Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1287: Cross-wipe~Wow~

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, and a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. It would be better if you can support the author again, ^_^)

"I didn't force it~"

Yang Cheng was speechless and said in a petting tone, "Yes, no one forced me, I am willing~"

Zhao Anqi smiled happily, "Well, just treat it as being with me, really."

"Well, I see, do you have a car? I won't drive anymore~"

"Okay, I'll drop in to pick it up~"

"See you in 10 minutes~"

I hung up the phone, greeted my father, and went out without changing his clothes.

When he wandered downstairs and waited for a while on the side of the road, he saw a black and dignified Mercedes slowly approaching, the rear window was pressed down, revealing Zhao Anqi’s beautiful face, "beautiful~"

After getting in the car, Yang Cheng found that Zhao Anqi had changed into a small dress. The green satin evening dress was as elegant and charming as the night in Manhattan. A few just right folds added a touch of freshness to the vision. Look carefully, the clothes are also printed with dark flowers. , Can only be seen from a few specific angles, a very brilliant design.

Hearing Yang Cheng's praise, Zhao Anqi covered her mouth and smiled, "It proves that I have a good vision~"

Yang Cheng raised Erlang's legs, and subconsciously turned around to find the car refrigerator, but forgot that it was not his car.

Anqi Zhao wondered, "What are you looking for?"

Yang Cheng squeezed his nose, "I forgot this car, there is no car refrigerator."

Zhao Anqi glanced beautifully, "I smell a strong scent of contempt, and tomorrow I will change the car to another one with a car refrigerator."

Yang Cheng sneered, "I'm thirsty~"

"It's coming soon, just bear it." Zhao Anqi snorted.

It's right not to spank, Yang Cheng thought to herself, if there weren't outsiders present, Xiao Niangpi's **** would have been swollen into steamed buns.

"Why do you suddenly remember participating in the jewelry exhibition?" Yang Cheng asked.

"Today, the organizer is a friend of mine. Please ask me to join in. If you don't refuse, just come. I heard that there are a few good designs today. If you are fancy, you can consider starting."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Say me?"

"Yeah, aren't you going to marry Yueyue, don't you plan to give her some unique jewelry?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "It's estimated that the wedding won't be held next year. What's the hurry."

Zhao Anqi's face was sad, "I don't understand women's thoughts~"

Yang Cheng really had nothing to do with this woman, her temper was unpredictable.

The two chatted for a few words, the car had reached the place, and Yang Cheng's performance was not bad, so she took the initiative to get out of the car to open the door for Zhao Anqi, and personally lead her out.

Raising his arms, Zhao Anqi naturally pulled up, and the two entered the venue side by side. The jewelry exhibition was held in the art corridor outside the opera hall. After the entry showed the invitation, he paused in the middle of the two halls. Zhao Anqi took a look. "It looks like there are two halls, which one shall we look at first?"

Yang Cheng was originally not interested, so naturally it didn't matter, "It's all okay, maybe it's almost the same, right?"

Zhao Anqi doesn't matter, "Let's just take a look, go to the left first? There are drinks over there, let's get some."

The organizer has arranged the dining table very intimately, but there is no dinner. They are all exquisite desserts. The amount of one bite is easy to enter. The floor is full of bits and pieces. How unsightly?

Yang Cheng took a glass of red wine by herself, while Zhao Anqi tasted a piece of egg yolk crisp, then shook her head, "It's too sweet~"

"Who makes the white people's sense of taste not sensitive enough?" Yang Cheng calmly showed the superiority of the race, thanks to the fact that they speak Chinese, otherwise the foreigner would listen to it, and maybe make a joke.

He took a glass of red wine with Yang Cheng, still holding hands, and walked inward.

The jewelry display cabinets are placed on both sides, you can choose to enjoy one side when you enter, and enjoy the other side when you come out, without delay.

After seeing a few samples, Yang Cheng couldn't help but shook his head, "This level is much worse than the JA Jewelry Show."

JA Jewelry Fair is the New York Autumn International Jewelry Fair. There are thousands of brands participating in the fair, and nearly 20,000 pieces of top jewelry are gathered together. That is a feast of luxury jewelry. The small exhibition in front of you is just grandchildren.

Anqi Zhao didn't think there was anything wrong, and she helped to explain, "This is for private buyers. JA Jewelry Fair is for professional buyers and institutions. It is different in nature and cannot be directly compared."

Yang Cheng took a sip of wine and controlled the speed of walking, otherwise Zhao Anqi couldn't keep up with her high heels.

"Okay, I won't say much for the sake of my friend's face. By the way, how about my friend? We have been here for so long without showing up. It's too much."

I don't know if I drank too much wine today, my temper was exceptionally bad, or maybe it was a bit irritable, and nothing seemed pleasing to my eyes.

Zhao Anqi had great experience in dealing with this situation. She saw her take a quick step, turned to face Yang Cheng, walked backwards by herself, her beautiful eyes and anger, using her tender emotions to transform Yang Cheng's irritable emotions.

