Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1248: Hong Kong Telecom

Driving around Tsim Sha Tsui in a car, the afternoon passed quickly. In the evening, Yang Cheng and Liu Yifei boarded a yacht at Saigon Pak Sha Wan Yacht Club.

When shopping in the afternoon, Yang Cheng received a call from Fu Bo, saying that Little Superman was hosting a yacht party at night, and asked Yang Cheng if he was not interested.

After pondering for a long time, Superman's influence is still quite large, and attending his party is also in line with the purpose of'showing up', so this line of business was born.

Besides, he and the Superman family have seen many times, especially the little Superman, and occasionally meet him at events. The relationship is not very good, at least it is familiar. It may be the reason that he was asked by his grandfather to stand on the yacht. The tail deck greeted them, but they were astonished by the young masters and young ladies. Of course, Yan Feihuan's thin hot girl model was indispensable.

"Richard, I should call you Uncle according to seniority~" Yang Cheng used the joke that the two often joked when they met.

"Comeon, are you here again? Don't be kidding Jason, we have different opinions."

In fact, it’s okay to call him Uncle. Little Superman is more than 20 years older than Yang Cheng.

"Thank you for your invitation. I haven't enjoyed the night view of Victoria Harbour on a yacht for a long time~"

"You are welcome, they are all old friends. I heard that you are going back to Xiangjiang. Why should I catch the wind for you? Please come in, we will sail right away~"

Concubine Liu Yi was still wearing the capable and charming outfit that afternoon, and the little Superman who looked at her eyes lit up, "This beauty is?"

Yang Cheng usually embraced Liu Yifei's waist for food protection, "Richard, forgot to introduce, this is Crystal, my girlfriend."

Little Superman felt that Concubine Liu was familiar, but didn't think too much, and shook hands politely, "Welcome, welcome~"

The last two of Yang Cheng got on the boat. Not long after boarding, the yacht slowly left the berth and headed for Victoria Harbour.

Tonight’s party is actually Little Superman’s concubine selection party. It is very common in Xiangjiang. Back then, Zhao Chuanwang had spent three days and three nights on the yacht with 19 beauties. Little Superman only invited a few models and What a friend.

The 28-meter flybridge yacht that Superman rented today is a bit crowded to accommodate more than 20 guests. Fortunately, the design of the main deck lounge area has a sense of space, at least not crowded.

I greeted a few friends and colleagues of Little Superman briefly, and met a few celebrities and beauties, including Miss Guo, the third runner-up of Miss Xiangjiang last year.

Yang Cheng knows that this is Superman's new love, and in the future, she will receive a gift from Superman's mansion. It can be said that she is the most hopeful girlfriend to marry into Li's family after Ms. Liang.

It was calm today, the yacht was traveling very steadily, and there was no turbulence at all. The headlights inside the yacht were turned off, and the atmosphere lights were turned on, creating an ambiguous nightclub style effect. Little Superman came over from somewhere, "Jason, sorry to disturb you and the beauty Chat~"

Yang Cheng patted the seat beside him, "You are too polite, Richard, you are the master, what's the matter?"

Little Superman took a glass of whiskey and leaned over and said loudly, "I also just heard that Yuanshan Capital just bought the Central Center?"

Yang Cheng was puzzled and nodded slightly, "Yes, a conservative investment is not worth mentioning."

Little Superman raised his glass and signaled, "I'm humble, now there are very few families and companies that can come up with tens of billions of cash, and Yuanshan Capital is very strong."

It was inexplicably touted, the object was still Little Superman, it was strange that he could keep calm in his heart.

"Richard, if you have anything you want to say, just say it straight. The relationship between our two families doesn't need these polite~"

Yang Cheng's direct surprise made Little Superman stunned, and then smiled bitterly, "I'm hypocritical, ok, then I will just say it~

I have encountered some debt crises recently and am preparing to sell a batch of shares of HeungKong Telecom. I wonder if you are interested in taking over? "

Hong Kong Telecom? In order to buy Xiangjiang Telecom, Superman reluctantly sold Tengxun’s stock. It is precisely because of this transaction that Superman was detained as'no vision'. You must know that he held 20% of Tengxun’s stock. If holding stocks up to now, the world's richest man might be fine with Bezos.

There was a lot of trouble back then. As Li Chaoren’s son, he was unwilling to take over the family business. He would rather find another way and start his own business again. Doesn’t it sound very inspirational?

wrong! Although he didn't inherit Lao Tzu's industry in essence, if he didn't have Lao Tzu's name, he would not have the chance to win the Hong Kong Telecom, which had a market value of up to 300 billion Hong Kong dollars.

At that time, Li Zekai did not have much money in his hands, so he could only go to the bank for loans. However, it was not just a matter of money to acquire Hong Kong’s largest telecommunications company, Hong Kong Telecom, but he was lucky because of the then major British shareholder Telegram. The game is about to leave Xiangjiang, and someone must be found to take the game, otherwise Superman will not have this chance.

In order to get the loan smoothly, Little Superman did not hesitate to move out of his old Superman's name and applied for loans from 30 banks in a row. Finally, he obtained a loan of 13 billion US dollars, all of which were not mortgaged.

