Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1286: The trend is set

"The Zhao family's affairs have nothing to do with us. We just want to watch the changes. Now we should care more about ourselves. It's April. Time is getting tighter and tighter. Your layout on both sides is almost at the end. ."

For some reasons, even if there are only two fathers and sons at home, I dare not say it clearly.

Yang Cheng nodded solemnly, "Yes, maybe it's time to clear the relationship with the donkey party."

Yang Sen said, "No, just keep a distance from Mrs. Zipperton. Richard Debin is still useful to us."

Yang Cheng shrugged slightly, "Of course, I'm just talking about it in general terms. Richard Debin will serve as a director of our bank after he retires. From this perspective, we both stand on the same boat."

"It's a pity, if Richard Debin was ten years younger, it would be nice, at least we can guarantee our family has no worries for 20 years."

Yang Cheng smiled, "If he was ten years younger, he would definitely not be willing to be tied to the same front with us."

Yang Sen smacked his lips, "also~"

A pat on the thigh, "Well, let's not talk about him. Donald has more and more activities there. You have to seize the opportunity. The icing on the cake will never be more popular than giving charcoal in the snow."

Yang Cheng said, "Don't worry, I have already expressed my attitude when I met him before, and I will help him as long as he can call.

However, he hasn't contacted me since I started to criticize him. It seems that he is doing well. "

Yang Sen laughed, "Not bad, this guy is unstoppable. In the last few speeches, he has scolded the whole world, but some people like this style. Sometimes these white people don't understand the way."

Yang Cheng spread her hands, "I thought you were used to it~"

"To be honest, I can't understand why Donald has persisted until now and has not collapsed. He is one of the candidates who should be brushed down in the first round."

"Look at the Zhao family jumping up and down, you can understand what kind of group of people are helping him."

In fact, even if the results were already known, Yang Cheng still had difficulty understanding.

Of course, if you have to interpret this incredible thing, it is not impossible to explain. For example, in the period before Donald officially announced his participation in the competition for the throne and the opening of the primary election, most scholars and critics in the United States Regarding them as "amateur top players", they can be described as "boxmates", "active participants in the spirit of entertainment", and "soy sauce party" in better words.

Because of his open mouth, he was labeled with various negative labels, just like a "jumping clown" who broke into the zheng arena. According to the routine of Gongdou Opera, this kind of person is almost impossible to survive two episodes. Dragon role.

However, up to now, the development of the situation is almost beyond everyone's expectations, whether it is the orthodox candidate represented by Fushi, Kasic, etc., or the candidate with pure blood, or Fior, who is also a commercial celebrity with Donald. Ms. Lena or Carson, a famous black doctor, were like dominoes, and he was defeated one by one. Why? His big open mouth? Or the countless funds brought to him by the rich?

Maybe they are all, but more of them are external factors. Aside from conspiracy theories, let’s just analyze from the surface: First, there are too many candidates for the orthodox party, which leads to the fact that the voters of the Elephant Party are too scattered and the resources are not available. Get reasonable centralized utilization;

The second is that Donald is very good at using the media. Through his big mouth, he continues to attract a lot of media reports, and he enjoys free publicity around the clock. Black and red are also red. The world has entered the era of eyeballs. Who can better capture the eyes of voters? Exposure rate, whoever has the advantage;

The third is that the Elephant Party is not monolithic. The aforementioned "we" and "wasp" have their own forces in the Elephant Party. Internal struggles have led to the accumulation of public grievances. Many voters who voted for Donald Thinking that the status quo is unacceptable, changes must be made, and the objects of change must be unexpected. From this perspective, Donald is also a substitute.

But this is the problem. People of orthodox origin are indecisive, fighting on their own, and fighting with each other. This gives people like Donald a chance to take advantage of it. If they make a decision early, concentrate their efforts to promote an orthodox candidate. People, such as mainstream candidates like the Little Flying Shoe family, if Donald wants to go to the end, it will be much more difficult.

Regardless, everyone has made the taboo of underestimating the enemy in dealing with Donrad. This is a strategic error. They failed to concentrate their superior forces to stop them. When they found that the problem was serious, it was too late.

For example, Donald has already obtained more than half of the approval rate in the dominant position. Although the official voting has not yet started, the polls have proved something. If the Elephant Party does not want to be out early, it can only find a way to support its only seedlings. , It's done!

