Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1283: Sister Zhao's request?


"Washington post"?

Yang Cheng hesitated and asked, "About the positioning of the two newspapers?"

Spielberg immediately gave the answer, "If you have to separate the pros and the villains, the New York Times is undoubtedly decent and won in the end."

If this is the case, Yang Cheng feels that it is not unacceptable. After all, no matter how good a famous Peking opera star is, he needs his colleagues to set off.

"Well, I have no problem here, but Donna still needs to give advice on film matters. Once you determine the script framework, New Era Pictures will set up the project immediately. By the way, what is the preliminary budget? "

"This kind of biographical film, the investment cost is not too big, DreamWorks Studio will bear part of the investment."

If Spielberg did not allow DreamWorks to participate, Yang Cheng would be surprised, "This is not a problem. This film focuses on the award-winning route, and more investment should be used for awards public relations."

"Yes, I agree~"

The two men set the course for this film project in a few words, and then the screenwriter Spielberg brought to the plot asked Dean Barquette questions, and they all got answers one by one.

The meeting lasted until the evening, and Yang Cheng stayed with him, and several meetings were postponed.

Conversations can’t be dry talk. Drinking a glass of wine and snacking from time to time, drinking 5 bottles of red wine in the afternoon, near the end, Yang Cheng and Spielberg are both in a state of drunkenness. Can't walk in a straight line.

Finally Spielberg joked, "It seems that your red wine here is better~"

Yang Cheng smiled, "You are welcome to come often in the future."

After sending off the guests, Yang Cheng went to the bathroom to wash her face, so that she was sober, and went to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel non-stop. Tonight's Chinese gathering was held here.

But when he set out, he was just in time for the peak of Manhattan. The road was blocked and the road was blocked. It was obviously only a few blocks away. It took more than an hour to arrive. At this time, the banquet had already begun. Chinese people still like to eat. While talking about things.

Under the leadership of a waiter, I found the table of father and mother, sat down, and startled the people at the same table.

Seeing the sweat on his son's head, Liu Yun groaned, "Did you go to work out? Why do you sweat so much?"

Yang Cheng was so hungry, he picked up his chopsticks and ate a few pieces of crispy duck, stuffed a few spoonfuls of fried rice, and suppressed the emptiness in his stomach. Then he said, "Don't mention it, I and Spielberg's team After talking all afternoon, I drank a lot of wine and didn't eat anything that was hungry. I starved to death."

Yang Cheng didn't know the people at this table very much, but they were all brought by the family. It seemed that they should be fresh blood from Flushing. When they saw Yang Cheng, regardless of men and women, young and old, they were restrained.

Yang Sen put down his chopsticks and curiously asked, "Spielberg? New Era Pictures will cooperate with DreamWorks?"

Yang Cheng said, "A small-cost award-winning project. You also know that New Era Pictures lacks the academy's recognition, so this kind of award-winning film is very important. It happens that Spielberg also has this idea. We hit it off."

The occasion was wrong, and Yang Sen didn't ask too much, but Liu Yun didn't care so much. "Tell me when I wait for the premiere. I'll go and join you."

Yang Cheng was stunned, and then remembered that his mother was very fond of niche literary films, and it would be better if she had a little love element.

"Knowing mom, in fact, you don't need to go to the premiere. When the film comes out, I will just ask for a copy, so we can watch it at home."

Liu Yun has her own thoughts, "Don't talk nonsense, and give me more red carpet qualifications."

Yang Cheng heard an off-note, "Mom, are you going to welcome the newcomer?"

Liu Yun said helplessly and proudly, "You, don't be so smart."

Yang Orange was speechless, so she didn't let her speak?

He looked up at the main stage and said strangely, "Why didn't you see the Zhao family speaking?"

Liu Yun smiled playfully and whispered in Yang Cheng's ear, "It's all over, it's a pity that you didn't watch it."

Yang Cheng came here with interest, "Quickly tell, the Zhao family made a fool of themselves again?"

"A congressman supported by the Zhao family was suddenly investigated by F~B~I and was taken away directly while eating."

Yang Orange's eyes widened, "So bloody? What happened? Corruption?"

Yang Sen stopped, "Okay, don't talk nonsense here."

Yang Cheng understood, and began to sullen his head to eat again. When he was full, the Yang family was ready to withdraw.

Who would have thought that when they just got up, Anqi Zhao trot over on high heels and apologized to the Yang family, "Big Brother Yang, sister-in-law, and Jason, can I trouble you to move to the side of the hall?"

Yang Cheng is a junior, and it is not easy to express opinions. She just hides behind and winks at Zhao Anqi in places where others are not paying attention. It is purely a prank.

Zhao Anqi just pretended not to see it, or she was not in the mood to fight with Yang Orange at this time, just staring at Yang Sen, waiting for him to make a decision.