Regardless of the perfect result, the process at the time was full of twists and turns. Yang Cheng also heard a little bit. It is said that grandpa also supported US$1 billion in that year, and the interest rate is naturally not low. After all, not all banks gave the Li family face, if not for grandpa’s 10 100 million U.S. dollars, the acquisition of Superman that year fell short.

However, despite the successful win of Xiangjiang Telecom, Superman also became the "first negative", not only in debt of 13 billion US dollars, but also as high as 1 billion US dollars in interest.

After winning Xiangjiang Telecom, the famous Superman spread throughout Xiangjiang and even the southern part of the mainland.

However, the operation of Xiangjiang Telecom did not improve. In addition, Superman's own debt ratio remained high, and soon suffered losses. For this reason, the stock price plummeted.

At that time, many people wondered why the old Superman didn't care about it.

Later, people learned that it was not that they didn't care, but they were waiting for the right time to take action. When?

Naturally, when Xiangjiang Telecom’s stock price fell to the bottom, as a shrewd speculator, he not only found the right time to buy high-quality assets, acquired a large number of his son’s properties, but also helped Superman pay off his debts in one fell swoop.

With the help of his own name, the stock price of HeungKong Telecom, which was acquired by Old Superman, rebounded rapidly. Old Superman made another classic bargain hunting success, which not only saved the decline of HeungKong Telecom, but also made a fortune again by relying on the stocks that went up.

Today, HeungKong Telecom has risen again under Superman's hands, and together with its own PCG Telecom, it "monopolizes" the entire HeungKong TV signal and communications, and its profits have increased year after year. Last year it exceeded 1.5 billion, and it was only a matter of time before it broke 2 billion.

Is such a high-quality company interested in asking Yang Cheng? Just kidding, of course I am interested! And the interest is great!

There are only a few monopolistic companies in Xiangjiang, and there are very few who can be interfered. Moreover, it is the Internet age. No matter how weak the economy of Xiangjiang is, it is a market with a population of more than 10 million. In this era, who can do without mobile phones and the Internet ?

It can be said that it will never be deceived to buy. The trend of Xiangjiang Telecom has been very stable in the past few years. It is still in a small trough. In the next few years, there will be at least 30% more room for upward float. The most important thing is to sell small A favor of Superman, Yang Cheng almost decided this investment in a few seconds.

"Richard, the shares of HeungKong Telecom. As long as you release the shares, there must be countless organizations willing to take over. So you should not ask me if I am not interested, but when I should pay the money~"

Yang Cheng's words are equivalent to agreeing to the purchase, regardless of the price, just like buying pork.

The little Superman was overjoyed. Today, when he heard that Yang Cheng was coming, he was ready to test Yang Cheng’s tone. He didn’t expect to do it overnight, but reality told him that Yang Cheng is the real little Superman, and he’s really rich. !

"Okay, great, jason, you solved my urgent need." Little Superman shook Yang Cheng's hand in excitement and shook it fiercely.

The excitement of the performance made all the beauties look sideways. From being picked up on the boat by the little Superman himself, until he was always sitting there silently, whispering to a beautiful beauty with excellent temperament, and then exaggerating performances with the little Superman at this moment, these reincarnations The foxes started to use their brains one after another, figuring out how to get in touch with Yang Orange.

Stopped Superman from continuing to get excited, "You haven't said how many shares you want to sell, so I can go back and prepare funds~"

Little Superman drank awkwardly, "I was only going to sell about 8%, and it would be nice to get back about 7 billion in cash."

The market value of HeungKong Telecom is now just over 90 billion yuan. If you want to get so much cash at once, you must cut prices.

Yang Cheng raised his hand, "Just put together a total of 9 billion in exchange for 10% of the shares, and you have to help me enter the board of directors."

Little Superman thought a little, "Yes, but I want to get the cash as fast as possible~"

Yang Cheng frowned, the fastest speed? This is not 90 yuan, but 9 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is close to 1.1 billion US dollars.

Quickly calculate the cash at hand, New Era Media should be able to withdraw 300-400 million US dollars, and the four-dimensional space 200 million should be no problem. There is still half of the gap, either by absorbing external funds or borrowing from the bank. Both He prefers the latter ~ ~ bank money is not affordable.

Seeing Yang Cheng remained silent, Superman didn't urge him. He knew that this was not an easy task. If Yang Cheng responded in one bite, he would really have to re-evaluate the strength of the Yang family. It was unfathomable.

After waiting 10 minutes, even Liu Yifei could see Yang Cheng's entanglement at this time. Why didn't Little Superman understand?

Just about to say something to relieve Yang Orange, Yang Cheng unexpectedly said, "I can put out 50% of the cash in the first place, and the other half will take time."

Little Superman breathed a sigh of relief, and was not surprised by this answer. With the strength of the Yang family, it is reasonable to guarantee a liquidity of several billion Hong Kong dollars at any time on the books.

He still thinks that Yang Cheng is going to ask for help from his family, instead of Yuanshan Capital to buy shares in Heung Kong Telecom.

She didn't even think about Yang Cheng preparing to start it herself.

He was very satisfied with this condition, so he went to the donkey, "Can the remaining half be paid in half a year?"

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