Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1240: Grandpa's status

The entire Kai Tak Airport plot, except for the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, the old Kai Tak Airport and the surrounding area of ​​land resources, are very important development areas for Hong Kong, which has a small amount of land. ZF planned to develop the Kai Tak plot into the city. The city, with a total area of ​​580 hectares, of which 300 hectares is reclaimed from the sea, aims to balance the distribution of residential, commercial and industrial land and develop new towns.

After several revisions and re-planning based on the principle of “no reclamation”, it was finally determined that the Kai Tak Development Zone integrated the CBD (Central Business District), residential, sports, and tourism functions. This is also the reason why the value of the land has doubled. First, even if other factors are not considered, simply building a residential building can make a lot of money. The high land price is nothing for today's wealthy mainland real estate companies, and they can earn it back sooner or later.

Ouyang Hui took out the blueprint and spread it out on the roof of the car, "This is the land, No. 3 in District 1K. The land area is about 8,800 square meters. According to the plan, the maximum floor area that can be built is 36,972 square meters. According to our expectation, I want to succeed , The final transaction price will be between 4.5 to 5.5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

No. 3 land in 1L area connected to it has almost the same area and consistent planning. If the two connected land can be taken, whether it is to develop a commercial plaza or a residential real estate, there will be great profit prospects. "

Yang Cheng looked at the drawing and considered for a long time, "According to your estimate, we have to prepare a budget of at least 10 billion Hong Kong dollars?"

Ouyang Hui nodded and said, "Yes, this is the bottom line. Below this number, there is no need to participate in the bidding."

Yang Cheng and Yang Sen have almost the same way of thinking, but they are more radical. If Yang Sen would have to consider the influence of rushing into the Xiangjiang real estate market, but Yang Cheng would not consider so much. He is young and vigorous and cares about the ideas of the elderly. ? What a joke.

"When will the bidding be held?"

"Mid May~"

"Who is expected to attend?"

"Basically, Hong Kong real estate companies that can be named will participate, and there are many well-known mainland real estate companies."

Yang Cheng squeezed her chin and didn't know what she was calculating, and suddenly took out her cell phone and called her father, completely forgetting that it was already the early hours of New York.

"What's the matter?" Yang Sen said with a yawn.

"Dad, did you make that real estate fund still have money?"

Yang Sen was going to fall asleep, but suddenly he was a little confused when he received the call, "What is the money?"

Yang Cheng was helpless, "Do you still have money for the fund you set up to buy Central Plaza and Century Plaza?"

Yang Sen slowly returned to his normal thinking, "Yes, but not much, what are you going to do?"

Yang Cheng probably told Yang Sen about the Kai Tak Airport, "I think it can be done. There is no place in the world that is more suitable for real estate development than Xiangjiang."

"No, you have to consider your grandfather. He hasn't been involved in the real estate business all these years, just doesn't want to conflict with some people."

Yang Cheng didn't expect that his father would refuse so simply, and used the reason that he didn't want to conflict with people, "Who is conflict with?"

"You can ask your grandpa. I can't tell you anything about the older generation. Anyway, if you want to do it, your grandpa must agree."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng said to Ouyang Hui, "You go back to the company first. I have to think about it before deciding."

Ouyang Hui didn't hear the conversation between Yang Cheng and Yang Sen, but seeing that Yang Cheng's face was not pretty, she didn't say much, and took someone back to the company.

Yang Cheng didn't stay outside too much, and hurried back to his grandfather's manor. If this matter is not clear, there is no need to sleep at night.

After returning home, he remembered that his grandfather was still on his lunch break and couldn't wake him, so he found Uncle Fu who was supervising the maid in the garden to mow the lawn.

"Young Master, are you back so early?" Fubo looked at Yang Orange unexpectedly.

"Um~ Fu Bo, I want to ask something, I hope you can tell the truth~"

Yang Cheng's expression was serious, and Fubo put a smile away, "Of course~ what do you want to ask."

"I want to bid for land development at Kai Tak Airport, but my father doesn't allow it. He said that he must get the permission of Grandpa. He seems to be worried about the conflict between Grandpa and someone. Do you know what's going on?"

Uncle Fu was taken aback for a while and sighed, "This is a long story, let's go, go back to the house and tell you slowly."

The two returned to the living room. Uncle Fu made a cup of new tea and began to say, "Do you know the four big families?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "It seems no one doesn't know?"

"Although the seemingly harmonious faction, the contradictions between the four major families have been around for a long time, and this has also led to contradictions among various factions. This requires a middleman to mediate and avoid greater conflicts. The previous role was Old Bao~"

Yang Cheng paused in the air with a teacup in his hand, and when he mentioned the surname Bao in Xiangjiang, he would never think of the second person. Only the old ship king can afford to be called "Bao Lao" by outsiders.

"Later, your grandpa has always played such a role. He never stood in line, but every time who had conflicts and disputes with whom, in the end, it was your grandpa who came forward to mediate and balance the interests of all parties."

It was the first time that Yang Cheng knew that his grandfather had such a high status in Xiangjiang.

But Fubo sighed again, "This role is not something everyone can take. First of all, you can't compete with others for profit. If your interests conflict with others, a neutral position cannot be guaranteed, and your grandpa's efforts in this life will be wasted. I am ashamed of the expectation that Mr. Bao had for your grandfather."

Yang Cheng didn't figure it out for a while, "Lao Bao also had many businesses that overlapped with the four major families, right?"

Uncle Fu said, "Bao's age and prestige are incomparable to your grandfather."

Yang Cheng suddenly realized and forgot about this. Li Chaoren are almost 90, and grandpa is only 70, which is more than one round. In front of them, they belong to but your grandpa is very smart. The banking industry is rooted in the source, which is why the four major families are jealous of your grandpa. "

Yang Cheng sighed that his grandfather's hand was hitting the seven inches of the snake. Regardless of the fact that the four big families have multiple cash cows, they are not short of money under normal circumstances, but the reason why capitalists are hated is because they always Who can use other people's money to make money for themselves, and who can borrow from a bank, who will use their own money for venture capital?

And grandpa pinches their borrowing channels, if they catch up with the financial crisis, this is equivalent to pressing their fate!

"So Grandpa reached a tacit understanding with them and never intervened in the industry they monopolized?"

Fubo nodded, "You can say so~"

"This is troublesome~" Yang Cheng muttered. Grandpa's only heir is his mother, and his mother only has her own son. In the end, grandpa's all-time family business is in his hands, so his every move is also Representing the attitude of Grandpa, according to Fubo, he really couldn't participate in the competition for the golden land rashly.

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