Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1249: untitled

"Can the remaining half be paid in half a year?"

This time Yang Cheng didn't hesitate much, "Of course, half a year is enough~"

"Then it's settled, happy cooperation~"

Yang Cheng happily clinked glasses with him, "Happy cooperation, I will send someone to find you tomorrow, remember to set aside time."

"No problem~"

After a short pause, he beckoned to a pretty pure-looking girl in the model pile, "Have a little chat, Jason, let me introduce you, this is Guo Jiawen, my friend~"

Yang Cheng smiled ambiguously, "New girlfriend?"

Little Superman is rarely embarrassed, "Still in contact, don't talk nonsense~"

"Don't worry, I want to say that no reporters came to interview me~"

Guo Jiawen has been paying attention to Superman's side, and immediately trot over with a beckon.

Before the introduction of Superman, Yang Cheng said to the face, "Hello Miss Guo, this is Jason Yang, Richard praises you very much."

As the third runner-up of Miss Xiangjiang, although she is not amazing in terms of appearance, she is definitely on the score line. What's more, this little fresh style of the girl next door can attract the richest like Superman, who eats too much meat and can’t be vegetarian. The body balance under the regulation?

From a certain point of view, the aesthetic tastes of Superman and Yang Cheng are very close, and there is no way. After passing through the chaotic flowers, I always feel fresh when I see a green leaf.

"Mr. Yang is too polite, I'm just an ordinary girl~"

This is not hypocrisy. Judging from her dress, she doesn't live a luxurious life. Compared with the big-name Liu Yifei next to her, her clothes are more like ordinary people in discount stores.

Of course, Yang Cheng doesn’t think that Liu Yifei is not good. She is such a beautiful woman who makes money by her ability. It is normal to wear well and well. Besides, Liu Yifei’s confusing face, even if she is dressed in vulgarity. It will also give people a bright spot, just like that kind of vegetarian burger, no matter it looks and tastes like meat, but it is actually made of vegetarian food.

Little Superman also said, "I like Jiawen. Life is very low-key, frugal, diligent and filial to his parents."

Yang Cheng suddenly, doesn't this fit the family motto of the Li family? No wonder the little Superman is so caring. His appearance is also one aspect, he looks like a blessed person.

"Very good character, no wonder Richard likes you so much~"

He deliberately made fun of the relationship between the two. It seemed that they were only separated by a layer of paper from becoming a formal boyfriend and girlfriend. Yang Cheng didn't show his affection, and took the initiative to puncture the paper.

With a shy face, Guo Jiawen glanced at Superman and bowed her head silently.

Concubine Liu Yi is also a sentimental person. Seeing this girl's face is filled with happiness, she is also happy.

"Jason, stop it, Jiawen will ignore me anymore."

Yang Cheng shrugged slightly, "OK, change the subject, I am going to compete for the Kai Tak Airport plot, will Cheung Kong also participate?"

He is blatantly investigating information.

Little Superman's pupils shook, and he shook his head, "I rarely participate in Changshi's work, but as far as I know, Changshi has a high probability of participating. I don't know which piece of land to compete for."

Yang Cheng leaned on the back of the sofa and took Liu Yifei's shoulders, prompting, "I am only interested in two plots of 1K and 1L, and the total area is about 15,000 square meters."

It seemed that he had heard the inevitable in Yang Cheng's words, Little Superman tentatively asked, "Does Uncle Liu know about this?"

Yang Cheng chuckled. As expected, Superman also knew something, "Of course, Grandpa supports my decision very much."

Little Superman thought for a moment, "Would you like to make an appointment with your brother? Are you talking in person?"

"Fortunately, the environment of Xiangjiang is different now, and the business model will naturally change. If you want to operate like before, it is easy to cause big problems."

He suddenly heard a paragraph that was inexplicable, and outsiders must be confused when he heard it, but Superman caught the warning in Yang Cheng's words.

He sighed, "I also know that in recent years, more and more leading mainland enterprises have entered Xiangjiang, and they have repeatedly smashed the land with large hands. Maybe this is the future trend."

Yang Cheng nodded approvingly, "So the older generation's ideas are not important anymore. What's important is how to do it now. Sole meals are definitely getting more and more unpalatable. Only cooperation and sharing can win-win."

Little Superman raised his mouth slightly, "This view is not new, but it is very interesting. Maybe I can take it out and talk to my father at a family gathering."

When the goal was achieved, Yang Cheng immediately changed the subject, "Richard, don't you fail to prepare dinner? Crystal and I came hungry."

Little Superman immediately cooperated and said, "Naturally, he is prepared and hired a chef to cook on-site, and there will be delicious food in a while."

"Great, originally we wanted to eat roast meat."

"You are lucky, there are roast goose and roast pork tonight~"


. . . . . .

Little Superman went to the kitchen to see how the dinner was prepared, Yang Cheng finally had time to talk to Liu Yifei, "Isn't it boring?"

Concubine Liu Yi is not comfortable with Yang Cheng’s intimate talk. Her lips have already touched her ears slightly, and she flicks her hair to keep Yang Cheng away. “No, great atmosphere. I’m going to take pictures when I get to Victoria Harbour. ."

"Of course it's good. I'll shoot you. By the way, would you like to call your mother?"

I didn't say the last sentence, I knew it.

Concubine Liu Yi sighed slightly, "Let me send her a message."

Yang Cheng gave a hum, and then said, "I have taken you to know more people in the business world these days. These talents are the people who really determine the fate of the entertainment industry."

Concubine Liu Yi cheered up, "I understand, but this kind of big figure shouldn't help me this little actor for no reason."

With a hint of self-deprecating tone, Yang Cheng touched her head, "Don't be arrogant, you are the goddess in many people's hearts, don't you still have me? If you really want someone who is dishonest to you, you just smoke him, no matter what I will help you carry the other party."

The domineering promise finally made Liu Yifei feel a lot better, she is not hypocritical, even if she is used to this kind of thing, it is always not a thing that people willingly accept.

"Thank you~"

"Or else, if you don't have any arrangements for the next period of time, please come back to the United States with me. I will arrange an acting training course for you. By the way, you can hone your oral English. Your English is very fluent, but your pronunciation is too flat. You should practice more. Practicing an American accent will help you in your next life on the crew."

Concubine Liu Yi knew this was a good opportunity not to be missed, and she was not ready to discuss with her mother. She agreed, "No problem, I didn't have many trips in the mainland. It's okay to take classes to enrich myself."

"Do you have a favorite school?"

Liu Yifei tilted her head and thought, "There is no particular tendency, New York University? Southern University? Anything is fine~"

After thinking about it, Yang Cheng still thinks it is more convenient to raise Concubine Liu Yi in California, "Then USC, George Lucas' alma mater~"

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