Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1290: untitled

"Sister Yuling is married now, right? I don't know which family her husband is?"

Yang Cheng didn't pick things on purpose, not to mention that he didn't know the twists and turns in it. He just asked casually, and the topics were all on the spot.

In normal thinking, being a bestie with Zhao Anqi, growing up together, it must have come from a big family, and also participated in the ZZ marriage after growing up.

But Zhao Anqi winked quickly and signaled Yang Cheng not to continue this topic.

But Yuling looked very free and easy, smiling, "It's okay, there is nothing to say, my husband is an ordinary person."

Now that the words are open, Zhao Anqi added angrily, "It's more than ordinary, it's a waste."

Yang Cheng stared, as if listening to the story.


Yuling sighed, "It was true love when I was young, now, hehe~"

With this bitter smile, Yang Cheng understood the situation.

"Don't talk about it, sister Yuling organized this exhibition today?"

Yuling pinned the scattered hair behind her ears, "Yes, do you want to cheer?"

Yang Cheng declined with an easy-to-understand sentence: no money~

With a "pouch", the two women laughed at the same time. It is true that this will not create such a good humor effect if you put it in another person, but why Yang Cheng said it so funny.

Zhao Anqi gave him a white look, "Speak well~"

Yang Cheng is very aggrieved. Recently, too much money has been spent. The province still needs to save. Of course, it is not that he can't afford a few pieces of jewellery. It's all because he doesn't need it. flower.

Well, this explanation is pale and weak, it is better not to say.

As a result, Yuling put an end to his idea of ​​saving money, "You won't choose a gift for An Qi?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, then looked at Zhao Anqi, and also lost her mind, and then slapped Yuling viciously, "We don't need these external things between us."

Yes, it's all about it. If Yang Cheng still bites to death and has no money, not only will she not give Yuling face, but will also lose Zhao Anqi.

"I was joking just now. Jewelry must be bought, and it must be given to Sister An Qi. I will go shopping after drinking wine later."

Yuling gave you a look that was considered familiar, and Zhao Anqi smiled apologetically at Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng waved her hand to show that she didn't mind.

The three of them chatted and talked about the hottest news nowadays. Every election year, the most lively thing is definitely what the candidates say and do for the vote, and of course, there are personal tendencies.

Yuling said helplessly, "I originally wanted to support Mrs. Zipton, but her situation is not so good recently~"

If history is inertial, even if Yang Cheng detonated the'mail door' ahead of time, at this point in time, Mrs. Zipten still failed to escape the sanctions.

The opponent once again uncovered the ‘mail gate’ matter, and found new criminal evidence, shouting the slogan, “How can the person who leaked state secrets lead the country?”

With the help of the media, Mrs. Zipton has already lost two vote positions in the polls. If the voting starts and proceeds according to this situation, she will lose and there is no hope of turning defeat into victory.

The fact is also true, of course, no one can be sure about this fact except Yang Cheng.

At least for now, the supporters of Mrs. Zipperton have also expressed great loyalty to her and tried their best to save her losses.

No, a fan girl of Mrs. Zipperton appeared in front of her.

Yang Cheng wanted to laugh a little. The Zhao family was a supporter of the Elephant Party and also a supporter of Donald, but Zhao Anqi's best friends supported the rivals, and she didn't know if the two would fight for it.

He was fascinated by what he thought, and laughed unconsciously, which resulted in two pairs of sanitary balls.

"What are you laughing at? Didn't you hear what we just said?" Zhao Anqi threw a paper ball and asked.

Yang Cheng touched her head angrily, "Sorry, I'm thinking about other things, what did you say?"

Zhao Anqi was not good at flirting and cursing in front of her girlfriends, so she had to repeat it, "Yu Ling asked you just now, what do you think of the sudden emergence of Donald, does Mrs. Zipperton really have no chance?"

Yang Cheng asked deliberately, "Sister An Qi is more suitable for answering this question than me, right?"

He doesn't want to show too much ZZ tendency in front of outsiders, and is easy to keep someone talking. Although Yuling is Zhao Anqi's best friend, he is not his own acquaintance after all.

"Quickly say~" Zhao Anqi held her small fist to demonstrate to Yang Cheng, not to mention, it was quite cute.

"OK, the point is that I don't know what to say~"

"Just tell me what you think of Donald's current achievements."

Speaking outside, you definitely can’t do as you want like talking to the old man. He carefully organizes the language in his heart and avoids sensitive topics as much as possible. This is the way to say, “Compared with other candidates, Donald has a good grasp of a new one. Group ticket warehouse."

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was a relatively novel answer, which caught the attention of Zhao Anqi.

"This brand-new group of votes is mainly from poor white men, and of course there are also some people of color and minority support."

When he said this, his eyes glanced at Zhao Anqi, and the other party had a feeling in his heart and gave him a vague look.

With a slight smile, he continued, "According to past statistics, there are approximately 220 million qualified voters in the United States, of which about one-third are registered as Elephant Party voters.

The New York Times published an analysis a while ago, stating that the secret of Donald’s success is that he created a new camp of voters.

This coincides with my point of view. Some poll results show that there are a large number of voters who are intolerant on religious, social, and racial issues in the composition of Donald’s voters.

The composition of voters who voted for Donald in the primary election White men with an annual income of less than US$50,000 and over 30 years old occupy an overwhelming majority. It can be seen that his supporters are mainly relatively poor white men. .

And it turns out that the vote of these voters is crucial!

There is an obvious contrast. In 2012, the candidate of the Elephant Party, Romney, also received support from Elephant Party voters with a college degree, but it took a lot of trouble to attract Elephant Party voters with lower academic qualifications.

This year, Donrad’s situation is just the opposite of Romney’s back then. Most elephants with low education are his staunch supporters.

It is important to know that the proportion of people with low education between 30 and 45 years old in this age group is as high as 65%, far more than their peers with a college degree or above, but they are increasingly marginalized in the process of American socio-economic development Groups.

To be more blunt, they have grievances in their hearts, they need support from ZF, they need to eat!

And supporting Donald is the ultimate way for blue-collar white voters to express their anger. "

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