Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1268: Video in U Disk

"What's wrong with this photo? Is it because my expression is too hideous?"

His cold joke is not funny, and Sherlock has no reaction at all, "No, you pay attention to the angle of the photo."

Reminded by Sherlock, Paul Cadeland frowned and observed for a few minutes, then suddenly patted the table, "I see, this was secretly photographed~"

But then he pulled his face down again, "Isn't this normal? People passing by will not blatantly rush out to take pictures of me~"

Sherlock also reminded, "Then you think people passing by will carry a full-frame SLR camera with them? And from the perspective of composition and exposure technology, the level is completely professional. The most important thing is the location he chooses. Does it look like Was it taken from the passenger seat of the vehicle?"

Just now there was a reason to deceive himself, and now Sherlock almost put the evidence in front of him, Paul Cadeland did not realize anything, he had been in this position for so many years.

I saw him closing his eyes, thinking about the picture that was swept away when the car passed by. Yes, that’s right, it was his 10 o’clock direction. An ordinary car could not be parked on the side of the road in an ordinary Toyota Crown. From the perspective of the photo, it should be the direction of the crown.

Sure enough, someone is doing themselves? Paul Cadeland smashed the table fiercely with his fist, who was it? Who is doing yourself?

Sherlock put away the photo, "Paul, if we knew who was setting up the situation, things would be easier to solve."

Paul Cadeland, screamed, "How do I know~"

Sherlock shook his head disappointedly, "Well, then let's follow the original plan, kill you as a victim, and follow me to the Jing Bureau early tomorrow morning for investigation."

Paul Cadeland looked a little ugly, nodded stiffly, "I see~"

. . .

The next day, accompanied by Sherlock and his bodyguards, Paul Cadeland squeezed through the crowd and entered the Jing Bureau to be questioned. He was followed by a young lawyer whom Andrew found. In fact, he was not young, he was in his early 30s. , Is considered a younger generation in the lawyer industry. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

I received a call from a stranger just before going to bed last night. The person on the phone promised that as long as he took the order, he would have a $100,000 bonus. If he could win, the bonus would triple. People, isn’t the biggest dream of being famous and making big money? Now that the opportunity is in front of us, is there any reason to miss it?

So the lawyer surnamed Kang took the case almost without thinking, and did a detailed analysis of the case all night, and found that the biggest difficulty was that the client had died and the testimony could not be extracted, which is equivalent to discourse. The right handed over to the opponent.

The only advantage now is that public opinion is almost one-sided in support of the victimized teenager. As for the violent ghost, as more and more black materials are exposed, the strength of the licking dogs' counterattack has been greatly weakened, especially when Paul Cadeland has a history of domestic violence. This point is too deductible. A violent person still expects the trust of the jury?

No matter what, attorney Kang appeared in front of the Jing Bureau. When interviewed by the media, he showed sympathy and just the right sorrow, which won the consensus of the people. Even if the lawsuit was finally defeated, he dared to speak up for the weak. His actions can also increase his reputation exponentially, and more and more people will find him in lawsuits in the future.

Thinking of this, Lawyer Kang completely forgot the temptation of US$100,000 and US$300,000. He turned into a messenger of justice and expressed his determination to death in the face of the camera. It also made the millions of people at the bottom of the whole Xiangjiang realize his glorious image.

After finally getting rid of the reporter's entanglement, Lawyer Kang, who entered the room, heaved a sigh of relief. Let alone the first time I faced so many shots, my calf was still a bit turbulent, so I thought about it again and felt that his performance was very good. Just when he was about to relax and was about to find the police officer in charge of the case, a seemingly haughty and unimaginable Jc walked over and whispered behind Lawyer Kang, "Come with me~"

Attorney Kang felt in his heart for a while, and then followed Jc with a calm expression, and walked into a room with no one, Jc said with a calm face, "Someone wants me to wait for you here and give this to you~"

Jc stuffed a red USB flash drive into Lawyer Kang's hands, and then went out neatly, not wanting to wait a second.

Lawyer Kang couldn't tell what was in the USB flash drive, but he knew that the USB flash drive should have been given to him by the mysterious person who called last night. He confidently put the briefcase in, opened the door and walked out pretending to be calm. Did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

There was no accident. Under Sherlock’s arrangement, Paul Cadeland vigorously denied that he deliberately committed murder and pushed all his faults on the boy. Of course, if he had to bear any responsibility, Paul Cadeland was willing Give a certain amount of compensation for your extreme behavior. After all, beating is definitely wrong, but compensation does not include accidental death.

Attorney Kang, who represented the murdered teenager, also routinely questioned Paul Cadeland, focusing on the cause of the incident.

