Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1291: Dragon Stone

"Donald is aware of the feelings of helplessness at the bottom of American society, and the people at the bottom realize that the reality is far from ideal, their personal development is not as good as their parents, and the loss of employment opportunities abroad.

In recent public speeches, Donald has also repeatedly expressed his support for this group. This is the most important strategic orientation in his election campaign. He wants to convince those helpless people that if they become Helplessness is turned into anger, and when anger is turned into action, changes and achievements can be made.

From a psychological point of view, anger will inevitably produce a psychological demand for compensation.

Since we grew up here, we all understand how these Americans dislike being passive, they prefer to actively control the situation, so there is no doubt that Donald successfully used the anger of the voters to gather enough support for himself . "

As his voice fell, Anqi Zhao immediately followed, seeming to be pulling votes for supporters. "I agree with Jason's statement that Donald made full use of voters' anger at the stagnation or even decline in living standards.

He is like a ZZ catfish. The voters hope that his cynical and unobtrusive style will bring fresh air to the dreary Washington, wash away the greed, corruption and deceit of professional zhengers, and finally realize the ZZ revolution they expect. "

Yuling shook her head slightly, "I still like Mrs. Zipperton. Her image of a strong woman is too successful. If Donald has used the anger of low-level white men, then Mrs. Zipperton has just used the anger of women being oppressed and discriminated against for years In this regard, the two are evenly matched."

Zhao Anqi immediately shot back, "There is a saying that the soldiers must win. At present, most analysts generally believe that the mentality of the Elephant Party members is either depressed or depressed; while the Donkey Party members are either cautiously optimistic or confident but fearful.

It is true that the final result of the duel was full of variables, but Donald is currently in a state of mourning, and it is likely to set off a Jedi counterattack. Although Mrs. Zipton has gained the approval of most capitalists, she has lost the popular support. "

Seeing that the conversation between the two began to smell of gunpowder, Yang Cheng hurriedly stopped, "Well, we are just chatting in private, and the final result is not something we can decide in a few words. The quarrel is completely meaningless."

Zhao Anqi and Yuling smiled at the same time, "You misunderstood. We both like to debate since we were young. We want to convince each other to agree with us no matter what the problem. We have been used to it for so many years."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, and sighed. It's better to be tricked than the two really quarrel.

Zhao Anqi suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that Yuling is a volunteer in the election office of Mrs. Zipperton. What you say is likely to be recorded and used as big data to file for Mrs. Zipperton. Team analysis."

Yang Cheng's heart sank, and she was still not defended.

Yuling glanced over her beautiful eyes, "What are you kidding? Am I that kind of person?"

Turning his head and solemnly said to Yang Cheng, "Don't worry, there will not be a fourth person who knows these words except for the three of us. I understand your concerns, don't worry, even if you really want to cheat you, you can't be in An Qi's face. what."

"It means it's okay not to be in front of me?" Zhao Anqi looked like a guardian mad devil, with teeth and claws, eager to rush.

Yuling quickly stood up and avoided, "I'm afraid of you, crazy woman, well, we should go down now, I can't leave for too long."

Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi also followed, and An Qi asked, "What do you think about holding a jewelry party at night?"

Yuling blinked playfully, "I will take you to see a good thing in a while and you will know why, Jason, remember what you said just now."

Yang Cheng was stunned, then nodded, "Don't worry, as long as there are good things, I don't mind buying them for sister An Qi."

Yuling smiled meaningfully, and the smiling Yang Cheng had a creepy kick.

When I went downstairs, I couldn't help but ask, "It seems that Sister Yuling still has good goods?"

Yuling nodded frankly, "Of course, how can there be no good goods at the bottom of the box in a jewelry exhibition?"

After a pause, maybe it was because I thought it was boring to sell, so I simply said, "Forget it, tell you, this jewelry exhibition I have tried my best to bring a lot of good goods from Cartier, one of which is ready to be sent by Cartier. For the Hong Kong Autumn Auction, of course, if someone is willing to bid this time, they don’t have to wait that long, they can be taken away on the spot."

Yuling completely lifted her appetite, "It is a string of jade diamond necklaces, composed of 60 natural jade beads 11.7mm~14.5mm and 5 carat platinum diamond buckles. It is worth mentioning that the 60 jade beads are from the same It was cut out from a piece of jadeite rough, and the leftovers were made into earrings and brooches, which are included as a set."

Yang Cheng held his mouth and said nothing. If that's the case, it doesn't seem to be worthy of Yuling's big deal, right?

Yuling led them to the temporary safe, opened the safe, and the jade necklace hung on the black prosthesis appeared in front of her eyes.

Yang Cheng inadvertently swept away, suddenly stunned, "This ~ this is a dragon stone?"

