Jin family in a small living room of the Shilla Hotel.

A middle-aged woman who was a few years older than Li~Fu~, led another young man who was about 30 years old, and bowed respectfully to Li~Fu~, "President Li, finally I saw you." The middle-aged woman sighed.

Li~Fu~ really always looks graceful in front of outsiders, and smiled gently, "Since Xiuzhen is so polite? Sit down~"

Yang Cheng sat aside, tilted Erlang's legs and didn't mean to stand up at all, waiting for Li~Fu~ to give an introduction.

"Introduce you, this is Jason Yang, my brother."

"Jason, this is Jin Xiuzhen, the niece of President Jin Yuzhong~"

The main thing is the latter sentence, otherwise Yang Cheng knows who is who?

"As for this?" Li~Fu~ really looked at the young man and felt strange.

"My son Zhao Chengen~" Jin Xiuzhen introduced.

Li~Fu~ really suddenly said, "It turns out that it is Cheng En, who is so old."

"Hello, aunt~" Zhao Chengen respectfully greeted Li~Fu~, and then nodded to Yang Cheng.

"Mr. Yang, this time, I will first apologize to you and your girlfriend's family on behalf of my disappointed nephew. His stupid behavior does not represent the Jin family."

Jin Xiuzhen speaks very slowly, and from her temperament, she looks more like a professor and scholar who has been studying academics all year round.

Yang Cheng is not easy to shake his face when he reaches out his hand without hitting the smiley. At least he has to give Li ~ Fu ~ real face. "Ms. Jin is serious. I personally look forward to Mr. Jin Yuzhong very much. He is a model for entrepreneurs and I also run With my own career, I know how rare Mr. Jin Yuzhong’s hard work and dedication back then are. Therefore, I will not be biased against the entire Jin family just because of one person."

This sounded very comfortable, but smart people heard it. Yang Cheng never mentioned Kim Jong-woo's matter, and simply expressed his respect for the Jin family, but to separate the matter and show that he did not want to have a full occurrence with the Jin family. Conflict, the matter stopped with Kim Jong Woo alone.

Zhao Chengen suddenly said, "Mr. Yang, my cousin is ignorant. You have a large number of adults, so there is no need to hold on."

I thought I had handled it properly, but Li~Fu~ really included his mother's anger.

"Shut up and apologize to Mr. Yang~"

The only thing that Zhao Sung-eun is better than that idiot Kim Jong-woo is that he still has a city, he won’t become angry. Hearing his mother’s lesson, he quickly bent over and bowed, “I don’t think I have said something wrong. In fact, my cousin also got him. The punishment is due, but Mr. Yang still wants to seize his family's property, isn't it a bit too much?"

Li~Fu~ really looked cold, she really didn’t expect the other party to dare to mention this. Originally, as she thought, the other party would completely abandon Kim Jong Woo and Da Yu Comprehensive Machinery, and take this opportunity to show her kindness. But reality gave her a hard blow, obviously the Jin family wanted more.

Yang Cheng triumphed at Li~Fu~ really winked, "Look? It's not that I don't give you face. Someone sent your face up for a while. There really is no reason to refuse.

As for Jin Xiuzhen's rage? Yang Cheng thought it was all acting, so what about the other party singing with this?

OMG, don’t you know that Peking opera is the quintessence of the people of Z? It's a real price drop to make an axe with this class~

Pretending to be sorry, he sighed, "I thought you were sincerely apologizing. I didn't expect it to be a bargain. It's really boring~"

He shouted at the closed door, "Li Zhiyu, get in for the little master~"

Zhao Chengen's expression changed. Hearing Yang Cheng shouting Li Zhiyu like a grandson, he knew that something was in trouble, and things deviated from what he had expected.

Li Zhiyu opened the door and rushed in, ran to Yang Cheng to laugh, "Brother, what's the order?"

Zhao Chengennu Nunu, whose face slowly turned blue, "This buddy wants to reason with me, saying that I have done too much to Kim Jong Woo, what do you think?"

Li Jiyu grinned, "What do you think? Would you like to have a taste of what Kim Jong Woo has tasted? You can't verify it yourself too much."

Jin Xiuzhen stood in front of Li Zhiyu grandiosely, "Zhiyu, please persuade Mr. Yang not to worry about Cheng En, he is still young and ignorant."

Yang Cheng smiled. This reason is really a reason that parents all over the world like to use. Are they all over 30 and still young?

"Aunt Xiuzhen, it's useless to tell me that Cheng En's brother is older than me? It's not too young, and I should be responsible for my words and deeds."

Zhao Chengen is also aware of current affairs. Yang Cheng didn’t know what he was coming from, so he dared to speak for his cousin, and by the way showed the demeanor of everyone’s son, but he knew exactly what family was behind Li Zhiyu, don’t think Li Zhiyu was younger than him. 10 years old, but he is a younger brother in front of Li Zhiyu.

"It's mine, please give me another chance~" Zhao Chengen came and bowed 180 degrees.

Li~Fu~'s really stiff face has eased, and his attitude of admitting mistakes is not bad.

Upon seeing this, Jin Xiuzhen looked at Li~Fu~ Zhen with praying eyes, "Help Chengen~"

Li~Fu~ really softened, "Jason, don't you think?"

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "You decide for yourself~"

The board was raised high and gently dropped, "Don't let me see him in half a year~"

Li~Fu~Zhen's hand is still very useful to the second generation ancestor. He kept this group of people at home for half a year and didn't let them go out.

Asking Li Zhiyu to take the people away, Jin Xiuzhen seemed to have recovered from a serious illness, her face was a little pale, and she looked at Li~Fu~ with a complicated expression, "Thank you, and thank you for your opinion of me, about heavy rain shipbuilding?"

Yang Cheng's heart shuddered, and Yu Guang glanced at Li~fu~zhen, to see what she would say.

"More than half of Dayu Shipbuilding's equity is in the hands of the Industrial Bank~" Li ~ Fu said meaningfully.

Jin Xiuzhen nodded bitterly, "I have convinced Chairman Li Dongjie of the Industrial Bank that he agreed to sell his 55% stake in Dayu Shipbuilding."


"1.5 trillion~"

Yang Cheng twitched the corners of her mouth, and only in South Korea can you hear such a large number. 1.5 trillion won is about 1.35 billion US dollars.

"No, I can spend up to 120 million ~ This is my bottom line, but I will persuade my father in the future to provide Dayu Shipbuilding with financial assistance of no less than 1 trillion won."

Jin Xiuzhen lowered her head and quickly calculated in her heart whether the deal would be beneficial to her family.

The Dayu Group went bankrupt that year, and many core industries were controlled by bank capital. Naturally, the Dayu shipbuilding industry ranked among the top ten in the world that year. However, as the core assets, the Jin family were unwilling to give up all of them. Therefore, using various methods, they still retained some More than 30% of the shares are also the basis for the Kim family's current activities in the upper class of South Korea.

However, in recent years, as the international shipbuilding industry has been sluggish and orders have been declining year after year, heavy rain shipbuilding has reached the end of heavy rain. Hanjin Shipping, the main customer next door, has gone bankrupt. This is the last straw that crushes the camel. If there is no help , The last fig leaf of the Jin family may not be kept.

Therefore, the Jin family has been moving around in the past six months, trying to persuade several big chaebols, including San~Xing, to buy the shares held by the Industrial Bank and inject capital into the group. Only in this way can the Jin family keep their face.

But Li~fu~ really proposed to inject capital afterwards, which made Jin Xiuzhen hesitate~

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