Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1267: Lawyer's intuition

(Chapter 1265 has been blocked due to unspeakable reasons, so it is not easy to change it, alas~ please subscribe, ask for monthly pass)

"The process of contacting him was not discovered, right?"

Andrew was also uncertain. "It shouldn't. Even if it's discovered, it won't be photographed as evidence."

Yang Cheng grumbled, "But it's okay to die, Paul Cadeland is in trouble now, right?"

"Yes, there are a lot of reporters gathered at the gate of Paul Cadeland's community, including financial reporters and entertainment industry paparazzi. Xiangjiang has always been very tolerant of foreigners. Isn't the media going crazy?"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Your analysis is quite accurate, so let's find a lawyer who is in the limelight and desperately needs to be famous, and ask him to file a lawsuit against Paul Cadeland on behalf of the deceased in the name of defending justice. Fang Jing hasn't intervened yet?"

"I got involved, but Disney responded very quickly. The legal counsel of the group was immediately sent to protect Paul Cadeland. It is estimated that he will go to the Jing Bureau to be investigated after he is fully prepared."

Yang Orange thought for a while, "I see, you go to a lawyer to make this case a big deal, and it's best to let Disney take the initiative to give up the asylum of Paul Cadeland." Update the fastest novel https://

"Good boss, now the wind is very bad for Paul Cadeland. More and more black material is exposed on the Internet. If he does not make a public relations explanation in time, his reputation will be stinky even if Disney wants to protect him. reason."

"Then put more fire, before returning to the United States next week, I want to see Paul Cadeland ruined."

"It's the boss~"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng opened the headline and swiped it for a while, and a lot of timely news came out. The picture was Paul Cadeland's mansion in Xiangjiang.

One of them also captured the scene of Paul Cadeland looking through the curtains. Through the photos, you can feel how panicked and angry he is at this time.

The fact is also true, Paul Cadeland is furious at his lawyer at home.

"Damn it, you guys figure out how to get rid of those bug-like reporters, I'm fed up with them~" Paul Cadeland blushed, just like the bull who was squeezed.

The lawyer in a suit and leather shoes put on his glasses and calmly persuaded, "Now things are very bad for us, please don't do these meaningless things~"

"Clang~" Paul Cadeland was furious, slapped the fruit plate off the table, and apples and oranges were scattered around.

"What is meaningless? Those **** reporters have disrupted my life, I want them to stop this invasion of privacy immediately!"

The lawyer quietly watched him get angry, "Your current behavior is meaningless. As the president of Disney Asia, you should know the entertainment industry and the media world well. When such hot news broke out, you may not be able to hold a gun. Drive these **** reporters away, so, Paul, shut your mouth and listen to me if you still want to solve this troublesome matter."

Paul Cadeland turned his back and took a few deep breaths in a row, "Well, you are right, I should be calm, then, you tell me what I should do now."

The lawyer smiled with satisfaction, crossed his fingers on the table, and said confidently, "If that kid doesn't die, this is really troublesome, but that kid is not dead and dies, then it will be much better for us. As long as we want to die, he is deliberately looking for something and doing it first. The whole thing is a headless case, and no one can find testimony of confrontation from the dead." Qiqi novels are published on the whole network.

Paul Cadeland only thought about it for a moment, then he understood the lawyer's routine, and then smiled, "If this is the case, then it would be great, and this is already a fact, then the kid is deliberately blackmailing others."

The lawyer opened his hand, "Look, it's easy to solve, isn't it?"

Paul Cadeland sat down, "Thank you Sherlock~"

Sherlock is a British citizen. He settled in Hong Kong with his family in the early years. He speaks fluent Cantonese. After graduating from university, he joined a well-known law firm. With the help of joining, he won the legal counsel of Disney Asia. Disney has dealt with cases of innumerable large and small numbers, and has developed a calm personality that is not surprised at all.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that Sherlock's idol is a fictional character, and that person has the same name as him-Sherlock Holmes.

"In addition, I also want to remind you, Paul, when facing reporters, you must not talk nonsense. From now on, every word of yours will be over-interpreted. If you are a little careless, once you leave an indefensible image to the outside world, It is very unfavorable for you and Disney Asia."

"Understand, I understand, rest assured, from now on, everything will follow your instructions."

"Best, but now, Paul, I need you to tell me the truth, did you offend someone?"

Paul Cadeland frowned instinctively, "What do you mean? Offend people? You know that this position is more or less an enemy. If you count it like I offend a lot of people."

Sherlock waved his hand. "No, no, you don't understand. My instinct tells me that this incident does not seem to be accidental."

"Intuition? Sherlock, I never believe in intuition~"

He paused, "Wait, it's not accidental, it's inevitable? You mean someone set the game for me?"

Sherlock was not dissatisfied with the other party's questioning, and nodded calmly, "Yes, after all, the whole incident is too weird. I don't think any Xiangjiang people dare to blackmail the head of Disney Asia.

Even if he doesn't know your license plate number, or even you, he should know luxury cars, right?

I have lived in Xiangjiang for most of my life. Based on my knowledge of the locals, at most they can blackmail some low- and mid-range cars, limited edition Mercedes? Sherlock ended his analysis with a shake of his head.

Benz is Mercedes-Benz, the translation of Xiangjiang people is different from the mainland.

Paul Cadeland had to believe Sherlock's words.

"The person I have offended recently?" He muttered, while flashing in his mind the people he met in the past few days, including Yang Cheng, and countless personal images flashed by, but no one made him suspicious.

Like the meeting with Yang Cheng that day, although the two sides did not reach a cooperation, the atmosphere was not bad, at least he thought so.

Slowly shook his head, "I haven't been in contact with many people recently, and none of those who have been in contact can be offended. Is it a previous opponent?"

Sherlock shook his head, "No, it must be in the near future, because the kid was not well prepared, obviously he was found temporarily."

After a short pause, I took out a printed photo from my briefcase and spread it on the table, "And look at this photo~"

When Paul Cadeland saw the scene in the photo where he was beating the kid violently, his face was a bit ugly, "What's wrong with this photo? Is it because my expression is too hideous?"

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