With just a look, Yang Cheng raised his hand and surrendered, "OK, can't I just say it?"

Suddenly, Zhao Anqi staggered and almost fell. It turned out that she didn't notice the situation behind her when she was backing, and accidentally ran into a bear child who was running around.

Yang Cheng also only looked at Zhao Anqi and didn't pay attention to the situation behind her. Fortunately, nothing happened.

But the bear kid was knocked down, pouting aggrievedly, but did not cry.

The other parent rushed over and looked at the child nervously. They looked up and down carefully and made sure that they were not injured. Then they sent the anger to Zhao Anqi, "What's the matter? Adults don't look at the way when they walk. Is it? If my son is injured, I must sue for intentional injury, Bitch."

Zhao Anqi had planned to apologize first. After all, she was walking on her back before hitting someone, but with the attitude of the other party, she was not ready to speak. She returned to Yang Cheng calmly and left the scene to the man.

She believed that Yang Cheng would not let him down.

But she forgot that Yang Cheng was in a bad mood, her emotions were very sensitive and irritable, didn't she walk backwards just to comfort him and hit someone?

In fact, the previous words were nothing. The bad thing was in the last word. Yang Cheng didn't have a word of nonsense, and he directly poured a quarter of the red wine in the glass onto the dirty female shrew face. on.

With a sound, the scarlet liquid soaked her blonde hair, flowing down her white skin.

The husband who was coaxing his son didn't speak, stood up when he saw it, and shouted at Yang Cheng, "Fuck, what's the matter with TM? Is it a man who actually did something to a woman?"

Yang Cheng still didn't say a word, and used practical actions to tell him if he was a man. Although there is no wine in the wine glass, isn't the glass still useful?

At such a close distance, even throwing with closed eyes can hit the target, not to mention that Yang Cheng is not blind. When no one expected, the cup had already shot and hit the target.

The man who protects his wife didn't think that Yang Cheng didn't follow the routine. Shouldn't he scold him first before doing it? How can you do it first?

"Cross-wipe~", "Wow~"

The cup first hit the opponent's hard forehead and broke in response, and then fell on the marble floor and broke into slag.

Then came the man’s wailing, "Ah~"

Howling and howling, he even said harshly to Yang Cheng, covering his head and shouting without looking, "Damn, I want to kill, I want to kill this bastard."

Yang Cheng refused to accept the treatment and was about to kick up his leg. Fortunately, Zhao Anqi stopped him first, holding his arm tightly and speaking softly as much as possible, "Yang Cheng, listen to me, calm down, don't do anything. , There is monitoring here, something is bad for the image."

In fact, since he started his hands, his head has been sober, but people, when there is always an impulse, men and women are the same, hot blood is on the head, how can they care so much, scolding his own woman in front of him, will not live Are you impatient?

He put his arms around Zhao Anqi's exposed shoulders and rubbed them lightly for a few times, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm not scared, right?"

Anqi Zhao carefully observed his expression, as if he was not comforting her, she breathed a sigh of relief and pressed her chest, "Really scared me~"

Yang Cheng smiled, "It's okay, there is me~"

Let Zhao Anqi let go, and a few steps came to the white man who was kneeling on the ground and holding his forehead and howling. He squatted down and said goodnight to the other gentleman, "Good evening this gentleman, for the misfortune, I express deep Deeply apologetic, but it has already happened and we have to find a solution, right?"

The woman with her arms around her husband did not have the arrogant and domineering look just now, the wine soaked her hair, draped wet, and wet her eyeshadow. It looked as pitiful as it was.

"This beast, we will not let it go, I want to call the police, I want to sue."

At this time, more and more people gathered, and Yang Cheng couldn't say what Yang had originally wanted to say. If it was spread like that, it would not have a good effect.

After thinking about it, I wanted to stand turned around and took his mobile phone and sent a message to Hansen, who didn’t know where he was following, and asked him to record the surveillance video, delete the original, and make sure that the organizer and venue did not Backup.

Immediately afterwards, he called Susu again and briefly narrated the matter just now, asking her to immediately go to the company to arrange for an editor on duty to write news and post it on the headlines. The content of the news must be biased towards him, dirty. The water is naturally going to be poured on a family of three, who let them raise a bear child without knowing how to curb their temper.

Now Yang Cheng is very comfortable with how to control public opinion. Don’t care about anything. As long as you control public opinion first, you can’t escape your own control. If the other party is capable, you can play games behind your back. Don’t think about public opinion anyway. Take advantage of it.

Holding the fifth largest media group in the United States, it would be a joke if a nouveau riche made a noise.

Yes, he has already determined that the other party is a nouveau riche. There is no way. Who will let him be the son of the LV Devil? Other brand styles may not be recognized, but LV is basically not likely to lose sight. It depends on the other party. A mass-produced suit that has been on the market for more than two years, although it is not cheap, it can be bought as long as it costs money. If this is not an upstart, Yang Cheng would dare to use his head as a chamber pot.

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