Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1289: Last name Hong?

"An Qi, is this your little lover?"

Zhao Anqi covered her face, a pair of Yazi who dared not see anyone, "Yu Ling, you are getting more and more gossiping~"

The beauty named Yuling seems to be only about 30 years old, but in fact she is Zhao Anqi’s peers. Yuling’s family history is much longer than that of Zhao’s family, but she left after Yuling’s mother married a white man and gave birth to a daughter. On the downhill road, Yuling's generation can no longer even be called a family.

By the way, her surname is Hong, and her name is Hong Yuling, a ‘purebred’ Chinese-American hybrid.

Yuling and Zhao Anqi grew up together when they were young. It seems a bit inappropriate to describe the two girls by wearing a pair of trousers, but in fact it is the case. When they were young, they slept on the same bed for several years. The girls had nothing to say. Tan, after growing up, married each other, but at the same time encountered misfortune.

Zhao Anqi failed to find true love due to family reasons, while Yuling met a scumbag, and the **** man has to be supported by her. The sisters sometimes lamented their fate, whether they deliberately tortured them.

"Angie, you look like you are 20 years younger. It seems that your little lover has good skills?" He said, blinking ambiguously.

How can Zhao Anqi not know what it means? Middle-aged women are joking, there is really no taboo, especially among women.

"Please, you mad woman, can you be a bit more formal?"

Yuling smiled, "Well, I won't make you anymore, but you little lover is very powerful. I just wanted to go to the surveillance room to adjust the video. Who knows that the security guards in the surveillance room are holding their stomachs and crying, I asked what happened. They said that two people suddenly broke in and wanted to adjust the surveillance. They disagreed, and the other party did it without saying a word. Not only did they take the backup, they also deleted the record of today."

Zhao Anqi met the emerald green pupils of her best friend who did not match her skin color, and whispered, "No trouble, right?"

Yuling blinked, "Sure enough, your little lover sent someone to do it?"

Zhao Anqi learned the hand-spreading action that Yang Cheng often does. "Nine to all, except for him, I can't think of anyone who will suddenly send someone to the surveillance room."

Yuling spit out her tongue playfully, like a woman in her 40s, "Your little lover is really violent."

Zhao Anqi patted her best friend's **** in shame, "I'll talk nonsense about my tearing your mouth."

"Oh yo, the guy who values ​​sex and loves friends, huh, ignore you, I will meet your little lover~"

After molesting her girlfriend, for fear of her doing it, she jumped a few steps and walked towards Yang Cheng.

"Sir, can I talk to you?"

Yang Cheng was worried about how to get out of the crowd, how could he not catch the excuse for sending it to the door, and he just saw this mixed-race beauty and Zhao Anqi chatting happily, probably the friend Zhao Anqi said.

"Of course, my honor~"

Responded, and said to the person who was chatting, "I'm sorry, I'm not accompanied, I'll talk again when I have a chance."

Without waiting for a response, she followed Yuling away.

At this time, Zhao Anqi also followed, winking at Yuling constantly, warning her not to talk nonsense.

When Yu Lingquan couldn't see it, she deliberately slapped her hair at Yang Cheng, licking her lips with the tip of her tongue. This kind of teasing made Yang Cheng just want to laugh.

After struggling for a long time, but did not see Yang Cheng moving, Yuling slapped her temper, stomped her feet, and said aggrieved, "It seems that I have lost my charm~"

Yang Cheng looked at Zhao Anqi speechlessly and asked with her eyes, "Are you a girlfriend who is crazy?"

Zhao Anqi glared at Yang Cheng, holding Yuling's arm, and pacifying her injured little mind by hurting Yang Cheng, "Don't pay attention to this big carrot, let's talk in another place."

Yuling was also playing around, and soon recovered her graceful manners, "Are you not holding the meeting?"

It's rare that my girlfriend and lover are there, so how can I want to look at jewellery, not to mention that there are no rare treasures to see, "I don't look at it, find a quiet place to have a drink?"

Yuling doesn't matter, "Come with me~"

As Yuling came to the cafe on the second floor, several guests were chatting, but they were far away from each other, which did not hinder the chat.

Randomly found a position by the window, Yuling asked people to bring red wine, and today prepared a lot of good red wine for the exhibition.

"Try this one~" I don't know if it was to test Yang Cheng, or deliberately to watch him make a fool of himself, Yuling deliberately blocked the bottle and label while pouring the wine.

And only gave Yang Cheng a sip, and then stretched out his hand to signal.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Anqi smiled playfully, and Yuling laughed strangely, "What's the matter?"

Yang Cheng picked up the wine glass and shook it casually at the tip of her nose, and she knew it in her heart.

Seeing Yang Cheng's confident and determined smile, Zhao Anqi rolled her eyes at Yuling, "Laughing, you can't steal the rice~"

Yuling was taken aback, and then she understood something, "He knows wine well?"

