Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1302: 3 questions about the devil

At noon the next day, Liu Yun personally went to the "vogue" company and asked Anna Wintour out for lunch.

When they arrived at the reserved restaurant, Yang Cheng and Bi Xiafu had been waiting for a long time.

Yang Cheng personally went to NBC to pick up Bi Xia Fu from the restaurant, and after a while, he was responsible for sending it back.

Today, Bi Xiafu wore a capable suit with a white silk shirt inside, her long hair curled up high, and her feet on pointed high heels, fully deducing the style of a strong woman in the workplace.

When he was in the car, Yang Cheng also praised Bi Xiafu's outfit.

Lunch is at the asiate restaurant in Mandarin Oriental. This new American restaurant is known as the back garden restaurant in New York. It is one of the most beautiful restaurants in the world. It sits on the 35th floor and dines while overlooking Central Park and the Manhattan skyline. , Is definitely a kind of enjoyment, of course, it is not the best viewing time yet, the charming sunset and the bright lights are the most beautiful moments.

When Liu Yun and Anna Wintour were not here, Yang Cheng and Bi Xiafu enjoyed the fascinating scenery in advance.

"It's so beautiful, it's a pity that Francis didn't come." Bishafu said with regret.

Yang Cheng was dissatisfied, "Hey, you ignore me too much, right?"

Amused by Yang Cheng's aggrieved expression, Bi Xiafu got up and sat on the floor of Yang Cheng, reaching out and holding his arm, "Is this all right?"

These second-generation New Yorkers, who are about the same age, grew up together and have never made any jokes. This level is nothing. Bishafu is only one year older than Yang Cheng. "Not bad~"

Bishafu smiled and slapped him. It seems that her boyfriend is not there and the standards have been released. This is how Americans are. Before they get married, who can guarantee 100% loyalty to whom? The most important thing is to be happy. Of course, you must pay attention to it after marriage, except for those who have fun!

"Speaking of, I haven't seen my mother for a few days, so I miss her." Bi Xiafu lightly leaned on Yang Cheng, her eyes drifting away along the lush Central Park.

"Huh? You moved out of the house?" Yang Cheng asked.

"I moved out a long time ago. In fact, Anna doesn't approve of me being with Francis. She had conflicts with Frank, that is, Francis' father." Bishafer said helplessly.

"So she stopped you?"

Bishafer shook his head, "No, Anna will never do this. She just expresses her attitude, but does not chase any decision that prevents me."

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully. At this moment, he saw Liu Yun and Anna Wintour appearing one after another around the corner, immediately stood up, and even pulled Bisha Fu up, "They are here. ~"

She is indeed the devil of "vogue". No matter what the occasion, her dress is the most dazzling one. In New York, no one doesn't seem to know her. Once she appeared in the restaurant, she immediately attracted the attention of the audience, and her strong aura seemed to be Walking with wind, without squinting, came straight to Yang Cheng.

"Anna, let me introduce you~" Liu Yun wanted to rush to introduce, but who thought of Anna Wintour, but offered her hand, "No introduction, I know you, Jason Yang."

Listening to this tone, it seems to know how honored you are, but no one can say anything. You all know that the character of the ‘devil’s head’ is changeable, and that people have the strength and confidence to say so.

Yang Cheng shook both hands to show respect, "Good day, Ms. Wintour."

Anna took off her brown sunglasses, "You can call me Anna~"

After saying this, he looked at his daughter, "Why are you here?"

Bishafu stepped forward and took his mother’s arm. He didn’t know if he had forgotten the good words or didn’t intend to use it. He said frankly, “Jason invited me to be a lobbyist, but I told him. You won’t listen to my opinion, so don’t care about me, I’m just here to eat.”

Then he exchanged a few words with Liu Yun, everyone is acquaintance, no nonsense, Yang Cheng ordered the waiter to take the food, and then invited everyone to take a seat.

Before her **** touched the chair, Anna said directly, "I know your purpose for inviting me to lunch. I want to hear you answer my questions in person."

Yang Cheng was worthy of being a devil, and didn't play the cards according to the routine at all, but he didn't panic either, and while adding wine to Bixiafu, he responded, "Of course, this is also the reason why I asked to meet and talk."

Anna nodded with satisfaction, "First, what is your purpose for acquiring Condé Nast?"

Yang Cheng had a draft for a long time, "The influence of Condé Nast magazines still exists. Even in the decline of this traditional media today, of course, what I value most is that "vogue" is the master version of global fashion magazines. It still has the same Oscars. magic.

In the past few years, I have invested in several fashion companies. I plan to integrate them and formally enter the fashion industry. I need the **** of "vogue" magazine. "

Anna immediately asked questions, "Then you can choose to cooperate with me instead of acquiring."

Regarding this question, Yang Cheng’s answer is unacceptable, but unable to refute, “I don’t like being controlled by others, and I have money, so it’s easier for me to exert influence after acquisition.”

This reason is very good and powerful. Even Anna couldn't find the fault. "OK, second question, you want me to be the CEO of Condé Nast. What is the reason?"

Yang Cheng raised three fingers, "There are three reasons. First, your ability and talent should not be limited to "vogue" magazine;

2. Condé Nast’s management has a lot of old-fashioned elements. What I need is an obedient management, not a greedy person who asks me every day and asks for this;

3. For a group company to change its owner, there must be a strong person who is recognized by all employees to comfort people. You are the best candidate. "

Anna pondered do you think I will listen to you? "

Yang Cheng opened his hands, "Don’t get me wrong, I won’t blindly command. Our Z state’s saying is “No doubt, no doubt, no use. I chose you. I will definitely give you the greatest degree of freedom. Full decentralization is my promise. .

The only requirement is that when I need you and the company to do things for me, whether it's public or private, I don't want to hear objections. "

Regardless of how strong Anna Wintour is, when facing real capital, she is just a **** on the chessboard. It may be a rook or a gun, but neither can determine her own destiny.

If Anna didn't have this awareness, she wouldn't be able to stand in the fashion circle for decades, and she would be more powerful than before.

Sure enough, Anna didn't say anything about Yang Cheng's words, as if tacitly acquiescing, but just continued to ask, "The third question, I am almost 70 years old. How many years are you going to use me for?"

Yang Cheng smiled and did not answer this question, but instead asked, "How many more years do you think you can do it?"

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