Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1237: Detour to Xiangjiang

The Jason had just climbed into the stratosphere and entered the cruising stage. Yang Cheng unfastened his seat belt and took the cocktail from the stewardess Shirley with a smile on his lips.

After laying for so long, I was finally able to kiss Fangze. Although in the end I couldn't get up because of Irene's relatives, and ended up with a disappointment, but only one step away from conquering third base, it was hard work, and Yang Cheng comforted himself like this.

"Boss~ Satellite phone call."

Put down the wine glass, answered the phone and said, "This is Jason Yang~"

"Well~ it's me, when will I land?"

The quality of the call is not very good, it can only be said to be a normal level, and it is no problem to distinguish the voice of the other party, "I just took off, Dad~"

"Well, it seems you can't keep up~" Yang Sen said helplessly.

"Can't keep up with what?"

"Nothing, I'm going to Xiangjiang, I wanted to take you with you~"

"Go to Xiangjiang? What are you doing?"

"Have you forgotten? The Central Plaza has completed the transaction procedures, now we need to accept it~"

"You don't have to go there in person, right?"

"It was your grandpa who asked me to go there in person. How dare I say no?" He said so, but Yang Sen's tone was not reluctant.

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Should I take a turn to fly to Xiangjiang?"

"You go? It seems okay. Then you can go for me to see what your grandfather has to do. By the way, after finishing the transaction procedures of the Central Building, I will let the person in charge of Yuanshan in Xiangjiang come to you."

Yang Cheng now flies to Xiangjiang, which is much more convenient than Yang Sen flying to Xiangjiang from the United States.

"Well~you tell grandpa, I will greet the captain, and I have to temporarily apply for the flight route and landing permit~"

"These are all trivial matters. Let your grandpa take care of the things that land."

"Got it~"

. . .

About four hours later, the Jason was temporarily transferred to Xiangjiang and landed at Xiangjiang Chek Lap Kok International Airport. After getting off the plane, he received a call from his grandfather’s housekeeper, Fu Bo, who personally brought the convoy to pick up the plane.

"Uncle Fu~ How many years have you not seen? You are still so old and strong~" Yang Cheng went up with a bear hug, bumping Fu Uncle, who was the same age as his grandfather.

"Little Master, no matter how good my health is, I am still in my 70s, but I can't stand your bump~"

Yang Cheng hurriedly released and smiled very happily. These old people who had watched him grow up really missed a glance, "My grandfather did, too. Do you have to trouble you to pick up the plane in person when you return to your home?"

Uncle Fu hurriedly explained, "Don't blame your grandfather, I took the initiative to ask to pick you up~"

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Oh? Is something wrong?"

Otherwise, Uncle Fu would not say that.

"It's not a big deal. Your grandfather caught the wind and cold after coming back from the Chinese New Year. He started to have a fever not long after. After the doctor came to the house, he judged it was a common viral cold. One day is worse than one day. I want to call and inform the lady, but your grandfather doesn’t agree with me. I just wanted to tell you when I came to pick you up. I’m afraid I’ll get sick this time... alas~"

Fubo let out a deep sigh, which made Yang Cheng feel like a knife. Every time he sees his grandfather, he is full of energy. Even if he quarrels with his grandfather, he never loses the wind. Why did he get sick when he went to Fiji?

"Then let's go back and see Grandpa, did the doctor really say it's okay?" He hurriedly walked outside, taking Fu Bo, and asked anxiously as he walked.

Fubo smiled bitterly, his legs and feet were not as flexible as the young man, but the child was so painstaking, he couldn't say anything, he could only follow as best as he could, "The doctor did all-round meticulous examination and did not find any major problems."

Yang Cheng was worried, "Why don't you take Grandpa to America?"

Fubo shook his head, "The medical level of Xiangjiang is not low, and your grandpa's current physical condition is probably not suitable for long-distance flights~"

Yang Cheng sighed secretly. He knew that Fu Bo was right, but he was in a hurry to go to the doctor, and it was difficult to keep a calm mind on matters involving his family.

Arriving outside the business jet terminal, Yang Cheng looked at the silver Rolls Royce in surprise, "Forber, why did you drive this car out?"

This Rolls-Royce, which is photographed with 111 and looks slightly different from the ordinary Phantom, was an anniversary gift from grandpa to grandma. It was specially customized for the Rolls-Royce Silver Charm Queen. There are only two in the world. , The other is in the Queen’s private garage.

The birth of Silver Magic was a global sensation, and the quietness at the start was like the Silver Phantom, hence the name. Since then, Silver Magic has been the top collection of the world's richest people, and there are no more than ten cars in the world.

Of course, the prototype of Grandpa’s Silver Charm Queen’s customized version is still the seventh-generation Phantom. It was retro-modified according to the characteristics of Silver Charm, and at the same time put forward almost harsh requirements for quietness. This car arrived in Hong Kong that year. It has aroused the praise of a lot of rich people. Someone once offered a soaring price of 50 million Hong Kong dollars for the acquisition, but the grandfather declined it. What kind of joke, is Liu Muqian a person who lacks money? Sell ​​your lady's beloved car to outsiders?

