Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1303: Celebrities also want loans

"Do you think you can do a few more years?"

"It’s until the day I can’t do it~"

Yang Cheng doesn’t comment on this answer. She doesn’t think she can do it, but her boss thinks. This kind of thing is unreasonable, even if the other party is 3 or 40 years old, if the boss thinks you can’t do it. Now, you just can’t do it for no reason.

Therefore, Yang Cheng couldn't answer this question. In fact, the female devil understood it herself, but she was not convinced, and she was in a good state of mind. This is not a job that requires physical strength. Why does everyone think she is going to retire?

It was precisely because of this dissatisfaction that she agreed to meet, otherwise, with her character, even if the person who invited Liu Yun, the figure known as the ‘Second Devil’, would not be enough to make her come out and meet.

Everyone was silent for a while, no one spoke, and the atmosphere became a little awkward. Bishafer didn’t want the conflict between his friends and relatives, so he hurriedly jumped out to make ends meet, “I’d rather retire early and enjoy life. The world is so beautiful. Always look around."

Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, "When I ask the shipyard to build a luxury adventure yacht, I will invite you to travel the world together."

Bishafu took it seriously, "I'm looking forward to it~"

The two people fooled Anna Wintour’s third question with a few words, so that Anna looked at her daughter’s face and didn’t say much. Instead, she said, “For now, I’m willing to accept yours. Invitation, but can you make sure to acquire Condé Nast Group?"

If this confidence is not there, the price would be too low. "Don’t worry, my people are already taking action. Condé Nast’s major shareholders are not firm in their will. There is no big problem with the shares in their hands. The only thing I worry about is the management’s efforts. Things like strikes and the like."

Anna Wintour is equally confident, "You don’t have to worry about this. As long as you succeed in the acquisition, I am confident of maintaining the stability of the group. However, I need your full support when the time comes. I have always only one principle for disobedient people: Get out. !"

Yang Cheng believes in Anna’s ability and has never doubted it, "In addition, I will tell you in advance that I have reached a sponsorship agreement with Mr. John Rupert of Richemont Group. Originally, I was going to use the headline app. But now, I decided to put this sponsorship on Condé Nast or "Vogue". It is obvious that 30 million US dollars sponsored the Richemont golf tournament. You decide which brand to use."

This is regarded as a gift to Anna Wintour to take office, Anna gladly accepted, "No problem, I will be responsible for implementation when I officially take over."

"Cheers, for our cooperation." Yang Cheng substitutes water for wine, and she will drive Bisha Fu later.

"Cheers, for our cooperation~" Anna smiled confidently. Obviously, she was still very fond of Yang Cheng. Otherwise, let alone cooperation with her character, it would be possible to turn her face on the spot and leave.

Because of the cooperation, the next lunch was extremely pleasant. I personally sent away my mother and Anna, and turned to Bisha Fu and said, "Send you back to the company?"

Also because of the happily drank a few more glasses of Bishafer, her slightly drunk state made her eyes a little blurred, but a few glasses of red wine would not be drunk, but it is not suitable for going to the company, she shook her head slightly, "No, trouble. Will you take me home? Take a rest and finish the plan by the way."

Yang Cheng intimately opened the co-pilot's door, and personally helped her get into the car, amused Bishafer, "I'm not too drunk to walk."

Seeing her sitting firmly, she joked as she closed the door, "This is a gentleman's demeanor, it can't be wasted."

Accompanied by sweet laughter, Yang Cheng returned to the driver's side and quickly started the car to join the traffic flow, "Sorry, do you return to Long Island or your home? If it is your own home, you need to give directions."

Anna Wintour’s home is on Long Island. Bishafer had been living in the house before and only recently moved out with her boyfriend.

"Of course, go back to my home, let me see, turn right ahead, we need to go around to Ten Avenue."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "I remember that your house has a property near Central Park. You used to have parties there before, was it there?"

Bishafu was surprised, "You have a good memory, what year was it? I hadn't moved out of the house at that time."

Yang Cheng smiled triumphantly, "Of course, I still remember what happened to you."

Bishafer pressed the car window down a gap, and the breeze instantly melted in, bringing up some hair. Anyway, there was no outsider. She simply untied the first rope and let her long hair fall. At this time, an orange setting sun struck down. , Shined on her profile, coupled with scattered hair, this moment is very charming.

Fortunately, there are no cars in front of him, otherwise Yang Cheng, who was lost for a while, would cause a car accident.

"Did you smear honey on your mouth?"

After a pause, I answered Yang Cheng's question, "The property has been bought, and the house price has risen a lot in recent years. Anna just wanted to expand the Long Island manor, and someone paid a high price, so she sold it.