Yang Sen hesitated for a while, then reluctantly agreed, "Let's go, you lead the way~"

. . .

Said it was a side hall, but it was actually a suite upstairs. When the Yang family entered, the eldest sister of the Zhao family was pacing in the living room alone, looking restless.

"Sister, Brother Yang, they are here."

As soon as Yang Cheng entered the door, she casually sat on the sofa. After their greetings, Zhao Anqi sat next to Yang Cheng naturally, and a fascinating fragrance came with the breeze.

"Asen, it's been a long time~" Sister Zhao smiled reluctantly, but still kept as calm and polite as possible.

Yang Sen smiled and shook hands with Sister Zhao, "Yes, Sister, our two families have been getting less and less over the years."

Sister Zhao took the initiative to take responsibility, "This is my problem, we will contact more in the future."

Yang Sen said unwillingly, "That couldn't be better~"

Sister Zhao was obviously not prepared to talk nonsense, and said directly, "I take the liberty to ask you to come over, I have something to ask for."

Yang Sen and Liu Yun glanced at each other, and said in a high-sounding voice, "Please say, we will never refuse to do what we can."

Yang Cheng sat on the sofa with his arms on the back of the sofa and looked very comfortable with one foot folded, while Zhao Anqi approached calmly, looking from the front as if he was being hugged by Yang Cheng's arms. same.

But everyone was talking about things, and no one noticed their little movements.

"You have seen what happened at the beginning of the banquet. A member of our support was taken away without warning. F~B~I did not give a reason, but said to cooperate with the investigation, but the investigation No one knows anything." Sister Zhao became more excited as she spoke, as if she had been wronged by God.

Yang Sen thought for a while and tried to ask, "Did the transaction between you have been discovered?"

He did not specifically point out the monetary transaction, as everyone knows.

Zhao Xiaolan shook her head resolutely and denied, "It's impossible, our contacts are very clean."

Yang Cheng didn't hold back, and sneered. What a lie?

As a result, the faces of several people changed at the same time, and Yang Sen deliberately scowled, "Pay attention to politeness~"

Liu Yun was very protective of the calf, and said lightly, "Did you eat too much at night? Why did you hiccup?"

Zhao Anqi was helpless. Only Sister Zhao had a pale face, but she was helpless. She couldn't educate his son in front of Yang Sen, right?

Don't look at Yang Sen who seemed to be dissatisfied with Yang Cheng's performance just now, but if an outsider really puts green onions in his nose-pretending to be, Yang Sen is definitely the first one to turn his face.

Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, and said insincerely, "Sorry, maybe it was because I drank too much wine in the afternoon and I was a little bit overwhelmed. You continue."

Yang Sen took the initiative to open the topic, "Then eldest sister, what can we do?"

Zhao Xiaolan didn’t care about entangled with Yang Cheng, but she still stared at Yang Cheng if nothing happened, and said, “If it’s possible, I’d like to ask you to check it out. If possible, let people go. The Zhao family is grateful for coming out."

This request can be said to be reasonable, but unexpected. Since I was looking for them, I definitely wanted to ask the Yang family for help, but it was really incredible. After all, in terms of ZZ resources, Zhao Jiaqiang gave the Yang family There are more than a few grades, and there seems to be no reason to ask the Yang family for help.

unless. . .

Unless the Zhao family thinks this matter has something to do with the Yang family?

After thinking about it, Yang Cheng's face was not good, but with his dad, he couldn't just open up, so he could only bear it down first and see what to do next.

In fact, Yang Sen asked the same question, "Eldest sister, with all due respect, if the Zhao family can't do much in this matter, our family will be even more helpless."

Yang Cheng nodded secretly, still dad could talk.

As a result, Sister Zhao just glanced at Yang Cheng with her remaining light, and said with a vow, "If it's other things, I won't ask you for help, but this time, except for the Yang family, I can't think of anyone to call for help. "

This sounds very If your mind is slow, you don't necessarily turn around. Fortunately, none of the people here are stupid, so it's not that difficult to understand.

But the problem came again. I saw Yang Sen suddenly stood up, looking like he was going crazy, but what he said was calm, "Sister, you said that you didn’t figure out the whole story before, but now you say that only our family can Help me, don't you think the arguments are contradictory?"

Sister Zhao gave a wry smile, "We didn't find anything else, but the person who led the team has something to do with the Yang family, or, to put it simply, has something to do with Jason."

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on Yang Cheng, which made him feel more stressed.

"Ms. Zhao, medicine can be taken indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. I have never engaged in any conspiracy against the Zhao family. Don't charge me unnecessarily." Yang Cheng said with a grim expression, with a vague warning in the words. mean.

Sister Zhao waved her hand. "Jason, don't get excited. I didn't say that this was your work. I just said that the person who led the team knew you. If possible, please help me to find out. This action What is the purpose of ?"

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