Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1273: Wonderful little pepper

I want to stay at William Morris. They have treated me well and have given me some resources over the years~"

Yang Cheng was not prepared for this answer, the surprise on her face could not be concealed.

"I'm afraid you can't take care of me forever~" Liu Yifei added.

Seeing Liu Yifei's stubborn expression, Yang Cheng couldn't help but feel soft and did not continue the topic.

But he didn't say it, but Liu Yifei just stopped talking.

"Say it if you want?" Yang Cheng encouraged~

"I just wanted to ask Paul Cadeland, did you do it?"

Yang Cheng nodded calmly, without denying, "Yes, I can give some money, but he can't ask me for~"

Concubine Liu opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't speak. She was weak in temper. Like the character Xiaolongnu she played, she didn't fight in the world and didn't like quarreling with others. If the other party did not act too aggressively, she would at best ignore her.

But she knew that her words had no binding force on Yang Cheng, not to mention that Yang Cheng's actions were partly because of her, so she couldn't speak her complaints.

Yang Cheng thought she was worried about being retaliated afterwards, so she took the initiative to calm down, "Don't worry, he won't have a chance to retaliate against you~"

Concubine Liu Yi nodded with a wry smile, without explaining, she took a sip of her drink and stared at the white clouds outside the window. . .

The long flight of more than ten hours is not difficult for Yang and Orange. It was noon in Los Angeles when they landed, and the warm California sunshine saidhi to every tourist who arrived in Los Angeles~

"It's hot~"

Coming down from the gangway, Liu Yifei gave a beautiful cry, put her hand on the pergola to cover her head, and quickly followed Yang Cheng on the Rolls Royce that was as clear and blue as the Mediterranean Sea.

White came to pick him up in person, "Welcome back to Los Angeles~"

Yang Cheng smiled helplessly, "It's not like coming back once every few years~"

"Mr. Should~"

"Let's go, take this lady home first."

Liu Yifei’s home is located in South Pasadena, probably in southern California and the northeastern suburbs of Los Angeles. It is a huge community city with an area of ​​less than 10 square kilometers, but it is backed by a mountain to the north, with beautiful scenery and spring in all seasons. Belongs to a very famous resort.

South Pasadena has two major characteristics. The first is that it has a lot of trees, so it has the reputation of "City of Trees". When driving into the community, the lush greenery impresses Yangcheng.

Another feature is that the city has shot a lot of movies and TV, so it is called "Little Hollywood".

On the main streets of the community and near the library, we often see large cars for film and TV productions parked nearby, and a group of staff are busy shooting.

Well-known film and television dramas such as "Desperate Housewives", "Halloween", and "Back to the Future" are all filmed here.

In addition, the folk customs here are relatively simple, mostly whites, excellent school districts, coupled with a pleasant environment, good public security, all aspects can be compared with the famous San Marino, but not like San Marino. Great reputation, here is like a low-key nobleman, quiet and elegant.

Liu Yifei's ability to make her American home here proves that she still has a good investment perspective. At least living here is better than living in San Marino, and it will soon be occupied by the Chinese. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

After driving by the main road and not long after turning the corner, I came to Liu Yifei’s house. The floor area should be 6,700 square meters, and the building area is about 2,300 square meters. Compared with Yang Cheng’s mansion, Naturally it is much more refined, but it also fits Liu Yifei's character.

The flowers and plants outside the house are neatly built, complementing the neighbor’s garden, each with its own characteristics. Compared with the dream of Beverly Hills, it has a more home atmosphere and it is also the most typical wealthy community in the United States.

"Please come in~" When Liu Yifei returned home, her temperament changed and she felt more relaxed and more at ease.

Yang Cheng visited the living room with his hands behind his back. The interior decoration was very idyllic, using a large number of fabric decorations, and the floral patterns preferred by the girls, when the sun poured in, exudes vitality.

"It's a great house, it seems you didn't care less~"

Yang Cheng took the water from Concubine Liu Yi and said after thanking her.

"Yes, this house has been bought for 7 or 8 years. Look at the small decorations on the table. I brought them back from all over the world." Liu Yifei picked up a small sculpture without mentioning its artistic value. But it is surprisingly harmonious here.

"Very good, very suitable for life. I just calculated it. From you to USC, it will not take you half an hour to drive if the traffic is smooth." Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

"Yes, don't worry~"

"Well~ I will arrange for you to go to class later, just as the new semester is about to begin, you can go to a full school year~"

"That's great~"

. . .

Without staying with Liu Yifei, Yang Cheng drove back to Beverly Hills. The manor was still clean and tidy. When he was away, White never relaxed his hygiene management.

He smiled politely with several servants, turned around and said to White, "I may be back to New York tomorrow~"

"Okay Sir~"

"Go ahead, by the way, give me that glass of juice and add less ice~"

"No problem, sir, here comes~"

Lie down on the sofa in the living wondering whom to find for Liu Yifei's advanced studies. He knew that George Lucas graduated from USC, but between him and the great director There is no intersection, it is not polite to ask for help rashly.

Who else is there? It seems that many big directors graduated from USC.

By the way, Steven Spielberg ~ almost forgot him.

When White came to deliver the juice, Yang Cheng asked smoothly, "Help me check Spielberg's itinerary today."

"I'll check it now~"

Ten minutes later, White came back, "Mr. Spielberg’s goddaughter, Gwyneth Paltrow is hosting a party tonight, Mr. Spielberg may be there~"

"Maybe?" Yang Cheng didn't like the word.

White couldn't help it, "I'm not sure he will participate~"

Yang Cheng remembered that he seemed to be a little unhappy with this famous Hollywood princess patient. Of course, it was nothing to him, "Well, get me an invitation letter, and send someone to stare at him. Pierberg is sure to attend, and I will attend too~"


"Wait, what's the theme of the party?" Yang Cheng was a little curious. Although Spielberg was very good with his godson and goddaughter, he often used his relationship to pull resources for the children, but it didn't mean that he would attend it without meaning. Party.

"I heard that it was Ms. Paltrow's daughter who won the first prize in the piano competition and specially held a party to celebrate"

Yang Cheng couldn't help sighing for this wonderful work. He moved his godfather out to celebrate his daughter's first prize in the piano competition?

Well, it's not the first time in a similar situation. Some things are not strange, just get used to it.

"I see, you go, let me know as soon as I have news~"

In fact, he knows that Spielberg, who loves his goddess, will never miss this kind of thing

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