According to Paul Cadeland, he was driving normally. The boy suddenly rushed out from the side of the road and hit him after the brakes were too late. After getting off the car, Paul Cadeland also offered condolences to the boy. Who would have thought that the boy did not Appreciating, and wanting to ask for 10 million Hong Kong dollars in compensation, Paul Cadeland disagreed, the boy greeted his family with fierce words, and Paul Cadeland was anxious before he acted on the boy.

Attorney Kang didn't raise any questions about this. He just recorded the other party's remarks truthfully, and took the initiative to interrupt the questioning. Sherlock was also at a loss. Isn't this young lawyer kidding them?

Looking back, after Mr. Kang left the Jing Bureau, he randomly found a coffee shop and opened the USB flash drive with his laptop. There were two videos in it, one of which was taken from public surveillance. The video showed that he was victimized. The teenager accidentally dropped the wallet on the road and was hit by picking it up without noticing the incoming car. The Mercedes-Benz in the video is not slow. You must know that the place where the wallet fell is not far from the zebra crossing. Follow the traffic The rule is that you should slow down when you encounter a zebra crossing.

In the other clip, I was afraid of the perspective. The video was dazzling, but I could see what happened.

The victim boy turned his back to the camera and kept backing away, seeming to be very scared, while the violent Paul Cadeland had a hideous face, and he did not have the kind inquiries from him at all, and a few curses seemed to be unpleasant, and suddenly he was injured. Man, the boy didn't have the strength to fight back, and soon fell to the ground. It wasn't until the Mercedes Benz car drove away that the boy got up from the ground with a painful face, and stumbled into the camera.

After watching these two videos, Lawyer Kang was determined that he was sure that even if he couldn't crucify Paul Cadeland, he would have to slap him fiercely so that he couldn't eat it.

. . .

At this time, Yang Cheng followed Ouyang Hui to investigate the land near the Kai Tak Airport. Ouyang Hui took the company’s employees, plus Yang Cheng’s bodyguards and a group of more than a dozen people, got off from the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and walked along to the airport. Go in the direction of the runway. The fastest updated novels https://

While walking, Ouyang Hui also asked her assistant to take out an old photo album, which contained old photos from decades ago.

The former site of Kai Tak Airport is probably located on the north bank of Kowloon Bay outside the former Kowloon Walled City. Later, large-scale reclamation was carried out. The new reclaimed land was 120 acres. Among them, the new reclaimed land near the Longjin Potou outside the walled city was opened up. Hundreds of private houses were built on the same street, forming a new garden city-style residential area outside the Kowloon Walled City. This area is called "Qidebin".

However, this plan failed in the later stage. Part of the empty land was reclaimed by the ZF in the mid-1920s and became the early Kai Tak Airport, next to Prince Edward Road in Kowloon City.

Strolling at the cruise ship terminal, the sea breeze is blowing, unspeakably cozy, Yang Cheng looks at the old photos while looking at the direction of the past runway, full of memories. He remembers that he was only 7 or 8 years old at that time, Kai Tak The airport is already the third busiest airport in the world. It serves more than 400 planes every day and handles more than 30 million passengers per year. Children like to watch the rise and fall of large wind turbines, even if it is a rich kid who does not lack entertainment. It was the same At that time, outside the airport area was the downtown area of ​​Kowloon City, surrounded by mountains on three sides.

The mountains about 10 kilometers to the north and northeast of the airport are as high as 600 meters; the mountains to the east are only 5 kilometers from the runway. To the south of the airport is Victoria Harbour, and less than 10 kilometers away from the harbour is the “high mountain” on Hong Kong Island with a height of about 520 meters. Only the west of the airport and the corner of Lei Yue Mun Gap facing the southeast of the runway have no mountains. Block it, this feng shui treasure land, surrounded on three sides by mountains and facing the sea, is definitely a blessed place if it is used to live in people. It can be used as an airport and it is a bit infiltrating.

Also because of geographical restrictions, as an important aviation hub in an international metropolis, Kai Tak Airport has always only one runway, which extends into Victoria Harbour and was reclaimed from the sea in Kowloon Bay.

According to the numbering rule of the runway: the direction of true north is 0°, and the two ends of the Kai Tak Airport runway are 135° and 315° respectively. According to the convention of international naming runways, the third place is dropped, so it is named "Runway 13" and " Runway 31" means that the number of the runway actually represents the direction of the runway.

Runway 13/31 has been lengthened many times. Before the airport was closed, the length was 3390 meters. There is a narrow waterway between the runway and Kwun Tong to the east. At the end of the runway are mountains and residential buildings.

Because the prevailing wind in Hong Kong is east wind, there are more chances of landing on runway 13 than runway 31 in the middle of the year.

Landing on runway 13 requires driving the plane to make sharp turns 47 degrees between skyscrapers to align with the runway.

The unique landing method and the special environment of the airport make Kai Tak Airport’s runway 13 famous all over the world. Landing on this runway is extremely challenging for any pilot, even a pilot from a fighting nation. It is estimated that I have to drink a bottle of whiskey before landing.

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