Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1241: Who dares to say 3 things 4?

"What are you talking about?"

Grandpa dressed in white practicing and obeyed the second floor. He couldn't help asking when he saw his grandson chatting with the housekeeper happily.

Yang Cheng said helplessly, "What about your position in Xiangjiang?"

"Talk about me?"

Fu Bo told Liu Muqian what Yang Cheng had said.

"Do you want to develop real estate in Xiangjiang?"

After Liu Muqian listened, he didn't have any expressions, and he couldn't see his attitude towards this incident, as if he was talking about how much cabbage was spent in the morning.

Yang Cheng nodded, then shook his head again, "I originally had this idea, but let's forget it. You can't influence you for a little money."

Liu Muqian smiled with satisfaction, "You kid, are you sloppy with me? Every fool knows how much Kai Tak Airport plots can earn once they are built. It would be strange if you were willing!"

Yang Cheng was not embarrassed when he was pierced by his grandfather's words, "It is quite unwilling, but no amount of money is as important as your grandpa."

This is true, and Liu Muqian naturally knows, "Your dad had the same idea 20 years ago~"

Yang Orange stared, "Really?"

"I can still lie to you, but I was not strong enough back then. I really didn't dare to confront people head-on. Let alone entering other industries, the development of the banking industry was a lot of obstacles, so I refused. Your dad's plan, he poured me a few glasses of wine during the Chinese New Year, this bastard." Grandpa said with a smile.

But everyone could hear that there was no culpability in these words. In fact, everybody boasted that he had found a good son-in-law.

"I said the tone was so strange when I called my dad just now. It turns out there is still this story.

"Oh~ I feel guilty in my heart. In the past 20 years, it is obvious to all that Xiangjiang's housing prices have risen. Your dad has earned more than tens of billions of dollars for me."

Fu Bo sighed, "I still remember my uncle looking at Victoria Harbour from the top of the mountain, and his eyes were about to burst into flames~"

Liu Muqian laughed, "That's why I said that Xiaocheng and his father are really father and son. This temperament, including the way of thinking, is exactly the same~"

Waved his hand, "Okay, don't mention these old almanacs. You can do this if you want to. There is no need to Gu Dong Gu Xi, Lao Tzu is in good health and can cover you."

Liu Muqian rarely used rough words like ‘Lao Tzu’, which is Yang Yuanshan’s catchphrase~

Yang Cheng was moved in his heart, but he would not be sensible, and shook his head again and again, "Forget it, it's not enough. Yuanshan Capital has just acquired the Central Center, and it is stable and stable to collect billions of rents every year, which is enough. I need to work hard to develop the real estate by myself~"

Liu Muqian snorted softly, "You kid is duplicity, don't worry, since I agree, I am sure of it, just a few plots of land, I will treat them for a lifetime, and seek benefits for the juniors when they are old, who dares to make irresponsible remarks? One by one guys half buried in the loess, I just want to see who troubles me for this shit."

Grandpa is domineering ~ Yang Cheng cried in his heart.

"They really won't have any opinions?"

Liu Muqian was dissatisfied, "When did you become so courageous?"

Yang Cheng was flushed with embarrassment, and said sophily, "I am not thinking about you~"

Fubo seems to have guessed something, "Little Master, think about it carefully. Since Li Chaoren is willing to sell the Central Center to Yuanshan Capital this time, does it prove anything? He doesn't know who Yuanshan Capital belongs to."

Being reminded by Uncle Fu, Yang Cheng seemed to understand something, "So we can expand blatantly?"

Uncle Fu waved his hand, "Can't say the same thing, after all, how many days can they live when they are old? Who else can match the prestige of your grandpa?

Showing good to us in advance is also paving the way for younger generations. "

Yang Cheng cursed secretly, "It's all a bunch of old foxes~"

Liu Muqian finally said, "Although what Ah Fu said is not entirely correct, it is not too different. In short, you can rest assured to do it. As long as your food is not too ugly, no one will have trouble with me over a piece of cake. "

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng has no scruples, "I know how to be a grandpa."

"In this way, let Ah Fu find a suitable party or reception, you go show up and tell them that you are here, so that you don't suddenly appear to be shot."

Fu Bo immediately said, "The Victoria Peak has been very quiet recently. I haven't heard of anyone hosting a party.

Liu Muqian frowned, "Should we do one ourselves?"

Yang Cheng quickly refused, "Don't be so troublesome. Isn't it just looking for an occasion to show up? I will find a way myself~"

"Alright, you decide for yourself~" Liu Muqian was very relieved of his grandson, so he didn't make any arrangements.

"After you show your face, I'll take you to a few shops and recognize the door, so as to avoid cooperation in the future."

Yang Cheng will not refuse to make contacts, "No problem~"

"This time the Central Center changed hands, it is estimated that there will be a lot of noise. This is one of the signs in the hearts of Xiangjiang people. Li Chaoren just sold it like this. It is really bold~"

Yang Cheng didn't know if his grandfather knew about the 13 clubs. He didn't dare to speak too much, but said vaguely, "Li Chaoren has been cashing out in recent years and has turned to invest in Britain and Canada."

Liu Muqian nodded slowly, "He is a pure businessman and a shrewd speculator. As long as it is profitable, he doesn't care about reputation, which is worthless."

Yang Cheng has heard similar comments more than once. Compared with those entrepreneurs who concentrate on making products, Li Chaoren’s reputation is really not that good, but if you are not convinced, people can make money and evaluate the success of a businessman. The simple and direct standard is to measure how much money he has made in his life. Superficial is a bit superficial, but the people agree.

In fact, from a certain point of view, The old stock **** and Li Chaoren are both the same kind of people. The old stock **** is powerful because he knows how to maintain his reputation. Nothing else, a naked donation is the best.

"No matter what, your dad's ability to win the Central Center is definitely a smart investment. When the time comes, the capital will be operated, and the cost will come back. The annual income and rent will be the net profit."

Liu Muqian saw through Yang Sen's routine at a glance, and Yang Cheng admired it in his heart.

"Grandpa, why didn't you think about buying some properties and hoarding them in your hands?" Yang Orange asked curiously.

"How do you know I didn't buy it?" Liu Muqian asked with a smile.

Fubo also laughed, "Your grandfather is not a vegetarian. The four big families take the land seriously, but it does not prevent us from buying ready-made properties. In 1997, the financial crisis and the real estate collapsed. Property, although not comparable to those big landlords, a fixed income of 23 billion yuan per year can still be guaranteed."

Yang Cheng's eyes are dumbfounded, damn, **** is still old and spicy, and grandpa hides it deeply, high!

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