Zhao Anqi smiled helplessly, "Wine is a compulsory course for the descendants of our family, especially wine. Do you think this can stump him?"

Yuling didn't know Yang Cheng's identity, but she felt a little familiar. After listening to her girlfriends, she realized that Yang Cheng was also from a wealthy family.

But she was still not convinced, "That doesn't mean that every wine can be guessed?"

In order to prove his argument, he pointed to the wine glass in Zhao Anqi's hand, "You also know wine, then do you know what wine it is?"

Zhao Anqi's wine tasting skill is obviously not as high as Yang Cheng, or that tasting wine also requires talent. Obviously she does not have this talent, and her sense of smell and taste is no different from ordinary people.

But based on many years of experience in drinking wine, one can still guess the producing area and winery after smelling and tasting, "I know this is Mouton, but I don't know which vintage it is."

After finishing talking, she cast a wink at Yang Cheng and motioned to you to perform.

Yang Cheng is not hypocritical. In front of the lady, the desire to express is always overwhelming. She smiled confidently and said, "Sister An Qi is right. This is a wine from Mouton Winery, the vintage, if I didn’t guess. The mistake should be around 2000."

Seeing that he was not sure about what he said, Yuling seemed to have found her confidence, "Left and right?"

Yang Cheng still did not drink, took a deep breath into the mouth of the cup, closed his eyes and let the special smell linger in his mind, opened his eyes for a while, "It is definitely the millennium, and it is not a regular version, I I remember that Mouton Winery launched a special edition to commemorate the millennium, directly engraving the wine label on the bottle, the famous'Golden Sheep'."

There was no need to wait for Yuling to announce the answer. Zhao Anqi saw that her mouth opened wide in surprise and knew that Yang Cheng was right. She immediately blew a kiss to encourage her, but did not shame her.

Yang Cheng winked her eyebrows and continued, “As everyone knows, Mouton means sheep in French. The owner, Baron Philip, hopes to turn the 2000 wine into a work of art. For this reason, she specially learns from the wine art of Mouton Winery. The museum selected a treasure—the 16th century gilded Osberg sheep figurine as the theme of the year, combined with Mouton’s emblem “sheep”.

In order to show its uniqueness, this "Golden Sheep" produced in 2000 does not have a wine label on the bottle, because Baroness Philip hopes to imprint the gloss of this artistic treasure she selected on the bottle, so the winery Abandoning the old wine labeling operation method, instead, skilled craftsmen use advanced gilding technology to directly engrave the image of the sheep on the glass bottle, making the whole bottle of wine a beautiful collection.

In terms of taste, the 2000'Golden Sheep' has rich flavor, firm tannins, simple style, with gooseberry liqueur, and strong floral aroma. The regulations are extremely strict with 86% Cabernet Sauvignon and 14% Merlot is blended, full-bodied, with rich flavors of coffee, earth and chocolate. Last year it just reached its optimal maturity. "

Zhao Anqi couldn't hide her pride, and clapped her hands.

Yuling also accepted, "I know those professional tasters are good, but I have never seen ordinary people have such a strong appreciation ability, good, such a good person, if I don’t know it, it would be a pity, I will introduce it formally. My name is Hong Yuling, An Qi’s best friend, and now I am a vice president of a jewelry company. I am glad to meet you."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and made sure that he didn't have this person in his mind, and then he was relieved to introduce himself. Before being teased by Kate in Los Angeles, he had doubts about his memory. Is it old?

"I'm Yang Cheng, you can call me jason, sister An Qi's good friend~" He deliberately bit the word'good' very hard, but he wanted to cover it up.

Yuling raised her eyebrows, "The last name is Yang? May I ask if Yang Sen is yours?"

Zhao Anqi patted her, "Don't ask, Yang Sen is his father."

Yuling was taken aback, "Are you Yang Sen's son?"

Yang Cheng is strange, is there anything surprising about this?

Is it?

He began to reverie unkindly.

Yuling asked again, "Did your dad mention me to you?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, is there a memory problem again?

"Should, seem, if I remember correctly, I haven't mentioned it~"

Yuling gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, "Don't let me run into this guy~"

Zhao Anqi couldn’t laugh or She knew the whole story, cleared her throat, and explained to Yang Cheng, “Yuling and your dad had a blind date, but no one fell in love with each other for decades. Who would have thought that she would hold such a grudge."

Yuling was unhappy, "Hmph, it's always my old lady who looks down on others, and others can't look down on me."

It turns out that there is still such a relationship, but if you can go on a blind date with your father, shouldn't the other person be an unknown person? Why haven't you heard of it?

Last name Hong?

There shouldn't be a family named Hong in North America?

It's no wonder that he is ignorant. It is that the Hong family fell too early, and it has disappeared in recent decades, but when it comes to seniority, in front of the Hong family, the Yang family and the Zhao family are both juniors.

Forget it, it's useless to think about it, if the other party wants to say it, it will naturally.

"Sister Yuling is married now, right? I don't know which family her husband is?"

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