Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1236: chuang head borrows money

"Sister Xiuzhen, you can think about it this way. Regardless of whether or not San~Star has injected capital, the holding situation of Dayu Shipbuilding cannot be changed. So what is the difference between 55% and 60%?

What's more, this has also increased the value of Jin's holdings in disguise, and I can promise that Jin's management position in the shipyard will not change in the short term. "

Jin Xiuzhen nodded slowly, "I understand what you mean, but I am afraid that my family will disagree~"

Li~Fu~ really chuckles, "San~Star bought Dayu Shipbuilding to make money. If it can’t make money, why buy it? Dayu Shipbuilding has reached the point where it can’t save lives without receiving blood transfusions from outside. At this time, it’s better to save your life or look after your face. , Think about it for yourself~"

Yang Cheng shook his head after failure. He could understand the concerns of the Jin family. Once San~Xing succeeded in injecting capital into the heavy rain shipbuilding, the Jin family would completely become history. It only took 10 years to go from brilliance to loneliness in your hands. Even if the general trend, if you have outstanding ability, you can live for at least 10 years, right?

Therefore, Li~Fu~ really proposed to keep the original management intact, but it was a stopgap measure. After they thoroughly straightened out the shipyard, it is a sure thing to get rid of dissidents.

Don't Jin Xiuzhen understand? She understands, it looks like a mirror in her heart, but what can she do? Li~Fu~ is really right, your life is almost gone, and you still need a face?

"I see. I personally agree in principle, but please give me a few days to convince my family."

"Then I'll wait for your good news~" Li~Fu~ really stood up and took the initiative to reach out and shook Jin Xiuzhen.

. . .

After sending the person away, Li~Fu~ really kicked off his high heels, put his feet on Yang Cheng’s legs, and lay down comfortably, "Finally, this matter is resolved, thanks to you. If you didn’t do this time, They will not make this determination yet."

Yang Cheng didn't receive any credit, "What does it have to do with me, but the Jin family is also miserable enough. They were no weaker than yours back then. As a result, they now have to rely on outsiders to support their living. It's really unpredictable~"

"Yes, but the too aggressive style of doing things in the golden rain back then was also one of the reasons for the failure. The debt ratio of the heavy rain was as high as 200%, and it happened to be in the financial crisis. It was difficult to survive."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "So luck is also part of strength, and Jin Yu's character is too strong. In the financial crisis, all Koreans sold iron and pots to support the country. Why did ZF think about dividing the money into the heavy rain?"

"I can't tell you what happened back then. It was a high-level game~" Li~Fu~ is really not a concealment. I am afraid that no one except her father can understand the events of those years.

"Well, don't you go home and talk to your father?"

"Say what? This time it's my own decision, it has nothing to do with my family."

Yang Cheng said unexpectedly, "Then you still say~"

After a pause, I understood, "Are you using your father as a guise?"


"Then do you have money? With the acquisition money and capital injection, I am afraid it will cost 2 billion US dollars~"


Listening to Li~Fu~, the answer is so straightforward, and those who don't know thought that US$2 billion is not money at all in her eyes.

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "I didn't buy anything without you~"

"Bank loan~ Besides you, isn't it?"


Yang Cheng scolded countless words of MMP in his heart. Damn, it turned out to be hitting himself with the idea, this woman. . .

"Yes, how about selling you 20%?"

"No~" Yang Cheng refused simply.

What's a joke, if San~Xing Heavy Industry makes a move, he can consider it, but Li~Fu~ really does it by herself. If she doesn't use the resources at home, why should she develop heavy industry?

"Then I can always borrow money from you?" Li~Fu~ really helpless, changed his routine.

Yang Cheng hesitated, "It's okay to borrow money, but my money is in the company. I can lend you at the lowest interest rate~"

The brothers clearly settle accounts, not to mention that the two are not brothers yet.

Li~Fu~ really didn't think there was anything. Born in such a family, he has long been used to putting his interests on the bright side, "Yes, I will borrow 500 million US dollars first."

Yang Cheng probably settled the bill in her heart, "When will it be paid?"

"For a 5-year period, the interest will be paid in the first two years, and the principal will be paid separately in the last three years."

Regarding Li~Fu~'s real face, Yang Cheng agreed to the loan even though he was reluctant, "Well, that's you~"

The two parties have agreed verbally, and then you can find a lawyer to sign the agreement. The process is very simple.

"I'll help you stare at Kim Jong Woo's affairs, there will be no surprises~"

"That's good, I'll be back to New York tomorrow~"

"Well~ I won't accompany you, I will leave time for you and your little lover~"

Li~Fu~ is really joking, not aggressive towards Yang Cheng at all.

. . .

Coming out of the hotel, Yang Cheng drove straight to the mall. Redvelvet was doing business there. Yang Cheng didn’t say hello, and rushed over with a bunch of girls’ favorite food. When the show was over, he would Take people away.

In the temporary backstage set up by the event party, Irene is discussing with her teammates about waiting for the performance. As the captain, she must be more thoughtful.

"Eileen~ Director is here~"

The agent secretly called Irene out to tell her the unexpected news.

"Director? Yang Cheng oppa?" Irene asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's outside, and I brought a lot of food. I'm letting the staff share it. You can see him first, there is still some time before the show." The agent has learned to behave now and faces Yang Cheng and Ai. There is no nonsense about Lin.

Irene turned her head, four pairs of playful eyes teasing her constantly.

"Hurry up to Taiwan, it's really~" Irene said helplessly, covering her forehead.

Walking out of the waiting room, I saw Yang Cheng smiling and directing the staff to divide the food. He bought a lot of rice cakes and fried chicken, and the portions were very large. Seeing this scene, Irene complained a little bit in her heart. Turn to sweetness.

Yang Cheng really has nothing to say to her, can she ask for more?

"Oppa~" Irene walked over and called out

"Oh is here? Didn't you disturb your work?" Yang Cheng petted her little face and ignored the gaze around her.

"No~ spend so much money again?" Irene glanced at the lunch box full of a trolley, complaining in her mouth, still very useful in her heart, isn't it for her to spend more money?

"Small, when will the show?"

"It will take more than 20 minutes~ Why did oppa come over suddenly?"

Yang Cheng blinked, "Of course I miss you. If I call you, I will definitely not let me come, so I just won't invite you~"

Irene defended, "Isn't this afraid of bad influence?"

"Idiot, who doesn't know my feelings for you? Are you afraid of influence?"

Irene made a shy face, still not accustomed to this straightforward love story.

"Wait for the performance, pay attention to safety, and follow me directly after the performance? I am going back to the United States tomorrow~"

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