Yang Sen stood up, pacing with his hands behind his back, and said, "In fact, it’s good for Donald to win. In recent decades, the party’s philosophy has been too rigid. On the surface, it looks like fame, prestige, and achievements are all too rigid. They are very good, but their opinions are too modest, and their speeches are balanced. Moreover, when problems arise, they can only be solved by war. People's grievances are everywhere. Even if they want to change, the people no longer want to give them a chance."

Yang Cheng slowly nodded, "After all, the environment of ZZ has changed. The times have changed. Facebook and Twitter-based social media have risen strongly. The turbulence and wars in the Middle East and North Africa have caused Europe to suffer from the immigration crisis. Confucianism and NCism are on the rise, and the United States cannot be immune from the aftermath.

Therefore, not only the United States, but the whole world is facing a similar problem. They also need a variable like Donrad to break the deadlock. "

Yang Sen smiled, "Donald is not easy to find, I'm afraid there is only one in the world, Scorpion Baba is the only one~"

Yang Cheng couldn't help but laughed, let alone, using Xie Zi Ba Ba to describe Tang Lade, really **** image.

Yang Sen sighed, hammered the old waist and said, "In fact, Donald himself is smart enough anyway, he knows how to cater to the appetite of the lower-level voters in the Elephant Party.

In the composition of the bottom ranks of the Elephant Party, a considerable part of them are white men who have not gone to college and have an income in the working class. They have limited vision, lack knowledge of international relations, and have little understanding of the world economy and globalization process. Be bewitched.

These blue-collar white men used to rely on low-skilled jobs in the manufacturing industry to support their families and live a comfortable life.

But with the hollowing out of American manufacturing and production outsourcing, their job opportunities have been lost to other countries, including Country Z. The good days are gone, and the American dream can't be imagined. The whole person is desperate.

Do you know how great is the motivation for a desperate person to suddenly see hope?

Obviously, Donald just caught the weaknesses and demands of these people, and did what he liked, one-sidedly exaggerating the issues of people’s livelihood and ZZ fields such as trade, immigration, and diplomacy to cater to voters, ignoring the benefits of globalization and world leadership. The huge benefits brought by American interests advocated opposition to free trade and prepared to bring jobs back to the United States.

On the other hand, he promoted radical immigration control concepts to prevent unskilled or low-skilled immigrants from taking away these unskilled occupations. These are the most needed by low-level white men. They want to live and do not want to be snatched by someone worse than them. They went to work, so they stood up. They wanted to work hard for their own hopes. It was these people who formed the basic plate and the moat of Donrad! "

Yang Cheng agreed, "Yes, in addition, Donald's status as the host of reality TV shows has greatly helped him. He is well versed in the laws of communication.

Moving out the slogan that Reagan had used when he ran for President Tong, and slightly compressed "Let's remake the great America" ​​into "Remake the great America". Not only does it sound impeccable, but it also evokes the nostalgia of the elderly Elephant Party voters. Emotions and Reagan complex.

Coupled with his status in the business world and his experience in shopping malls over the years, he has successfully established his own business empire, which will help him to shape the image of ZZ that understands the economy, which is in line with recreating greatness in the economic sense. American voters expect.

This has directly led to some well-educated elephant party voters also favoring Donald, which has nothing to do with his commercial success. "

Yang Sen shook his head helplessly, "In this way, it seems that the general trend is set~"

Although Yang Cheng didn't want to admit it, the fact is, "Yes, the situation is set. I am afraid that we do not know the situation. Many people may have seen the situation clearly. Otherwise, why the scolding against Donald has been much lower these days."

Yang Sen said meaningfully, "It seems that I have to attend a few elephant party gatherings recently."

Just about to speak, Yang Cheng's cell phone rang, and when he saw that it was Zhao Anqi's call, Mo Min curiously signaled to his father, and slowly changed a place to pick up the channel, "Sister Anqi?"

" you home?"

Yang Cheng didn't know, so, "Yeah, just chatting with my dad, what's wrong?"

"That's right, I'm rushing to the metropolis. There is a midnight jewelry show at the Lincoln Center tonight. I remember your house is nearby. Come with me if you have time?"

Yang Cheng was reluctant, mainly because she was too tired and wanted to rest early. Today, she drank a lot of alcohol and her head was dizzy.

"Forget it, I have no interest in jewelry, this kind of exhibition is nothing more than arty people gathered together to brag."

Zhao Anqi's tone changed, and she said bitterly, "Okay, then I'll go alone. They are in pairs, and I am the only one in the evening, and there is not even a person who speaks..."

Yang Cheng said dubiously, "Stop it, can't I go~"

Anqi Zhao snickered, but on the surface she still looked calm and calm, "I didn't force you~"

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