Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1305: Next night

"Allen Show" is a season broadcast. The talk show itself has nothing to do with it. In fact, so far, the talk show has reached the ceiling and there is basically no possibility of further expansion, but Why are talk shows still outdated in the United States?

Or because it is classic enough, the classic things will never go out of style, just like all mobile phones in the past seek changes in color, but the apple that turned out to use the simplest and most classic black and white two colors, has won the aesthetics of almost everyone in the world Recognition

There are also those popular models that have been updated over the past few decades. The general appearance and features have always maintained the most classic taste, but only the details have been changed. Why do consumers still pay?

The reason is that although humans are always greedy for progress, in some respects, they are the most nostalgic animals. Once they are used to a form, it is difficult to change.

Especially for the demand for entertainment, classic old songs have always occupied the highest share of the hard drive, and talk shows are the same. Various unexpected and innovative variety shows are emerging one after another, but it is always a day of aesthetic fatigue. After turning around the TV station, people found that, It’s the talk show that is the most conducive to watching. If you can make some fresh attempts on this basis, it will easily be recognized by the public.

American talk shows are divided into two categories according to their broadcast time: one is daytime talk show and the other is late night talk show.

The daytime talk show is broadcast during the day, and the content of the program is relatively healthy and involves topics such as life and emotions.

The late-night talk show is generally broadcast after 11 pm, and the content of the program is bolder. It is normal to make colorful jokes on various social hot spots and ZZ news, and it is also in line with the habit of human adrenaline soaring in the late night. .

In further breakdown, the talk show column can be divided into four sub-categories: First, news category, including morning news, news discussions, analysis and talk shows;

Second, comedy talk shows, including various late-night shows, win the audience’s laughter with comical humor. This kind of show often invites popular stars in the cultural and sports circles to come as guests. Pranks and ridicules are constant themes. I also like to see big celebrities embarrassed, it will be very substitute.

Thirdly, interpersonal relations, self-help, psychology and daily life programs are not worth mentioning. Yang Cheng tried his best to dig Bi Xiafu over, not to make a program that explores human nature, or a story about moral degeneration. No interest at all.

Fourth, it is a special talk show made for audiences with special needs, including financial management and business consulting programs, religious and spiritual revelations, pets, and children’s programs. These are probably programs made for special groups. This type of comparison The niche can set up special programs on the basis of one program.

In general, Yang Cheng’s goal is to create a talk show that can compete with late-night shows. The target audience is wider and more entertaining. Only if it is entertaining, there will be topics. When there are topics, there will be heat. With the popularity, it means that the ratings are steadily rising, the amount of advertising will increase, and the influence of the TV station will become stronger.

All of these are cascading effects, and whether the ultimate goal can be achieved depends entirely on whether the program can be an instant success.

Putting down Bishafer’s planning book, Wei Wei turned to face Bishafer, and said, “As you know, CW TV’s current live broadcast ecology of major events has a special program before each event to warm up the event. , The host will bet with the guests to predict the outcome of the game as a gimmick, mobilizing the enthusiasm of the audience.

Of course, this idea is not new. The key is that the guests invited in the show are the objects that the audience loves to hear. We invited people at a high price, coupled with classic timeless bridges, and initially achieved success.

So, can we consider integrating and fine-tuning the pre-heating programs on this basis, and use a talk show every Friday night to analyze and summarize the games last week. Of course, all kinds of ridicules are not a joke. Avoid, and at the same time predict the upcoming event weekend, it is best to think of some gimmick to get the audience to actively participate in it, such as predicting the prize money.

Start with sports as the main body, slowly transition to the entertainment circle, and finally extend to the focus of social current affairs. For example, like SNL, it hires full-time actors and interprets the hot events that have occurred in the past week through skits. Invite stars to participate in the performance, the effect should be better. "

As soon as the voice fell, Bisha Fu was slightly lost, "I think you are more like a professional program planner."

Yang Cheng didn’t want to hit her confidence. She pressed her shoulders, “hey, bee, you have to have confidence in yourself. I am not a professional after all. I can give some suggestions, but how to implement it depends on you, and our goals can be It's not about short-term earning extra money, but long-term occupation of viewership share and grabbing food from other TV stations. I can't go into battle in person, and I don't understand. Apart from you, who can I trust?"