Generally everyone knows the imperial green of glass, but they don't know that there is another kind of jade that can be compared or even better.

However, it is almost a legendary existence, rare in the world, and even Yang Cheng has never seen it. The superb glass type Emperor Green Jade is the dream lover of thousands of cui fans, and the dragon stone type can make it overshadowed by the price. Because it is scarce, it is also the imperial green of rolled glass.

And now, right in front of him, Yang Cheng was thinking about the description of the dragon stone species in the book before, and staring at the necklace: thick and emerald, with the spread of hummus; making the sun and the moon bow, the mountains and rivers Pale.

This is the ancient description of the dragon stone species. Yang Cheng believed that the jade beads in front of him should be such an exaggerated description.

They are pure, smooth and delicate like silk, warm and luminous under LED lights specially adjusted to imitate natural light.

The rough dragon stone species generally grows in caves. It has the characteristics of warm in winter and cool in summer. The head is full and full, which makes people feel that water is about to overflow at any time, because it is the top species in jade, and it is hard to find a rare dragon like a dragon. , Also known as "the dragon species."

A piece of rough stone is hard to come by, and Cartier smashed it extravagantly. He pulled out 60 round beads and strung it into a necklace. It was extremely luxurious!

Yang Cheng's breathing slowly became rapid, as if she saw a peerless beauty lying in front of her in a cool, no one could not be moved.

Look at the beads with full heads of water, crystal clear, like a clear spring, bringing a hint of coolness to his eyes, the faint fluorescence is like cold moonlight, but it has a silk-like smooth and delicate texture, and evenly distributed light green , Echoes with the shiny diamond buckle, like a peerless beauty calling you.

nice! Unparalleled and impeccable beauty!

The beauty is so beautiful that Yang Cheng feels that no one can match it. The beauty in the popular sense cannot wear a fresh and refined temperament. Only those women who have their own fairy qi and are incompetent are qualified to wear it!

He has decided to take this necklace regardless of the amount of money, but he will not give it to Zhao Anqi. He believes that one day, he will find a beautiful woman who fits perfectly with him.

In fact, Zhao Anqi also understood, and smiled bitterly, "It's so beautiful, I don't dare to wear this necklace for me."

Although Yuling had seen it countless times, she felt palpitations for it every time.

Hearing Zhao Anqi's excuse, I was anxious, "Don't let Jason give it to you. Even if you don't wear it, you can watch it at home. After giving it to you, I can watch it every day."

Zhao Anqi said sternly, "Don't make trouble, tell me the truth how much is this necklace?"

Yuling was discouraged, "I don't know, the starting price marked by Cartier is 15 million US dollars~"

"What? The starting price is 15 million?" Zhao Anqi was taken aback. She hadn't seen more expensive jewellery, but the starting price was set so high, wouldn't you be afraid of losing it?

Yuling nodded weakly, "Yes, it is said that this necklace has been exhibited many times since it was made, but Cartier firmly stated that it was shot, but after a few trial shots, due to various reasons, it could not be finally The deal is still in Cartier's hands.

So this time Cartier tried to change its mindset. If a private person is willing to offer a price that Cartier is satisfied with, there is no need to waste time at the auction. "

Yang Cheng was still staring at the necklace, squeezing her chin and rubbing her chin, "Do you know what Cartier's psychological price is?"

Yuling shook her head, "They didn't say, but I guess it won't come without 30 million."

Zhao Anqi doesn't know what to say, 30 million, of course, it does not refer to Japanese yen or Thai baht, but US dollars. If it is converted into RMB, it costs 200 million. If you spend 200 million to buy a string of stone beads, you are crazy?

Yes, even if jade is beautiful, isn't it still a kind of stone? Zhao Anqi didn't think she was wrong.

"30 million, or at least, MD, suddenly feels so poor, and my previous words seem to be fulfilled, no money~"

Yang Cheng's eyes seemed to be falling into a I couldn't extricate myself from it. When talking, he didn't turn his head.

"Okay, let's go out after enjoying it. Later, this necklace will be displayed. It will work better at night. This is why I organize the Midnight Jewelry Show."

Yang Cheng pressed the steel door that was about to be closed, "Wait, let me think about it again."

Zhao Anqi hurriedly pulled Yang Cheng back aside, "Are you crazy? You really want to buy it? I spent tens of millions of dollars on a bunch of stones, and you said you have no money?"

Yang Cheng's thinking is different, "The amount of dragon stone species in the world is too small. I bought it as an investment, and it will only become more and more expensive in the future."

Of course, he didn't say what he wanted to give to a suitable beauty in his heart. After all, it was too much.

If it's just investment, Zhao Anqi won't be able to say much. After all, everyone knows the value of this necklace. Maybe the value of the necklace will increase faster than the currency depreciation in the future.

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