Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1307: Smart women can't have

"If Kari can help, I won't bother you." Zhao Anqi smiled bitterly.

Jesse didn't dare to ask more, after all, she was not familiar with Yang Cheng.

"Well, I can inquire about it through the side of my friend..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhao Anqi interrupted somewhat impolitely, "Sorry Jesse, it's urgent, it's not enough just to inquire, I need you to go all out~"

These words were no less than direct orders. Yang Cheng couldn't help but looked up at Zhao Anqi, and then at Jessie, she didn't look pretty.

"I hope this is the last time~"

Zhao Anqi smiled swiftly, there is no more kindness when we met just now, "Jesse, after listening to my terms, you can decide if this is the last time."

In a cruel society, only interests are eternal. After hearing Zhao Anqi's words, Jesse immediately cheered up. If it is an exchange of interests, attitude is not important.

"You know who we are supporting this time. Once we win, you will be DC's first Chinese federal prosecutor.

You should know the gold content of this position~"

Yang Cheng couldn't help but lament the Zhao family's handwriting. Washington DC's prosecutor's office is the largest among the 94 prosecutors' offices in the United States, with more than 300 prosecutors and employees.

This office is responsible for handling local and federal prosecution cases, including local criminal offences, homeland security cases, and bribery and corruption cases of federal officials. At the same time, this office also represents the departments and agencies of the Federal Court of Civil Litigation in the United States and Washington DC with equal powers Great.

And Jesse's identity is also ready to emerge. He can directly serve as a federal prosecutor, so at least he is currently at least a deputy prosecutor or a deputy attorney general or even an assistant to the attorney general.

Jesse is lost in thought, is there any value in this condition? Anyway, Yang Cheng was moved by it, let alone her in it?

However, although the conditions are good, it is not 100% successful. After all, the premise of this condition is that the objects supported by the Zhao family successfully reach the top, otherwise everything will be in vain.

Jesse questioned this, "What I need is a certain guarantee, not venture capital~"

Anqi Zhao smiled and shook her head, "Jessie, there is no absolute thing in this world. Everything requires a choice. I will provide you with choices, but I can't finish the road for you."

Jessie laughed awkwardly, disagreeing with Zhao Anqi's words, but she was too lazy to argue. Anyway, she decided that she would not see the rabbit or scatter the eagle. If you want to work hard, you must show sincerity. A guarantee is the basis.

Of course, from Zhao Anqi's perspective, Jesse's behavior is called insatiable.

The scene gradually cooled down, just like the first cold dish, which originally thought it tasted good, the more you eat, the more tasteless.

With a scream, Yang Cheng threw away the knife and fork, and Yang Cheng inexplicably started the fire, "This dish is cooked at a really bad level. It's cold so soon."

This at first sounds like a bone in the egg, nonsense, the hotter dishes will get cold after a long time.

But the two on the opposite side are both human spirits, how can you not hear what's in these words?

Obviously, you're insinuating Jesse, the dishes are always hot, you don't eat it and let it cool, but blame the dishes for not tasty, who blame? Can only blame yourself.

Zhao Anqi has already set out the conditions. If you feel dissatisfied, it does not mean that they are not sincere.

Of course, this is a typical case of helping the relatives and ignoring them. The two women on the opposite side are undoubtedly Zhao Anqi who is his own. Does this kind of scene help his opponent to help his opponent? Go crazy!

Zhao Anqi smiled, but the little guy knew it hurts.

But she didn't want Yang Cheng to have a stalemate with Jessie, at least not because of herself, so she hurriedly said, "It's cold? Just let the kitchen get hotter again. What's your temper?"

While speaking, he touched Yang Cheng's leg under the table, and accepted it when he expressed his opinion.

Jesse's complexion was slightly cold, but after all he didn't say anything, or thought that Yang Cheng was a junior? Can't care about it?

Take a deep breath, "Well, on the basis of the conditions you put forward, I ask for the nomination of an Assistant Minister of Justice within three years. This requirement is not excessive, right?

If the person you support does not succeed, it is considered that I have lost the bet and give up. "

Zhao Anqi sighed. This condition should be overstated. It is not too overstated. After all, they only need to be nominated, and they didn't say that they want the position directly, but it is precisely this nomination that also requires the Zhao family to exchange more benefits. Is it worth it?

Yang Cheng thinks it is worth it. Although he still doesn’t know how many secrets Collins has in the Zhao family, the current Zhao family’s eager attitude is that if it can’t be solved properly, it’s hard to protect itself. The two will take the lesser effect. Cheng felt that Zhao Anqi should agree to it decisively.

But this is their own family affair. He is an outsider after all. No matter how good the relationship is, he can't express his opinions at will, so he has to sullen his head and eat. This time it is really cold.

Fortunately, Zhao Anqi didn't care about short-term gains and losses. After weighing it in her heart for a long time, she finally compromised, "Yes, I agree."

Jessie also breathed a sigh of relief. This may be the most important gamble in her career. Once it succeeds, it will go smoothly in the future, otherwise. . .