With that said, Bi Xiafu felt better, and smiled, "I see, I am not discouraged, I will revise and improve this plan based on your opinions when I look back."

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "Well, take it easy. I believe you can do it. Take ten thousand steps. It's just a program. If you fail, you will fail. There will be no serious consequences. You can rest assured that you don't have to carry psychological baggage."

Bisha Fu breathed out again, "Thank you Jason, I didn't expect you to value me so much, I won't let you down."

The big hand rubbed Bishafer's head vigorously, "Don't say this, we are friends, aren't we?"

Bishafer blinked, "Of course, speaking of it, I really want to thank you for your help. In fact, I was considering resigning a few days ago."

"Huh? Why? Not happy with NBC?"

Bishafer put her leg down and tapped, "There are reasons for this, but you also know that the workplace is not friendly to women, even if my mother is Anna Wintour, outside of the fashion field, her name is also There is no guarantee that I will not be harmed by malicious intent."

Yang Cheng heard some implication, "Your boss?"

Bi Xiafu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Almost, but it's a higher level. You should guess that I was suppressed as a co-producer for 2 years because I didn't agree to his request for a date."

Yang Cheng thought, "This is the reason you hurriedly agreed to Francis' pursuit, right?"

Bishafu paused, "I can't hide anything from you."

"Is there anything I need to do? You know, as long as you speak, I have many ways to solve the scum."

Bi Xiafu was very moved, but when he thought of that person's power, he didn't want to cause trouble to Yang Orange. After all, that person was even a little afraid of her mother.

"Forget it, I have completed the resignation report. When I hand it in, this matter will be over. I don't believe that the other party dares to harass me after I leave. I am still Anna Wintour's daughter after all."

Yang Cheng smiled helplessly. Although it is not clear who is harassing Bishafu, from the look and tone of Bishafu, it is obviously not an ordinary person. It is also right. She dares to attack the female devil's daughter and has no ability. Just looking for death.

"OK, remember, everything still has me~"

This is a bit ambiguous, so I quickly changed my words, "and friends like us, you should know that once the power of our people bursts out, there are not many people in this country that can stop us."

Yang Orange's domineering burst of domineering instantly caused Bi Xiafu's heart to stop beating for a short time, even for a short time.

"Oh my God, haven't seen you for so many years, have you grown to this point? Time is terrible~" Bi Xiafu regained his calm and said with emotion from the heart.

Yang Cheng touched her nose, "Time is the most terrifying weapon, okay, you can rest well, I'll go now~"

Seeing Yang Cheng stand up, Bi Xiafu also got up, "Leave so soon?"

Yang Cheng suddenly remembered the weird smile of the young man he had just met, and said something awkwardly, "If you don't leave, what do you want to do?"

This tone, this tone, Bishafu was also young, still don't understand?

In fact, her heart is itchy, especially if Yang Cheng’s domineering side leaked just now, it really made ripples in her heart. If something happened while pushing the boat down the water while drinking at noon, it’s still possible. The latter thing is not right or wrong.

But now she is sober, making mistakes again is a matter of principle.

But she still took a step forward, smiled charmingly, stood on her tiptoe and pecked on Yang Cheng's cheek, then stepped back, "It's daytime now, don't move~"

Yang Cheng knew what she meant, and left Bi Xiafu's house after leaving a word worthy of fun.

"It seems next time I see you, we must make an appointment till evening."

Bisha Fu didn't dislike this kind of half-joking and half-serious words, but just pushed people out of the door like a slapstick, everything was silent.

Back downstairs, a few newcomers were taking pictures of Ferrari. Yang Cheng didn’t urge him, but quietly smoked a cigar in the back. Until the person taking pictures dispersed, he slowly got into the car and went down. The upper person glanced at the location of Bishafer's house, and laughed inexplicably, only half of the cigar left was thrown to the ground. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, Ferrari screamed away.

On the way back to the company, Liu Yun called, "Anna has a good impression of you."

Yang Cheng was still reminiscing about Bi Xiafu's soft kiss before leaving, and was unable to spit out, "It's like the first time I saw her. It's really exhausting to chat with her."

Liu Yun smiled, "Don't say that. In her spare time, Anna is still a good person, far less rigid than her work. You will know if you touch it a few times."

Yang Cheng shook her head, "Forget it, I can't afford it, except for work, I don't want to have contact with her for a second~"

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