Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1284: Councillor Collins

Sister Zhao has repeatedly emphasized that she is leading the team by people she knows, but she has few acquaintances in F~B~I. If I have to say it, is it Kari? This person who is now on the same front as him, Yang Cheng is still Kari’s ‘leader’ if he has to say anything.

But in order to confirm my guess, I still tried to ask, "Who is leading the team?"

Sister Zhao looked at the Yang Sen couple and then at the younger sister, and finally spit out a name, "Kari~"

Yang Cheng frowned, and it was him. It was troublesome now. Although the other party didn't say anything, who knew in his heart would it be considered Yang Cheng's hand?

It is impossible to deny it now, "Kari~I know, but it is impossible to report his actions to me, and it is impossible to reveal the secrets of F~B~I."

Before he finished speaking, Sister Zhao interrupted first, and said anxiously, "Jason, I know this matter may embarrass you. Please mention any conditions as long as you are willing to help."

Yang Cheng scolded the old fox secretly, and asked him to make a request in public, which was not sincere.

Besides, I don’t know what is going on. I rashly put forward the conditions, and in the end nothing can be done. Isn’t it embarrassing?

And he always feels that something is not right, but he can't tell what's wrong, it's really depressing~

He waved his hand, "Don't mention the conditions, I can help make a phone call, but I'm not sure if Kari says it, after all, he is not my subordinate."

Sister Zhao squeezed a smile, "Thank you, that's enough. We just want to know what happened, so we can find a targeted solution?"

Yang Cheng estimated that the detained congressman must be holding the handle of the Zhao family in his hand, otherwise, why should Sister Zhao be so anxious, just like who died.

He took out his mobile phone and hesitated, "Should I go out and call in a quiet place?"

Zhao Anqi immediately answered, "Go to my room? It's next door, I'll take you there~"

Yang Cheng readily accepted, and followed Zhao Anqi's steps to the next door.

As soon as he entered and closed the door, Yang Cheng grabbed Zhao Anqi's arm and pressed it against the wall. There was a strong wall, and the upper body was tightly pressed together, and the other party's tone could be smelled from the distance.

"Why?" Zhao Anqi was not annoyed, and awkwardly pulled out her arms to hook Yang Cheng's neck, and said with her head slightly up and charmingly looking at Yang Cheng.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy, Yang Cheng doesn't talk nonsense, and directly asks, "What is your family's idea?"

Zhao Anqi used her index finger to point Yang Cheng’s eyebrows, and gently pushed them back, “Don’t think too much, this accident caught us by surprise. It happened that you knew the detective who led the team, and the eldest sister wanted to ask you for help, because That congressman is very important to our family."

Yang Cheng stepped back and walked into the room. The layout and decoration of this room are exactly the same as those next door. Yang Cheng asked with a playful smile, "Sister An Qi, you wouldn't have guessed this one long ago. Open it in advance. Is Fang waiting for me?"

Zhao Anqi smiled charmingly and sat down, pretending to be disgusted and said, "Don't be stinky, I just opened a room in advance for rest. Who knows how long today's banquet will be held? Who would have thought of such a thing."

Yang Cheng nodded silently. Which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted, "What about your husband?"

Zhao Anqi pulled her face down, "Don't mention him~"

Kicked off the high heels and kicked her white feet on Yang Cheng's legs, "Hurry up and call, my eldest sister and them are in a hurry."

Yang Cheng grabbed her little foot, gently rubbed the spot reddened by the high heels, found Kari's phone and dialed out.

Busy speaker over and over again, when it was about to hang up automatically, Kari finally answered the phone.

"Mr. Yang?"

Yang Cheng winked at Zhao Anqi and turned on the hands-free. The woman immediately turned over and lay in Yang Cheng's arms like a little girl, listening carefully to the conversation.

"It's me, are you busy?"

Kari hesitated for a moment, "There is indeed something, what is Mr. Yang's order?"

Yang Cheng thought about the wording and asked, "I heard that you took a congressman from Mandarin Oriental today?"

Zhao Anqi understood her heart and said a name with her lips, "Collins~"

Yang Cheng immediately added, "Member called Collins~"

There was an obvious silence in Kari. After a full minute, it seemed that after countless battles between heaven and man, he said, "Yes, it was the action I led."

Zhao Anqi sighed, she was afraid that Kari would not admit it.

Yang Cheng didn't say anything, and then asked, "Can you briefly reveal the reason? Of course, if it involves confidentiality, you can leave it alone."

"He is involved in securities fraud, remittance fraud and other allegations. Of course, the case is still under investigation and has not been filed. Mr. Yang has something to do with him?"

How could Yang Cheng admit, "Of course not, you know, I am a good law-abiding citizen, I just ask my friends about the situation, nothing else."

Zhao Anqi gave him a blank glance.

"That's good, Mr. Yang, if I don't have anything else, I'll hang up first, I'm a little busy here." Kari said euphemistically that he couldn't say more.

Yang Cheng didn't ask any more questions. He said that when he had time to come to Washington, he could eat together, and Kari would naturally not refuse.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Anqi frowned, accusing slightly with dissatisfaction, "Why did you hang up so soon? The matter has not been clarified yet."

Yang Cheng was merciless and slapped her fiercely, "Don't make trouble, it is inconvenient to talk more on the phone, and don't you just want to know why F~B~I arrested Collins?

Don’t you know now?

Who is this Collins? I don't seem to have heard of it. "

No matter how dissatisfied, Zhao Anqi can't anger with Yang Cheng, retracts into his arms, and whispers, "He is a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee of the House of Representatives."

The energy sector? Why is it related to the Zhao family? Yang Cheng was puzzled but didn't ask, the relationship between him and Zhao Anqi has not reached the point where they can talk about everything, after all, they still represent the interests of their respective families.

"Okay, go back first, your eldest sister can't help but knock on the door after a long time~"

A look of disappointment flashed across Zhao Anqi's face. She also knew that Yang Cheng was right. After all, she was no longer a little girl. No matter how romantic and romantic things would attract her, it would not be as important as family interests.

"Um~ go back~"

The two of them arranged a pair in the room, and went back to the suite where Sister Zhao was.

As soon as she walked in, Sister Zhao couldn't wait to ask, "How is it? Is there any news?"

Zhao Anqi went over and took the initiative to talk to Yang Cheng about what he had learned, and then said, "That Kari didn't dare to say more on the phone, and Jason was afraid of being involved, so he didn't dare to ask."

News is better than no news. At least I know the direction to solve the problem, and he smiles strongly, "Anyway, thank you~"

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