Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1285: Greedy MP

"I have to trouble you with one more thing~"

When there are too many lice, it is not itchy, and when there are too many debts, Sister Zhao insists on the principle of using up all the favors at once, and once again asked for it.

"I want to arrange someone to meet Collins. Can you please talk to the Inspector Cary?"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "I'm sorry, I can't participate too much in this matter. First of all, I don't know if Collins' arrest is related to your Zhao family;

Secondly, Kari is not my subordinate, I cannot order him to do things for me;


After a short pause, he looked at Zhao Anqi and sighed, "Finally, I think I will give you an advice to the Zhao family on the face of An Qi. There are some things you can participate in, and some things you can’t participate in. Since you have chosen to stand in line, you will have to deal with the consequences. Be responsible for."

As soon as the voice fell, he turned his head and said to my parents, "Parents, let's go~"

Sister Zhao opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything to stay.

A family of three took Yang Cheng’s Maybach and went home. As soon as he entered the house, Yang Sen said, "This is too evil today~"

Liu Yun wore high heels all night and her feet were sore. As soon as she entered the door, she kicked off the high heels, put on soft slippers, and said to Old John, "Arrange for the maid to go to my bathroom to fill in water, and give me a glass of corn milk juice~ "

"It's Madam~"

Yang Cheng followed closely, "Give me a cocktail, whatever~"

Old John looked at Yang Sen, "I'm ready to drink tea~"

After Old John went down to prepare, Liu Yun followed Yang Sen's words when he first entered the door and said, "It's not just the evil door, I feel that the Zhao family is covered up, and that Collins must not be easy."

Yang Sen nodded, "Yes, I just asked someone to check it out. This Collins is from the New York State House of Representatives. He has a heavy say in the Energy and Commerce Committee, like a party background."

Liu Yun lay directly on the sofa, holding a pillow under her head, "Could someone be hitting Zhao's house? After all, they have been too active recently."

Yang Cheng took off his suit and shirt, and came to the window shirtlessly. He stepped on the brightly lit Fifth Avenue. The breeze at night made him sober up a lot. "The strangest thing is why the Zhao family wanted us. Help, even if they know I know Cary, I don’t believe they can’t figure out why Collins was taken away."

"Yeah, this is really puzzling, especially Zhao Xiaolan's attitude, it feels like desperate."

"By the way, didn't you pay attention? Today, none of the sons-in-law of the Zhao family came." Liu Yun suddenly mentioned this, causing both Yang Sen and his son to be taken aback.

It seems like this. Yang Cheng might not have seen it late, but Yang Sen was there at the beginning and never saw the men of the Zhao family show up. It stands to reason that on such occasions, at least one or two men of status should be in charge. Yes, especially Zhao Xiaolan's husband.

Yang Sen shook his head, "It's too weird, how do I feel something is going to happen~"

At this time, Old John came over with a tray, brought drinks to the three of them, and then said to Liu Yun, "Madam, the water is being put out, it will be right to go up in 5 minutes~"

Liu Yun drank a mouthful of sweet corn juice, smiled and thanked, "Go and rest, old John, just let the servant clean up the cup."

Old John just responded with a smile, but didn't take any actual action. He could only rest until the master returned to the room. This was the duty of the housekeeper.

Yang Cheng sat down and talked about the information Kari mentioned, "Kari told me on the phone that F~B~I arrested Collins on charges of securities fraud and remittance fraud."

Jan Sen asked, "Is this Kari now working in New York?"

"In Washington, you forgot. I was involved in the investigation because of the murder case. I was detained at the F~B~I Los Angeles branch for a long time. It was Kali I met at that time.

This person was a bit ambitious. Later, after my persuasion, he joined Richard Debin. Under Richard’s operation, he came to Washington DC last year. I heard that he did a good job. He also participated in the investigation of C~I~A. The case was highly appreciated by the F~B~I senior management. "

Yang Sen recalled for a while and nodded, "I remember, then the question is, how big a case is, I actually transferred people from Washington to investigate, instead of using people from the New York branch, and the scope of fraud is too big. , It is also related to the amount of money. If you think about it from a normal perspective, it is estimated that there will be tens of millions of money involved in the case."

"It's not convenient for Kari to talk more on the phone, or should I go to Washington?"

Yang Sen was taken aback, "He returned to Washington? So soon?"

Yang Cheng didn't know, so he was startled, "Maybe he went back by special plane?"

"They can use the site investigation of the New York branch. Why are they anxious to bring them back to Washington?"

This is not the category Yang Cheng can answer.

"I think I'd better go to Washington D.C. and ask Kariyo to come out for a face-to-face interview. If this matter is not clear, our whole family did not sleep well."

Yang Sen pressed his hand, "No, don't worry, I have arranged for someone to check it, and I believe there will be results soon."

Liu Yun is not interested in these things, it may be too tired, anyway, listening to the sound of drowsiness, she urged her spirits to sit up, yawned and said, "You two will talk slowly, I will go upstairs to wash. I'm going to sleep, and I have to go to work tomorrow."

About half an hour later, Yang Cheng's cocktail was finished, Yang Sen's tea was cold, and his cell phone finally rang.

Yang Sen connected immediately, spoke to the phone with a serious face for a few minutes, then sat back and said, "No need to ask, I know the reason."

Yang Cheng's spirits refreshed, and Jiang was still hot. He didn't expect that his father would figure out the whole story as soon as he got out of the horse. "Quickly tell me, what is the situation?"

Yang Sen was too lazy to sell Guanzi, and bluntly laughed and cursed, "I am afraid that the Zhao family will suffer this time. They even revealed inside information to Collins, so that Collins' son can manipulate the stock price to obtain huge This secret was originally hidden. Very good, but Collins’ son was too greedy. He bought and sold millions of dollars at once, and used leverage to manipulate a stock that weighed less than US$200 million. This attracted the attention of the SEC and stared at him for several months. , Apply to F~B~I to assist in the investigation."

The SEC is the proof of the United States.

Yang Cheng looked at her dad in surprise, "It's that simple? So the Zhao family was scammed?"

Yang Sen shrugged slightly, "At least there is nothing complicated on the surface. There may be a deeper conspiracy, but it will not be found in a short time."

"It's great to be able to find out so many, so dad who are you looking for? Tell me about it~"

"I have time to get to know you~" Yang Sen smiled, the mystery was lifted out of the fog, and there was no pressure.

"No wonder the Zhao family is so eager to make the sky collapse. If this matter is stabbed out, their previous layout will be wasted~"

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