Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1292: 0 taste life (1)

"Sister Yuling? Discuss to give a 50% discount, I will transfer it now."

Yang Cheng was shamelessly approaching Yuling and cut the price in half. People who didn't know thought they were buying pork, because pork is quite expensive recently. . .

Zhao Anqi can't afford to lose this person, so don't go too far and don't hear it.

"Jason, if I can call the shots, let alone 50% off, both 2% and 3% off are okay, but this necklace belongs to Cartier. If you are really interested, you might as well contact Cartier directly. By the way, you can let me see it from time to time. It’s better to watch."

Yang Cheng nodded unwillingly, "Where are Cartier's people? Call him, I'll talk to him~"

When such precious jewellery is exhibited outside, Cartier will definitely send someone to guard it 24 hours a day. In addition, there must be people from the insurance company. Once the treasure is stolen, the insurance company’s People may act as witnesses to testify for the insured party's compensation, but at that point, the insurance company will definitely find thousands of reasons to refuse compensation.

There is not much digression, Hong Yuling quickly found the person in charge of Cartier, but the other party did not have the right to decide, and reported at all levels, and finally told the person who could call the matter. Cartier said that he would wait for someone to come to the door tomorrow. talk.

Yang Cheng also felt that it was too late today, so he reluctantly took a last look before leaving the vault with Zhao Anqi.

I waited until the end of the zero o'clock exhibition and went out for a late night snack with Hong Yuling. Except for Yang Cheng yawning, the two ladies looked like they had just woke up, and they didn't see sleepiness at all. Don't want to admire Yang Cheng.

"Two elder sisters, do you want to eat by yourself? I'll go home to make up my sleep first, it's too sleepy."

In Zhao Anqi's car, Yang Cheng was sitting in the co-pilot, yawning after yawning, tears in her eyes.

But obviously, the two ladies didn't want to let him go easily, "No, you can't go. Who will give us the bag after you leave?"

Yuling was joking, but Yang Cheng couldn't tell whether he was serious or joking at this time. Anyway, his mouth widened because of surprise, so that he could suffocate the next fist. "Carrying a bag? I can hire someone to carry a bag for you. ?"

After a pause, looking at the dark night outside, he said, "Besides, you are still going to go shopping at this time? There is no street to go shopping?"

Yuling looked at Yang Cheng contemptuously, "Are you really born in New York? Don't you know that New York's nickname is Never Sleeping City?"

Zhao Anqi also followed Ying He said, "That is, besides, we are not going to go shopping, but can't we go to the bar to listen to jazz or just go to the party?"

Yang Cheng's brain almost stopped turning, speaking purely by inertia, "You two who are almost 100 years old together, you still have a nightlife?"

This is good. Women are the most taboo to be called old. They usually cause one to fall apart, and they provoke two middle-aged women at the same time. As a result, apart from the end of the world, there is really no better description.

On Fifth Avenue in the early hours of the morning, a black Mercedes-Benz reflected by bright lights was walking snake-like on the wide road. The reason was that two angry women beat up a young man in a driving car, and the driver was victimized. The person was injured several times by mistake, so that the steering wheel was not stable. Fortunately, it was early morning and there were not many cars on the street, otherwise a series of car accidents would have to be caused.

The Mercedes-Benz went straight to 14th Avenue, and the driver didn't use navigation all the way. It seemed that Zhao Anqi came often.

This is a Cuban restaurant specializing in spicy girl style. It is open 24 hours. At this time, people who enjoy supper in the restaurant did not pay much attention to the brightly dressed Yang Cheng three. This is Manhattan, living in the upper city, And living in Xiacheng has already formed a routine.

Moreover, this is not a Hell's Kitchen. It is common for the wealthy in the upper city to come over and enjoy a delicious supper.

The store operates authentic Cuban food. Zhao Anqi said that the taste is very authentic, but it tastes like that in Yangcheng. It is a good choice to come for a toothpaste occasionally, but it doesn't make him remember to eat frequently.

In addition, eating fried cheese pork chops in the middle of the night, God knows how heavy the burden is on the body, although he is not a person who values ​​health too much, he does not want to toss himself so much.

On the other hand, the two women tasted without shame, and even thought it was not enough. They ordered an extra Cuban-style pasta. Yang Cheng didn’t know what to say anymore, so he reluctantly ate a few chips and sat there. daze.

Yuling stretched out her hand and shook it before his eyes, jokingly, "Isn't she stupid?"

Yang Cheng replied in an angry tone, "You are stupid. It should be said that you are scared and stupid."

Anqi Zhao covered her mouth and smiled, "Don’t be surprised, we both have a lot of these secret bases. They are all inconspicuous small restaurants. The taste is in the upper-middle level, but what we eat is the atmosphere, not the taste. You come to experience it once, isn't it good?"

Yang Cheng looked around and found that this small restaurant really condensed all the flavors of life, and all kinds of people can be found in this small restaurant.

For example, the person sitting at the table next to them is an elite of Wall Street. Judging from the briefcase he put on his seat and the meticulous big back, there is a high probability that he is a lawyer serving capitalists, and he has reached Partner level.

Because he can see that the suit is tailor-made by the The selected materials are matched with classic but timeless dark patterns. The price of a single set should be between 10,000 and 10,000 US dollars. It is in line with the positioning of a lawyer partner.

Look at the two men at the table diagonally in front of them, one middle-aged, one young, one fat and one thin. They are likely to be long-distance drivers, father and son. In Europe and America, such long-distance freight drivers earn a little. No less than high-level white-collar workers, of course, the sweat is several times that of white-collar workers, and the inheritance of the father’s career occurs frequently in this industry.

The father is the son’s teacher and coach. He brings it out and teaches the experience of running long distances all his life, giving his son a meal, and then retiring with peace of mind. This is the most realistic aspect of the West, not the exaggerated exaggeration in TV dramas and movies. This dream that dream~

What surprised Yang Cheng most was the old man sitting at the door with gray hair. The folds on his face almost caught up with Goubuli Baozi, but his eyes were extremely bright. It was almost one o'clock in the morning. Not only is there no sleepiness, but mentally abnormal. He eats a hamburger like a 20-something guy with a good appetite.

The reason why he was surprised is that the old man accidentally exposed the watch on his wrist, which is a customized version of Vacheron Constantin's Attic Craftsman series!

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