I now live in a traditional community on Tenth Avenue. The residents nearby are either doctors or lawyers. The atmosphere is great and public security is guaranteed. "

Yang Cheng didn't know the specific location she was talking about, but she hadn't heard of any luxury housing projects on Ten Avenue. In his subconscious, Bi Xiafu should live in an apartment near the Central Park, which was in line with her socialite status.

But I have to say that he still underestimated this stubborn girl, she didn't seem to regard herself as a celebrity from beginning to end.

Looking at the residential building in front of him that looked like an ordinary community in a third-tier city in Country Z, Yang Cheng didn't know what to say. If he remembers correctly, not far from here is the famous Hell's Kitchen.

Of course, the Hell’s Kitchen is just a general term for the dirty and messy places in the United States. The Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan is located in the Clinton District. It used to be worthy of its name, but now with the reorganization and planning of ZF and the influx of more young people. Entering, this place is not what it used to be, not only rarely sees gangsters on the streets, but even the environment has become tidy.

The most important thing is that today's'Hell's Kitchen', or Clinton District, is already a famous food district in Manhattan. More and more restaurants have sprung up here, directly stimulating the flow of people here, land prices and housing prices There has been a sharp rise. Nowadays, most of the people living here are ordinary white-collar workers, and there are not a few middle-class people. Overall, it is a good residential area.

But it was Bi Xiafu that puzzled Yang Cheng. No matter how bad she was, she wouldn't live here, right? Although most Americans are self-reliant in adulthood, it is also aimed at ordinary families.

For girls like Bishafu born with a golden spoon, the road from childhood to adulthood has been arranged. Yang Cheng originally thought that she was a producer of talk shows, but it was her hobby, and she didn’t want to waste time at home. In the trivial matter, who would have thought that she would really live as an ordinary show producer.

At this moment, sitting in the Ferrari car, looking at Yang Cheng in this residential area from the car window, she has no idea what to say.

On the contrary, Bishafu pointed upstairs calmly, "The apartment I bought with a loan is pretty good, right?"

Yang Cheng said perfunctorily, "Well~ it's okay."

"Would you like to go up and sit down?"

Yang Cheng froze for a moment, "Now? Where is your boyfriend?"

Bishafu inserted five fingers with his right hand into the hair and stroked back, "I don't want to? Forget it."

Yang Cheng looked uncomfortable, and she pushed the door and got out of the car, "Just kidding, what's wrong with this, I'm just afraid your boyfriend will misunderstand."

Bi Xiafu smiled and got out of the car. His high heels stepped on the slab-paved road with a crunch, "He is at work, and I just invited you up for a cup of coffee. Thank you for taking me home." What's the misunderstanding?"

When she said this, Bi Xiafu bit her lip lightly, her meaningful eyes and Yang Cheng stared at each other, and her eyes were full of abuse.

Everyone said that. Yang Cheng was not a hypocritical character. He locked the car and politely smiled at the young man who was passing by and was taking pictures of his car. He joked, "Remember not to take us in."

The young man was not embarrassed either. "Thank you buddy, you know, we don't often show Ferrari here."

Bi Xiafu led the way. After walking a few steps, he heard Yang Cheng chatting with strangers. It was really speechless.

Angrily stood aside, but didn't urge.

"Like Ferrari?"

The young man has a dirty braid with a reggae wind, and he looks like a white skin and a black heart. "No one doesn’t love Ferrari, but I prefer red. That is Ferrari’s most Xing color scheme. Although your white is also very beautiful, But not my food."

This young man was very confident. He was not timid because Yang Cheng drove a luxury car. After all, he just chatted a few words on a whim. Yang Cheng didn't want to talk about him, and pointed to his F12, "Then take it slowly. , UU reading I am leaving."

"OK, go slow buddy, by the way, do you want a small umbrella?" The young man smirked at Yang Orange and winked, and kept murmuring in Bi Xiafu's direction, which was self-evident.

Yang Cheng didn't bother to care about him, and went into the apartment building with Bi Xiafu on his own, and got on the old elevator. Yang Cheng put his hands in his pockets and suddenly asked, "Your boyfriend didn't pay for this house?"

Bishafer wondered, "Why did he pay for it? This is my house? And I paid the loan myself."

Yang Cheng patted his forehead and subconsciously brought into the thinking of Chinese people. The United States does not like this. This may be one of the reasons why the divorce rate of young Americans is so high. "When I didn't say, your home is on several floors. ?"

I just saw it outside. The building in this residential area should have been remodeled later. It is about 10 stories high. It must be incomparable to the 4 or 50-story skyscrapers on Fifth Avenue, but it is also more lively. The taste of it is not so unattainable.

"On the 8th floor, I wanted to buy the top floor with a terrace, but the price is much more expensive than this one, so I can't afford it~"

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