Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1266: You have to check if you die

"By the way, Grandpa, do you know the Earl of Carnarvon in England?"

Yang Cheng's conversation turned, Liu Muqian's current thinking ability is obviously not rooted. After thinking for a long time, he muttered, "Earl Canaveron? Let me think about it~"

"Oh, I remember now, it should be the eighth generation now, right? Time flies so fast~"

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, "Grandpa, do you really know him?"

"Yes, the Earl Carnarvon family is an old friend of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Their family ancestors had a conservative cabinet minister. The seventh Earl Carnarvon used to raise funds to maintain the manor expenses and went to London every week to participate. The gathering among the nobles, the people are very nice, I have seen it a few times~"

After a pause, he asked in confusion, "Why did you suddenly ask about the earl's house?"

Yang Cheng roughly talked about Tutankhamun's golden mask. Of course, some of the more dangerous information was concealed by him, and then he asked, "Have you ever heard anyone talk about the golden mask?"

Liu Muqian pondered for a long time, then slowly shook his head and said, "The golden mask? Wasn't that discovered by a man named Howard? Oh, by the way, the fifth Earl of Canaveron was also discovered together."

Yang Cheng affirmed, "Yes, Howard Carter, an archaeologist, received funding from Earl Carnarvon, and then they died strangely, which caused a sensation in the world."

Liu Muqian's memory became clearer and clearer, "Yes, I vaguely remember that I read similar news in the newspaper when I was a child, but it was too long for me to remember."

A look of disappointment flashed across Yang Cheng's face, although he hadn't held much hope at first, after all, he was only on a temporary basis to talk about this with grandpa.

After chatting for a while, Grandpa went back to the room and rested. Yang Cheng had nothing to do. He went to grandpa’s study and thought about finding books to kill time, but most of his books were historical books. After reading row by row, his eyes stayed at the end. Originally titled "Gods·Tombs and Scholars-Archaeological History".

Take it down from the bookshelf and pat off the floating dust on the surface. This is the corner of the bookshelf. Presumably the servant has neglected to clean it.

Yang Cheng has heard of this classic work considered to be archeology, but has never read it. Just have time, so I won't let it go.

I first turned to the catalog and scanned it from front to back, and found that the book also introduced the "Pharaoh's Curse" incident, and I immediately became interested.

But what he said in the book is completely contrary to his understanding, and it is completely in two directions with what he understands.

According to the explanation in the book, Carnarvon, Earl of England, suffered lifelong breathing difficulties after being injured in a car accident.

After Earl Carnarvon came to Egypt in 1903, he invested a lot of money in the excavation of antiquities. Because of his lack of professional knowledge, he hired Howard Carter to take charge of the actual work. This is enough for Yang Cheng to find the author and shoot him for 20 minutes. In his understanding, Howard Carter was the first to start the study of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and then he was sponsored by Earl Carnarvon.

Enduring impatience and continue reading, the book says that on November 5, 1922, Howard found the entrance to Tutankhamun’s tomb. After receiving the report, the Earl of Carnarvon rushed to Egypt from the United Kingdom. At that time, Carnarvon was already sick. After leaving, until the death of Earl Carnarvon on April 3, the excavation work was suspended, and Carter continued to work afterwards.

Unexpectedly, after the death of Count Carnarvon, the newspaper "Pharaoh's curse" appeared in the newspaper, and even the inscription on the sarcophagus was tampered with.

In short, it turns the prayer to the gods into a threat to people. In order to strengthen the atmosphere of terror, some people who have nothing to do with the excavation of the tomb are also said to be cursed.

The book also said that a man named Carter died in the United States and was described by the press as the brother of Howard Carter; a 78-year-old British lord committed suicide by jumping off the building shortly after his son died. The press said that the lord’s son was Carter. His secretary, so both father and son received revenge from Pharaoh.

However, the American Carter has nothing to do with Howard Carter; the Lord, his son, and anyone in his family have nothing to do with Tutankhamun's tomb. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

Seeing this, Yang Cheng didn't want to read it at all, and thought angrily, "Nonsense, this shattered book was written for sales, isn't it? Can this kind of kid-friendly reading be regarded as an archeological work?"

He slammed the book on the desk with a bang, but it cannot be denied that although he didn't want to believe it, what the book said still caused him psychological fluctuations, and he did not know what he was thinking.

For a long time, he made a phone call to the United States and asked Su Su to find the author of the private investigative investigation book-Kerim. Yang Cheng knew that this name was mostly a pseudonym, but an author who had published a book should investigate well why. Looking for a private detective?

Because of this matter, Yang Cheng didn’t pay much attention to it, but was upset for a while. He wanted to prove that the author was a liar, and the research project of Tutankhamun’s mask has made progress, which is enough to explain the problem. Now, if the legends are all deceptive there will be no legends, after all, there will be no waves without wind.

He was only on a temporary basis. Susu did not dare to neglect, but let a private investigator investigate a person who had been dead for more than 30 years. Can he really find anything?

Poor Klim, he didn’t expect to kill him. The book he wrote would be pulled out and whip the corpse in a few decades. The worst part was that he had to be investigated for the color of the pants after he entered the coffin. , Susu, who is looking for a private investigator, prayed to the sky for 3 seconds. If you want to find someone to take revenge, please find the right target.

Having been with Yang Cheng for a long time, Su Su’s personality has also changed. Fortunately, Yang Cheng is not an arms dealer who believes that dollars are better than God, otherwise Su Su has to be cultivated into a new generation of black widows~

Put the book back on the bookshelf intact, and move his neck to the room. Suddenly the phone rang, and Yang Cheng took it out and found out that it was Andrew's message. Let him watch the news. The fastest updated novels https://

news? Has something serious happened?

Click the opening article, the top news is that the young man who was beaten by a ghost in the morning died unknown in the hospital an hour ago.

Yang Cheng turned dark, went back to the room, closed the door, called Andrew, and asked sternly, "How did you kill someone?"

Andrew said aggrievedly, "Boss, this really doesn’t blame me. Who knows that the kid is a sick kid. The results of the hospital’s examination showed that the kid had a severe liver disease before. The spleen was ruptured because of a car accident two months ago. It was also bad luck. Paul Cadeland happened to be hit by the internal organs. In addition, he went to a community hospital. It was too late to transfer to a major hospital when he found out."

Yang Cheng didn’t know what to say. It’s really hard to blame Andrew, who knows that just finding a kid is a sick kid~

Secretly cursed a bad breath, "You didn't find the process of contacting him?"

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