Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1306: Anna's relationship

In the evening, Yang Cheng, who was going to go home for dinner, appeared on the Jason who was flying to Washington.

Also with Zhao Anqi.

At this moment, the two men sat facing each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the plane was fighting against gravity.

"Why look at me like that?" Zhao Anqi asked aloud when Yang Cheng stared at me, awkwardly.

Yang Cheng was really depressed, "I wanted to spend the weekend at home."

Anqi Zhao asked dissatisfiedly, "So you are not happy to spend the weekend with me?"

The desire to survive broke out, and he laughed a few times, "How is it possible? I haven't been to Washington DC for a while, so I can just go shopping~"

Zhao Anqi snorted softly, kicked off her high heels and changed to sitting cross-legged, looking at the backward clouds outside the window, and said, "I don't want to stay at home either, just take advantage of the opportunity to go to Washington to come out and breathe."

Yang Cheng pretended not to understand, making it the same as stealing, but also drunk.

"Is it for Collins?"

Zhao Anqi hummed, "Last time I asked you to help spread the message, there is no news since then, the eldest sister is not relieved, so I have to go there in person."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "The words must have arrived, but there is no reply. Is Collins still thinking about it? Didn't make up his mind?"

"It's hard to say, Collins is a very cunning man. He has never suffered a loss in cooperation with us in the past, this time..."

After a long pause, "I can't say that too~"

"But even if you go to Washington, you won't see Collins." Yang Cheng reminded, while also implying not to ask him for help.

Zhao Anqi heard the overtones and glared at him angrily, "I know, don't worry about it, I just want you to be with me, I will be afraid~"

Speaking of this from a strong female population in her 40s, it is really a violation, but Yang Cheng can understand that Washington is no different from Shura Hell to a certain extent. If there is no strong backing, it is easy to go alone. The death is unclear.

Of course, Yang Cheng is not a big backer, but when two people are together, they are better than one. To put it bluntly, they seek psychological comfort. This is a woman's fear of the unknown.

"Well, have you booked the room?"

"Of course, housing and transportation are arranged, you don't have to worry about it."

Yang Cheng was so happy that he didn't talk about it anymore.

After arriving in Washington, the hotel arranged a vehicle to drive directly to the tarmac to pick up the two and their respective bodyguards, and head to the Fairfax Hotel in the embassy area. The elegant style of the American golden age is the largest in Fairfax. The hotel is not far from several important places and scenic spots, about 15 minutes by car, very convenient, and located in the embassy area, the environment is quiet and will not be disturbed.

Zhao Anqi directly booked two presidential suites, one for the bodyguards, and the two lived in the other.

As soon as he entered the door, Yang Cheng was about to change clothes, but was stopped by Zhao Anqi, "Don't worry, the time is almost here, I have an appointment."

Yang Cheng really wanted to lie on the ground and roll around, and said pitifully, "Can I not go?"

Anqi Zhao tilted her head and pretended to be thinking very seriously, and then replied simply, "No~"

The expected answer, Yang Cheng was dragged away like a dead fish. After walking out of the hotel, she arrived at a restaurant with a small door. There was neither welcome nor parking brother outside the door. Very deserted.

However, Zhao Anqi introduced, “This is a private restaurant opened by the family members of the legislator. It only accepts appointments. The environment is private and the conversation will not be interrupted.”

Yang Cheng pouted, there are secrets in Washington?

After entering the door, a waiter greeted him immediately. After asking for the name of the reservation, he expressed a warm welcome and took the elevator to a private room on the 3rd floor. The food was not arranged for the time being before the guests arrived.

This kind of restaurant is set menu value, the ingredients are the freshest of the season, you don't need to waste time ordering by yourself, the chef will arrange the menu according to the different ingredients, which is very worry-free.

This small private room is decorated in a white gong style. Outside the window is the most common cherry blossom tree in Washington. It is hard to imagine that in a city with a strong ZZ atmosphere like Washington, there are such romantic trees planted.

"Who did you date?"

Anqi Zhao smiled mysteriously, "You will know when I see you soon~"

As soon as the voice fell, the door was knocked, and a woman who looked slightly older than Zhao Anqi walked in. She was taken aback when she first saw Yang Cheng, and then she hugged Zhao Anqi, "Anqi, you Still so beautiful."

"Jesse, you made fun of me again~"

Jesse? Yang Cheng muttered the name in her heart, as if she had heard it, but she didn't have the impression, let alone the specific identity, but she seemed to be very familiar with Zhao Anqi, so Yang Cheng also had to give face, smile and stand aside, and wait for the two to finish their greetings. Said, "I'm Jason Yang, nice to meet you."

The Chinese woman named Jessie pushed her glasses, a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see everything, circled back and forth on Zhao Anqi and Yang Cheng, "Jason Yang? Son of Yang Sen?"

Yang Cheng was really curious about what his father did when he was young, and there are acquaintances wherever he goes.

She smiled and nodded, "Yes, I didn't expect you to know it too."

Zhao Anqi smiled and patted Yang Cheng, "Your father's age is much older than ours, so we have to call brother when we meet. Is it weird to know each other?"

"No wonder, no wonder~"

Jesse also made an introduction, "My last name is Liu, but like An Qi, call me Jesse?"

Liu Jiexi's skin is dark, but she still retains the face of an Oriental, which makes Yang Cheng wonder if she is of mixed blood.

"Hello Jesse, please sit down~"

Zhao Anqi ordered the food to be served, and the service staff abide by the principle of confidentiality, and immediately withdraw from the private room after the food is served, leaving space for the guests.

The appetizer is Arctic cod, which is more rare than the common haddock here, the meat is more delicate and delicious, and the taste is good.

After a few Jessie took the initiative to get the topic on track, "Angie, you didn’t elaborate on the phone, and I didn’t understand it. Can you elaborate?"

Yang Cheng slumped his head to eat, as if he didn't care about this topic, but his ears were erected.

"The Collins matter, this person is very important, I need him to shut his mouth tightly." Zhao Anqi didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly.

Jesse looked more solemn, "Collins, yes, I think of this man, whose hands is he now? F~B~I?"

Zhao Anqi affirmed, "A subordinate of the detective named Kari~"

Glancing at Yang Cheng, "The relationship between Cary and Jason is pretty good."

Jessie hesitated for a moment, "I'll tell you the truth. Maybe it’s better to find the person in charge of Carrie than to me. You know where I am. I basically have no possibility of intervening in F~B~I. ."

Yang Cheng wondered what position this Jessie was, so the power shouldn't be small?

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