However, my grandma did not ride in this car a few times. In those years, my grandma suffered from illness and hardly went out, but from time to time, she rode in this car and went for a ride in the middle of the mountain. He passed away not long after that. Since then, grandpa never goes out. I haven't moved this car, and it has been placed in the center of the garage. It has been sent for maintenance all the year round. It still looks like a new one.

Yang Cheng knew this history, so he was surprised.

Uncle Fu panted and smiled, "Your grandfather loves you, and wants to use this method to inform people in Hong Kong that you are here!"

Yang Cheng really didn't know what to do to respond. She was moved because of grandpa's concern and a little helpless. As for it? This is not the chaotic era of decades ago, who would be unfavorable to him if nothing is idle?

But it's useless to say anything. The car is already parked there. Who does he not take?

The service staff in the terminal have been wondering who this Rolls Royce, which is extremely rare in Xiangjiang, is here to pick up?

Unexpectedly, it was a young man.

After getting in the car, I said hello to the driver. With almost no feeling, the scenery outside the car window began to reverse.

"Fu Bo, I came this time because my grandfather called, and the other was to take over the Central Building~"

Uncle Fu was sitting next to Yang Cheng and nodded, "I heard that, if you need my help, just say~"

Yang Cheng originally planned to leave after finishing the affair, but just after hearing Fubo talk about grandpa's current situation, she decided not to leave and stayed with grandpa in Xiangjiang for a period of time.

"The work of receiving is not complicated, as long as someone from the company cooperates.

I want to stay in Xiangjiang for a few more days, so please help me prepare some daily necessities and a car~"

Fubo smiled very pleased, "No problem, I think your grandpa must be very happy when he knows about it. Is there a special need for a car? You also know that the garage at home is not suitable for you to drive if the car is relatively old~"

"It doesn't matter if I have a car. I can drive by myself. It would be better if I have a GT sports car~"

"Got it~ I will prepare it for you~"

Avoiding the morning peak, there was almost no congestion on the way back to Pingdingshan, and I returned to the top of the mountain smoothly. During the period, I saw many celebrities living in the middle of the mountain. Several Yang Cheng felt familiar.

Pingdingshan is actually the Victoria Peak among the Xiangjiang population. It is located in the west of Hong Kong Island and is the highest peak of Hong Kong Island. The top of the mountain can be subdivided into Chaqishan, Lufengxia, Gefu Mountain and Kilishan depending on the topography.

Taipingshan has a long history, and it is also the most yearning place in the hearts of Xiangjiang people. Countless people dream of living in Taipingshan and become the envy of everyone.

This can be regarded as a treasure of Xiangjiang. The foot of the mountain is divided into Central and Sheunghuan and developed into a central business district. The mountainside is called the Mid-Levels. There are many mid-level luxury residences in Xiangjiang. This is only a part, but those on the top of the mountain. Regal celebrities and foreign leaders are all the real powers of this international city. Those who live in Mid-Levels are either the family members of the people on the top of the mountain or the upstarts who have just risen recently. They are all younger brothers.

Liu Muqian's home is on the top of Victoria Peak, covering an area of ​​nearly one thousand square meters. Now it is valued at more than 500 million RMB in the market.

It is nothing to compare the area of ​​thousands of square meters with those mansions in the United States, but in Xiangjiang, owning a luxurious manor with an area of ​​one thousand square meters is definitely the most luxurious thing.

I don't know how many years I haven't been back here. After getting out of the car, Yang Cheng looked at the house which was the same as in the impression, and had a lot of thoughts.

"Hurry in? Your grandfather shouldn't be able to wait, right?" Fu Bo smiled and directed the driver to park the car into the garage and invited Yang Cheng to come in.

As a result, Grandpa went out first, "Xiao Orange is back?"

In fact, the two talents had just met for a short time, but grandpa's excitement was the same as if he hadn't seen each other in a few years.

"Grandpa~How is your health?"

When Liu Muqian heard this, he immediately glared at Uncle Fu, "A Fu is alarmist again, right?"

Yang Cheng took her grandfather's shoulders, "Don't blame Fu Bo, you are all sick, isn't it right to tell us?"

In the face of his grandson, Liu Muqian didn't care about the old-fashioned and stubborn, "It's nothing big, I don't want you to worry about it, am I not good?"

Yang Cheng took a step back and looked up and down carefully. UU reading did not see anything unusual. If he had to say it, his face was still a little pale, "It looks good, but I can’t take it lightly. I live in Xiangjiang for a while, and I will leave when your illness is completely cured~"

Liu Muqian was in a good mood, "Good, good, how long do you want to live."

Pulling Yang Cheng into it, "Hurry up and wash your hands and prepare for dinner, are you hungry?"

Yang Cheng is really not hungry, but he doesn't want to swallow grandpa's interest, nodded and said, "Really hungry~"

Liu Muqian rushed to the kitchen to urge lunch, Yang Cheng took Fu Bo, who was a step behind, wondering, "Fu Bo, didn't you say that Grandpa's illness has not been cured?"

Fubo smiled bitterly, "Your grandfather is excited to see you. This morning when a person was walking in the garden alone, his legs and feet were uneasy, and he had to be supported to walk around."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "Fu Bo, can you please call the doctor over this afternoon, I want to listen to him personally about Grandpa~"

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