"So, what do you ask me to do?"

Zhao Anqi is not welcome this time, and the conditions have been paid. Can it be okay if she doesn't work hard?

"Collins will eventually be handed over to the prosecutor's office for the final trial and verdict. At that time, you will definitely intervene and save him!"

Jesse frowned. "I am in charge of civil rights and public services. Collins's affairs involve corruption, and I may not be able to intervene."

Zhao Anqi Quandang did not hear, "I don't want to hear any excuses. You just tell me if I can do it. If I can't, I will find someone else. Yes, we will continue to fulfill the exchange terms we just reached!"

Yesorno’s questions are always the hardest, even more difficult to choose than the abcd multiple-choice questions. 50 to 50, one step at a time, no chance of regret.

Yang Cheng felt that the Zhao family seemed to be in a desperate situation. What secret did Collins have? He was very very very curious and said important things three times.

Although curiosity is too heavy and easy to die, Yang Cheng still wants to know.

I asked Kari to investigate last time, and I don’t know if there is any result. I took out my mobile phone and sent a message to Kari under the table, and agreed to meet tomorrow morning. It’s better to discuss such an important matter in person.

Cary quickly replied OK, Yang Cheng took a sip of lemonade contentedly, and looked at Jesse again, it seemed that he had made a decision.

"I will work hard, but the result is really not guaranteed, just like you can't give me a guarantee." Jessie said.

This answer is not satisfactory, but it is enough to explain. Zhao Anqi smiled again and toasted, "Thank you, Jesse, I hope it will not affect our personal relationship."

Jesse smiled slyly, "Of course, public is public and private is private. I won't be confused."

The rest of the meal went smoothly. After the meal, at the entrance of the restaurant, watching Jesse's car drifting away, Zhao Anqi wrapped her trench coat and suddenly said, "Will you walk with me?"

Yang Cheng shrugged slightly, "Shall we go then?"

The night is as cool as water, and the moonlight is sultry. Zhao Anqi walks under the cherry tree holding Yang Cheng's arm, and the breeze rustles the leaves, just like a romantic music that nature has presented for this charming night, soothing The people in Washington feel nervous under the pressure of the strong ZZ atmosphere.

The two walked side by side on the street, and the same sight was everywhere. It seems that people in Washington particularly like to take a walk after dinner.

Compared with other major cities in the United States, Washington’s public security is undoubtedly the best. After all, it is the capital. If even the capital’s safety cannot be guaranteed, what face does the United States have as the world’s JC.

I walked for more than 10 minutes without knowing it, during which no one spoke, except for the sound of footsteps knocking on the ground with high heels, and even breathing became weak.

At this moment, Yang Cheng felt Zhao Anqi's body tremble slightly, and couldn't help but caring, "Is it cold?"

Zhao Anqi stretched out her hand to stand up the collar of the windbreaker, "Fortunately, I shouldn't drink the last glass of champagne."

Champagne has been kept in an ice bucket to keep it cool.

"Then we go back?" Yang Cheng suggested.

Zhao Anqi shook her head, "No, I'm fine, don't worry."

Yang Cheng couldn't help her, so she had to let her go, but she still hugged Zhao Anqi very intimately, trying to use her body temperature to bring a little warmth.

"Just thank you for helping me speak."

Yang Cheng laughed, "What are you talking about? Isn't this what it should be? Who am I not helping you?"

"Jesse is very capable, she is in a special position, you don't need to offend her at all."

"These are two different things. I have nothing to ask her. Even if it is the chief Tong, I don't need to please." Yang Cheng didn't care.

Zhao Anqi likes to hear Yang Cheng say that she protects her like this, a woman is always insecure regardless of her age.

However, she still considers Yang Cheng, "If you don't use it now, it doesn't mean you won't use it in the future. You offended her this time. What if you are ugly when you ask her in the future?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Sister An Qi, what's wrong with you tonight? Suddenly thinking becomes naive. If you can exchange benefits with her, so can I. If she gives up benefits because of her personal emotions, it can only prove her insufficiency. I will not lose anything to take on the big responsibility, don't worry."

Anqi Zhao thought for a This makes sense, "Well, by the way, I just saw you secretly send a message, is it for Cary?"

Yang Cheng was shocked. As expected, being with a smart woman is a particularly troublesome thing. She has a keen intuition, and coupled with a thinking ability superior to ordinary people, it seems that there is nothing to hide from her.

Touched his nose, nodded slightly depressed, "Yes, since I came to DC, I naturally want to meet."

Zhao Anqi's smile that sees everything through Fushang's cheeks again, "Aren't you going to take me?"

Yang Cheng forced a smile and said, "Of course you can if you want to go. By the way, see someone who helps you spread the word!"

He is now a dumb eating huanglian and can’t tell, sure enough, smart women can’t ask for it~

I thought that Zhao Anqi would take advantage of the situation, but she said, "Forget it, I'd better sleep in the hotel~"

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