Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1274: Memory decline

The Los Angeles Theater, even in the City of Angels, is one of the most luxurious and magnificent buildings.

It has been 80 years since this French Baroque building was completed. The most eye-catching interior of the building is the cave-like design. It is said to be built after imitating the "Mirror Palace" in Versailles, with a 50-foot-wide ceiling and a large crystal chandelier. , Fountains and gilded stairs all show luxury.

In addition, the audience hall that can accommodate 2,200 people is not inferior, with exquisitely carved plaster works, huge domes and tall arches. Even the underground lounge is also a landscape, with a glass ceiling and It is decorated with wooden partitions and large crystal chandeliers.

The Los Angeles Theater is not only the dream of a film projection engineer. Every corner here will bring creative elements to people. It is also one of the works that reflects the versatility of the city of Los Angeles.

The theater hall has appeared countless times as different movie scenes, from the Bai Gong banquet hall in "The First Daughter" to the living room of the protagonist in the "Home Alone" series of movies. There is also a "face" in "The Charlie Girl", or a movie In "Cinderella's Story", North's high school prom is held.

In addition, there are "figures" in the Los Angeles theater in the movies "Chaplin", "Peerless Tribulation", "Doomsday" and "Fight Club", but today, this huge theater will be a 12-year-old Little girl opening up. The fastest updated novels https://

Yang Cheng attended today's party in a black suit and tie, looking like the Matrix.

Get out of the car, stand slightly in front of the welcome red carpet, and simply sort out the suit, while sighing about Gwyneth Paltrow's great handwork, stepping in.

He came alone, and originally wanted to take Liu Yifei with her, but she refused on the grounds of physical exhaustion. For a while, she couldn't find a suitable female partner, so it was better to come by herself.

A group of invited female stars competed on the red carpet, killing countless films in seconds. Naturally, Yang Cheng did not need to compete with them for space, and quickly passed the red carpet to enter the venue.

I chose to host the party at the Los Angeles Theater because Paltrow’s daughter Apple will perform on stage, and will perform two award-winning tunes in the competition. In addition, there will be performances by several artists who have been invited to the theater, so tonight The party style is very elegant, and the guests attending the party are all dressed in formal evening dresses, otherwise they are not worthy of such an occasion.

The performance has not yet started, the guests first go to the underground lounge to drink and chat, and then return to the audience hall after the performance starts.

"Little Pepper" took great pains for his daughter. Not only did he contract the Los Angeles theater, but he also invited many friends in the circle, such as Marvel director Jon Feiru, "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Tom Cruise, of course, must be there at every party, Xiao Li, who are all Hollywood superstars, no wonder there are so many reporters outside.

Taking a glass of champagne from the waiter, he walked straight to Xiaoli. He looked around, but his goal tonight has not yet come.

"Leon, good evening~"

Little Plum was taken aback, turned around and cursed with a smile, "shit, jason, do you walk without sound?"

Yang Cheng put his pocket in, shrugged, and said unceremoniously, "Don't you know that we are stepping on a carpet?"

As soon as the voice fell, the lady who was just talking to Xiao Lizi chuckled and laughed, Yang Cheng's eyes were full of light, and she changed to a standard Oxford accent, "Oh, my God, Miss Rose, finally, finally, finally, finally saw me. Goddess of dreams~"

Yang Cheng's exaggerated tone and words amused Kate Winslet again.

Xiao Li pretended to be dissatisfied, and acted up and down, "Hey, you **** bastard, Rose is mine~"

Yang Cheng was even more upset, "Shut up, poor boy, you are destroying my wonderful night~"

Kate was already overwhelmed with joy, trembling with a smile on the high table next to her.

At this moment, Yang Cheng suddenly put away his joke, and gave a serious gentleman's ceremony, "Get to know me, Jason Yang~"

Kate stretched out her hand gracefully, with the back of her hand facing upwards. After Yang Cheng's lips touched the back of her hand, she joked, "Why did it ever?"

Yang Cheng blinked, "Because you are married, my dream woke up~"

"Haha, jason, have you forgotten, we have seen it before?" The joke can't go on, mainly because Kate couldn't hold back. She had just met for the first time after so long, and she was going crazy.

Yang Cheng stood blankly on the spot, Xiao Lizi was already crazy, raised his hands to go around in a carnival, and finally high-five with Kate, "omG, jason, is your memory declining so much?"

Realizing that he was embarrassed, Yang Cheng was really embarrassed and speechless, and he couldn't utter a word after hesitated for a long time.

Kate patted Xiao Li irritably, "Okay, my dear, don't tease Jason, we actually met once, haven't we?"

Yang Cheng really can't remember it, but at this time she must bite the bullet and go down, "Yes, look at my memory, I must be angry with Leon~"

Little Lizi was inexplicably backed up, just about to refute, she was interrupted by Yang Cheng and changed the To tell the truth, Kate is now blessed, she has long lost her graceful figure back then, but her temperament cannot be changed, her charm Survival is the best description of her.

"Are you familiar with the host of the party tonight?"

Kate hooked up her hair, "I met Gwyne through Steven~"

When talking about the little pepper, Kate's tone was very flat, and it seemed that she could not like the Tsundere Princess.

The reason for the little plum is much more interesting, "hey, I have tasted the taste of little pepper~" update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

Yang Cheng gave him a white look. These thirsty men and women are not good birds.

"How about you?" Little Plum is also very gossiping.

"Me? I have serious business and I am going to ask Steven for a favor. I heard that he will be at the party tonight. Why don't I run down the mountain?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Lizi thought it was a movie project, and immediately got worried.

Yang Cheng did not hide it, "I have a friend who likes to study in the Drama School of Southern University~"

When Xiao Lizi heard this, he suddenly lost interest, "It's okay to find Steven, or maybe you can find George? They are all well-known alumni of USC~"

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand, "So I am here~"

At this time, there was a commotion not far away. Steven Spielberg, who almost hit Yang Cheng with Yang Cheng, walked into the lounge with a gentle smile. The star immediately swam past like a shark smelling blood, and introduced himself around Spielberg.

More than a dozen people are talking at the same time, it would be strange if you can hear who is who.

But Spielberg was very comfortable with such a scene. He simply pressed his hands, waited for the crowd to calm down, pointed in a random direction and smiled, "Sorry everyone, I saw an old friend, go over and say hello~"

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